
Thursday, November 5, 2020

She’s the One Who Thinks Too Much by S. R. Cronin - Book Tour - Book Review - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hey, lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host S. R. Cronin and her new book, “She’s the One Who Thinks Too Much”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with S. R. and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

She’s the One Who Thinks Too Much
(Book One of the War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters)
by S. R. Cronin


GENRE: Historical Fantasy



Do you know what your problem is?

Ryalgar knows hers. People have been telling this overeducated 13th-century woman for years. So when an equally intellectual prince decides he loves her, it looks like everyone was wrong and her dreams have come true.

Except, this prince is already betrothed to another. He’s leading the army training to defend their tiny realm against an expected Mongol invasion and he is considering sacrificing Ryalgar’s home nichna of Vinx by abandoning it’s rich farmlands to their foes.

Another woman would flee to safety. Maybe she would seek another lover. But not Ryalgar. Living in a world where witchcraft has been allowed to flourish and problematic powers remain, she devises her own strategy to keep the invaders from destroying her home.

This is just the sort of thing that happens when a woman thinks too much.



To my surprise, much of the talk centered around the Mongols and the coming winter. The Velka had few if any contacts outside of Ilari, but they had plenty of dealings with those inside the realm. Bringing information back into the forest seemed common, and even expected.

It appeared the decision had already been made to hide ourselves when this invasion occurred. The only debate was about how thoroughly to do it.

“If we’re lucky, they’ll never even try to enter the forest because they won’t know we exist,” one woman said.

“Good thing we won’t have to count on that,” another replied. “Word is they get their power from their horses. They’re weak without them.”

Another laughed. “Horses will not be charging through the perimeter we’ve got.”

“No perimeter will matter if they manage to set fire to the forest,” a woman even older than my grandmother said.

“We tell you every single meeting. We’ve got that handled. Our perimeter won’t burn.”

“Well we need to improve it,” she replied. “It not only needs to be inflammable, we can make it much more impermeable and we should.”

“Don’t forget there are those of us who’d like to be able to leave occasionally. And let others in,” a woman who had yet to speak up said.

“That may be a luxury we can’t afford until this threat passes.”

I was starting to pick up two different camps. It looked like one group wanted to close our forest completely and cut all ties with Ilari until the Mongols were long gone. I gathered those were the women who never left. Others not only wished to maintain contact, but also felt an obligation to help the rest of Ilari in what little ways they could.

“You’ve joined us at a difficult time,” one of the kinder women said to me. It was the first acknowledgment that night of my presence. “What do you think?”

They all turned to me and I understood the importance of my answer.



This is the seventh book I’ve read from the impressive and talented writer, S. R. Cronin.  Over the past year or so, I have had the privilege of completely delving into her Book Series, “46. Ascending,” and reading all six books in the series.  I really enjoyed them, so I was thrilled to read her latest work – "She's the One Who Thinks Too Much," which is the exciting start of her new book series, "The War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters."

This book has so many striking, intriguing, and captivating scenes that kept this reader glued to the pages!!

As usual, I was swept away with Cronin’s storytelling and her ability to completely engage the reader from page one!!

This book follows Ryalgar, the oldest of seven siblings.  She is the more strategical, organized, practical sister that has taken almost every educational class offered.  Unlike her younger sisters who are more anxious to get married and have children, Ryalgar would rather study.  Well that is until she meets Nevik, the handsome prince.  Their relationship quickly develops, with them becoming intimate within hours of meeting.  After dozens of rendezvous’ and an even closer relationship blossoming, it is sadly divulged that Nevik is secretly engaged already in an arranged marriage situation.  Ryalgar realizes she will never be more than Nevik’s mistress.

Ryalgar possesses some special abilities such as telekinesis, but her family is protective of her using them.  The Velka are the only ones who practice such magic.  Ryalgar had always been forbidden from going to see the Velka and it isn’t until recently that she finds out why her mother has been so against any mention or interaction with them.  After Ryalgar comes to terms with Nevik’s new relationship arrangement and her decision to continue to be with him regardless, she decides her only path is to become a Velka – a woman committed to never marrying, only having random sexual encounters, and forever living among the group in the forest.  Of course, being part of the Velka entails so much more, and with her new interest and fascination with the Velka, she says goodbye to her family and moves into the forest to start her new life.

There are many surprising similarities from this book to her other book series that I previously mentioned, 46. Ascending.  Both book series seem to focus on a larger family unit that have a strong family bond and connection, in this case Ryalgar, and her six sisters.  Both series feature one family member’s story per book in the collection and tell their narrative of how they are able to uniquely make a difference on their own, but when all together they have an even stronger impact.  Both series have complex characters with special talents and abilities that they learn to hone and develop throughout their book.  Both series have strong, powerful messages about not giving up, believing in yourself, always keeping your head up, etc. and they encourage, inspire, motivate, and empower readers.

