
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Nature Is Unlimited Broadcasting Station: Flowers She Wore on Her Feet by Bertha & Edward Mkwelele - Book Tour - Exclusive Excerpt - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Bertha Mkwelele and Edward Mkwelele and their new book, “Nature Is Unlimited Broadcasting Station: Flowers She Wore on Her Feet,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on their Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Bertha and Edward and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

Nature Is Unlimited Broadcasting Station: Flowers She Wore on Her Feet

by Bertha and Edward Mkwelele


GENRE: Biography



'Flowers she wore on her feet'.

This is the story of an extraordinary girl and young woman with a brilliant mind, a heart of gold, and who is gone too soon. Neema was a priceless gift to us. Neema was an extraordinary young woman, with joy and wisdom, and remarkably profound and greater understanding about herself and others. She taught us everything worth knowing about life and love, everything about what it means to be a best friend. Neema, outlook for future is something about this book. Neema would have wanted the world to hear the voice of children and young people, girls and young people in particularly young women around the world, their walking sound when they walk wearing their beautiful flowers on their feet. Meaning that those girls and young women around the world have worked hard the same way Neema did, searching for their favorite flowers and they were able to see them and finally finding their ways to broadcast them, and therefore, finding their unique values. This is what Neema would have wanted the world to hear from children and young people saying that we go out and we're asking for help and support, they will wear flower on their feet because they worked hard to get see them and therefore they can now see themselves, and therefore , the walk by itself is a voice and a cry for help and they are saying help us because we would like to contribute to the world and we're read and we know what we love and what we want to do and what we're loving doing and we just want opportunities to let us equip with knowledge and skills then we will all be ready and set to contribute to the world we live in our own unique way happily.



We were happy to take our new challenge, and we supported Neema in every move until she got settled into her new school. With time we came to learn more about the school Neema went to, the national secondary school. The national secondary school Neema went to after completing her primary school level at standard eight was one of the most famous national secondary schools.

This school was a well-known national secondary school in Kenya because of its reputation in the country, because a good number of famous female politicians attended that school. We still remember the names of those female politicians because Neema had told us about them. Neema told us that the national secondary school she was attending has a good reputation in Kenya, and a lot of parents who had their girls schooling there spoke well of this school. We enjoyed this perspective and understanding, and as parents we continued to be proud of our daughter. So far, Neema was using her voice in a unique way, and we told her that we could hear her and her tone of voice. In a different way, Neema was telling us to just wait and see and watch her, and keep watching her, because she was going to set herself on a journey of becoming another famous young woman like them.

We were not surprised by this because the tone of voice from Neema clearly said it all, that the school itself and its name was already an inspirational setting. Neema was going to make use of this inspirational environment and national secondary school. It was a perfect moment for her because this was a secondary education level with lots of learning, experiments, practice and challenges. Above all, it was the perfect environment to grow up and become a young woman, make friends and continue her education journey and its adventure and have fun. Neema took her new journey seriously, and she did it well. It was at this secondary school where Neema started creating her own unique lifestyle. She was not shy in starting, showing the world the real values of who she was. More important to us was that we began to see our Neema clearly, that she was showing herself to the world, showing what a young woman she was, what she believed as a young woman, what she loved and enjoyed doing. She began to show the world around her what she truly loved, her love for nature, and the work she was doing would always be something to connect her with nature. Neema told us that reading gave her true pleasure and peace.



Bertha Mkwelele and Edward Mkwelele are co-founders of the Neema Edward Mkwelele Wellness Foundation, where they empower young girls in Tanzania through education. Visit to learn more.






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Bertha and Edward Mkwelele will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.