
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Type Dirty to Me by Roxanne D. Howard - Book Tour - Book Trailer - Book Review - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hey, lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Roxanne D. Howard and her new book, “Type Dirty to Me”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Roxanne and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Type Dirty to Me

by Roxanne D. Howard


GENRE: Contemporary Romance, Erotic Romance, Chic Lit, Multicultural



When hot actor Brem Lockwood enters her life, Madelyn has a choice—stay safe with an online fling or risk her heart for a chance at real love.

Divorcee Madelyn Stacilli has baggage deeper than the Grand Canyon, and her move to New Haven to start a new life is the perfect change she needs. When vicious gossip stunts her plans to open her own business, she can't confide in anyone around her. But online, beneath the blanket of anonymity, she can let loose and find comfort with the mysterious Easton216. Their natural, open relationship is a breath of fresh air.

When British A-list actor Bremond Lockwood rents the house beside her to escape an intense media spotlight and malicious past, he charges headlong into her life. Madelyn grows torn between her steady, emotional online connection and a fiery affair with a Hollywood star. Brem’s intense passion ignites the embers of her sexuality from a long slumber, making her burn hotter than the sun.

Should she stay safe with her online love or risk her heart with the man in front of her? The road to recovery just got a whole lot more complicated.



Madelyn leaned against the car headrest and eyed the FedEx envelope on the dash. Her new bookshop, Book Nook, was due to open in three weeks. Her hands were full, but the worry paled compared to the stress of the last few months. She wrapped her fingers around the steering wheel and thumbed the soft padding. She knew what the envelope held. She had expected its arrival and the potent cocktail of change and loss it represented. She sighed, reached for the packet, ripped open the tab and slid out the divorce papers.

Technically, they’d been divorced for over two months, but her ex had played hardball over assets, so they’d engaged in a game of paperwork tug-of-war back and forth through their attorneys. What a timely relief this envelope was. The cream-colored stationery stapled to the front read— All set, done, filed and dusted. Here is your copy. The paperwork from her attorney was addressed to Madelyn Saunders, but she’d recently changed her surname back to her maiden name, Stacilli. She rifled through the sheets to check her ex’s signature on the last page. Sure enough, he’d signed below her signature.

“Thank God.” She exhaled with relief, returned the papers and stored the envelope in the glove compartment. “Bye, Chris.”

A calmness washed over her. She leaned her head back again, savoring the sensation. Some people sported angry visible scars, jagged surgery marks or gunshot exit wounds in plain sight from their marriage and divorce wars.  Her scars ran deep inside, where they’d festered until the day she’d chosen to walk away.

Her cell vibrated. She lifted the phone from its dock attached to the car’s air vent and looked at the notification. A familiar wave of excitement surged through her. Another private message from Easton216. She brought the phone in closer and opened it.

Easton216: Hey. I got a weird feeling and thought I should contact you. How are you?

Madelyn shook her head, amused. Trust him to get vibes about her. She typed into her phone, smirking.

BookCat: Funny you should ask. I got the papers less than half an hour ago. He signed.

Easton216: Good. And strange, how I felt like I should contact you at the same time. You okay?

Madelyn touched her hair and raised her eyebrows. What a loaded question. In the past, she would have pacified any concerns with a sunny “I’m fine.”

But since her divorce, she’d sworn to be honest with herself, including any future relationships. She and Easton216 were open and candid with each other. Their unfiltered connection took some getting used to, though she found it clear and refreshing. He’d revealed that he’d chosen the moniker Easton216 because of his apparent obsession with baseball, telling her there were two hundred and sixteen stitches wrapped around each single baseball, and that the Easton was his favorite type of bat. She keyed in her response.

BookCat: I’m getting there. It was weird at first, but TBH, I’m better than okay. I’m liberated, and while it’s going to take some getting used to, it feels amazing.

Easton216: Fantastic, Cat! I know he gave you a fight, from what you mentioned before. I’m glad you’re free. Listen… I have to hop on a flight in a sec, but would you like to talk later tonight, after I land?

BookCat: Yes, I’d like to, and I’m glad you messaged me. Same time?

Easton216: You know it.

BookCat: Talk to you then. Have a good day. Be safe.

Easton216: You too. This is excellent news. See you tonight.

She closed the message and redocked the phone, pleased. She’d battled like hell after life had sucked her dry with a supersized straw and threatened to drag her into a bottomless tailspin, but her fate and self-respect were back. The clouds were clearing.

She killed the engine, shouldered her purse strap and got out of the car.





This book is amusing, humorous, charming, intriguing, captivating, and satisfying!!

This book is fast paced with strong, forward-focused dialogue, and well-developed, complex, and motivated characters.  Each character felt easily recognizable in the story dialogue as their established character profile and character traits stood out.

This book was such a fun, enjoyable read that I could not put down!!

I really liked that this book was able to encompass a fun, seductive, sexy, playful side while also remaining in a respectful and considerate fashion throughout this mature contemporary romance read!!!

I really enjoyed that this book featured mature aged main characters.  I don’t often see too many of those books come across my desk and as a millennial I probably wouldn’t say that I intentionally go looking for them either – which after reading this book I’d say is a mistake!!  I really enjoyed reading about this group of characters that have somewhat different priorities and are at different stages in their lives.  But no matter what age you are, it all comes down to the same abc’s in today’s dating world.