As I said, I found there to be many comparisons to the author’s previous series, however, I don’t necessarily mean that as a negative.  I loved the 46. Ascending Book Series and was sad to see it end.  This new book series brings many of those qualities with while also bringing new elements of a stronger historical worldbuilding and a much older time period set, as the other series was mostly current and future-ishly set.

Cronin has carried over the best parts of the 46. Ascending Book Series into her new book series, while also adding a creative, historical theme by moving this new series into a much, much older era of the 1200's.

I thought the worldbuilding was impressive in 46, but Cronin has taken it to another level!!  Cronin’s ability to account for every little detail makes her worldbuilding feel realistic and genuine.  She creates maps of the fictional land, a list of made up glossary terms, and a special calendar to express the holidays and specific events in the story and to explain their unusual track of time.

Cronin always remembers to cover her bases, and that’s what makes her worldbuilding believable!!!  More importantly, that’s what makes the story credible and doesn’t keep the reader from second guessing or becoming skeptical, distracted, or uninterested.

I honestly wasn’t sure if I was going to enjoy this new book with the strongly fictional historical components, but with Cronin’s strong worldbuilding and beautiful storytelling, it wasn’t hard for her to win me over.

I do have to admit though, that I wasn’t a fan of the main character being a mistress.  She was such an incredible character and her willingness to play this role was disappointing to her attributes.  However, there are many other things at play such as her need to be unattached to become part of the Velka.  Plus, her prince needed to be with his arranged partner for the good of the people and future of their family nobility.  And I don’t want to divulge any spoilers, so I won’t go into the other details.  But basically, I do agree that the author had reason to have Ryalgar be in a mistress role, but it just felt a little disheartening to encouragingly pursue and accept that part.  Also, yes, I know, it was a different time, and things were very, very different centuries ago.  I guess, just having been raised in such a stricter Christian Catholic home, I still view adultery as not something to be desired.

This book is a great opening and starter of a new series.  However, be aware that this book does end on a cliffhanger and with many questions still unresolved.  I hate cliffhangers lol – but I understand their importance and necessity in a book series, especially a long one.  In addition, as being the first in the series, there are many important details and background content that was vital to the setting up the series.  As Cronin is no stranger to writing book series, like usual, she was able to keep the details to essential facts and made sure not to overwhelm her readers.

This book is Book One in The War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters.  This book can be read as a standalone as it is the start of the series.  However, this book does end on a cliffhanger, so you will most likely want to commit to at least reading book two to find out what happens.

At the end of this book, the author confirms that this new book series will consist of seven books.  Each book is suggested to tell the tale of each sister and their unique role they played to save their home of Ilari.  Book Two, “She’s the One Who Cares Too Much,” is listed to be released in February 2021.  Book Three, “She’s the One Who Gets in Fights,” is said to be published in May 2021.  Both Book Two and Book Three have their blurbs and info included at the end of this book.  In addition, the author states that the information regarding the other four remaining sisters and their upcoming books will be available soon.  I look forward to checking out the rest of this exciting new book series!!

All in all, I really enjoyed reading this book and would absolutely recommend it!  I think all historical fantasy readers will like this book too!  And I can't wait to continue on with this new book series in February!  So, add it to your TBR List and get to reading - you won't be disappointed!

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book and have voluntarily provided an honest, and unbiased review in accordance with FTC regulations**

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Sherrie Roth is the author of a collection of six speculative fiction novels known as 46. Ascending and is now in the process of publishing a historical fantasy series called The War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters. A quick look at the synopses of her books makes it obvious she is fascinated by people achieving the astonishing by developing abilities they barely knew they had.

She’s made a lot of stops along the way to writing these novels.  She’s lived in seven cities, visited forty-six countries, and worked as a waitress, technical writer, and geophysicist. Now she answers a hot-line. Along the way, she’s lost several cats but acquired a husband who still loves her and three kids who’ve grown up just fine, both despite how odd she is.

All her life she has wanted to either tell these kinds of stories or be Chief Science Officer on the Starship Enterprise. She now lives and writes in the mountains of Western North Carolina, where she admits to occasionally checking her phone for a message from Captain Picard, just in case.



Author Blog:

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Amazon Author Page:





S. R. will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Sherrie ~ Good morning! Welcome back! It is always so wonderful to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! I really enjoyed reading and reviewing your book, thanks for providing the copy! :)

  2. Good morning and thank you for the book description and giveaway.   I appreciate both of them.

  3. Hi Ally. Thanks so much for having me here again and thanks for the review. I always enjoy being on your blog, and also looking around at the many interesting books you feature.

  4. I enjoyed the excerpt, sounds like my kind of book, thanks for sharing it! Thanks Fabulous and Brunette for sharing your review!

  5. I love the cover and the excerpt.

  6. Happy Friday! My question for Ms. Cronin, do you have any specific reading or writing plans for the weekend?

  7. Love anything connected with history

  8. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Glad you enjoyed the book.