This book starts right off with the main character, Madelyn Stacilli, reflecting on her recent divorce.  After spending twenty years in a difficult, unhappy, and emotionally abusive marriage to a man that consistently ignored her, dismissed her, and belittled her – Madelyn was done.  She was over it.  She had only continued to stay for the sake of their son, Josh.  But now that he was grown, had just graduated high school, moved out of their house, and started college; Madelyn knew this was the perfect time to get away from Chris.  Madelyn chose to move to the charming small town of New Haven, Connecticut.  Madelyn was finally able to pursue her dream of always wanting to run/own a bookstore and write a best-selling novel.  She had just finished the novel, submitted it to a New York Publisher, and was anxiously awaiting a response.  Furthermore, while having kept a secret nest egg and the dividends from the divorce she was not only able to acquire a small cottage, but she also purchased a shop downtown that she named the “Book Nook” – her own bookstore and café.  All her dreams were coming true and everything was falling into place.  Then one day she received a mysterious email from someone with the username Easton216.  The email was accidentally supposed to go to someone else, his co-worker, but while she was explaining the mix-up to him, the two of them hit it off. Not before long a couple emails here turned into a few emails there and so forth and before they knew it, they were talking every day!  Madelyn loved the connection, the attention, and the anonymity.  But it doesn’t end there.  A second suitor, a very handsome British actor, Bremond “Brem” Lockwood, moves in next door and starts heating things up on all fronts.  Madelyn is overwhelmed juggling two men, followed by receiving some disturbingly threatening letters from a “petty passive-aggressive illiterate writer” slash unknown subject lol, while also trying to get her new store up and running, dealing with the “unwelcome wagon” community as the neighboring store owners have strongly expressed their disapproval of her arrival, and continuing to tackle and pursue her dreams.  There is so much to this story and it excitingly crosses multiple genres such as romance, contemporary romance, erotic, erotic romance, chic lit, multicultural, mystery, suspense, realistic fiction, and so much more!!  Plus, this book is full of such wonderful, compelling, easy to connect to characters!! 

I really like the main characters.  They were realistic, relatable, and genuine.  I totally loved Madelyn!!!  She was strong, smart, a fighter, driven, determined, caring, and compassionate.  And she clearly is a tad bit rebellious at times lol!!  I loved that she was fighting for her second chance and making the most of it.  She truly deserved to be happy and it was inspiring, motivating, and uplifting to watch her story unfold.  I liked Brem too of course.  He was handsome, cocky, charismatic, aggressively flirtatious, alluring, seductive, desired, benevolent, warmhearted, and generous.  I really liked Madelyn and Brem together!!  There was so much passion and chemistry that just leaped off the pages!!  The author’s writing was hot, seductive, enticing, and intoxicating!!  And then of course there’s the mysterious Easton216…  He’s funny, charming, supportive, caring, polite, romantic, and respectful.  He listens to Madelyn, comforts her, assists her, encourages her, and has a deeper emotional connection with her.  Their relationship is platonic, but does have lots of playful, flirty, witty banter.  No spoilers here!!!  So, I probably should leave it at that as far as the descriptions go and I’m not saying who Madelyn picks!!!  But you will definitely want to read this book to find out what happens!!!

I loved all the lavish pampering, attention, and affection Madelyn was getting from her two admirers.  Her response to finally feeling wanted, interested in, cared for, and loved is truly angelic.  After years of living with her selfish, controlling husband that ignored and neglected her, it is about time she receives the TLC she tremendously has deserved and craved.

I loved Madelyn growing into the more confident, self-assured woman that she was always meant to be.  I like strong female characters.  She didn’t quite start out that way, but the climb and growth was fairly quick, and she successfully reached her full potential developmental arc.

I think the author did a terrific job on her character development as these characters were so real and personal on many levels!

I really enjoyed the small-town setting of New Haven and how the town itself is almost like a character and an underlying theme as well throughout the book.

I loved the second chance and new beginning themes that are deeply present in this book.  I strongly believe in both and love reading stories that give characters these special do-over opportunities.  Life doesn’t easily present you with a chance to just completely start over and be someone else.  A second chance at chasing your dreams and making them a reality is truly a gift.

This book does have quite a few predictable scenes. However, there are still some surprising, unexpected twists and turns that you won't see coming!

Currently, this book is not listed to be part of a book series.  This book can be read as a standalone.

This book is pleasantly satisfying with a HEA ending that this reader enjoyed, appreciated, and totally approved of!

All in all, I really enjoyed reading this book and would absolutely recommend it!  I think all contemporary romance readers, erotic romance readers, multicultural readers, and chic lit fans will like this book too!  So, add it to your TBR List and get to reading - you won't be disappointed!

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book and have voluntarily provided an honest, and unbiased review in accordance with FTC regulations**

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Roxanne D. Howard is a U.S. Army veteran who has a bachelor's degree in Psychology and English. She loves to read poetry, classical literature, and Stephen King. Roxanne resides in the western U.S., and when she's not writing, she enjoys spending time with her husband and children. Roxanne loves to hear from her readers, and encourages you to contact her via her website and social media.









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Totally Bound eBook:

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Roxanne will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Roxanne ~ Good morning! Welcome back! It is so great to have you here again! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! I really enjoyed reading and reviewing your book, thanks for providing the copy! :)

  2. I liked the excerpt. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Hi, Ally! Good morning, and thank you so much for having me on the blog again. It's great to be back. I really enjoyed reading your thoughoutful review, and seeing what takeaways you had. I'm so pleased the novel spoke to you in the right ways! I hope it provided a nice break from this crazy, crazy year. I'm available throughout the day off and on to answer question for readers. What's everyone doing this year for Thanksgiving? I hope you all enjoy Type Dirty to Me. Stay safe and healthy out there, people!

  4. I enjoyed reading the excerpt, sounds like a really good book for me! Thanks for sharing with me! Thanks Fabulous and Brunette for sharing your review!

  5. I appreciate getting to read about your book. With sisters and daughters who love to read, this helps so thank you.

  6. Happy Official Start to the Christmas Shopping Season Day!
