
Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Lacey Goes to Tokyo by C.H. Lyn - Book Tour - Book Sale - Book Review - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hey, lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host C.H. Lyn and her new book, “Lacey Goes to Tokyo”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a Reading Related Coffee/Tea Mug!!  Also, come back daily to interact with C.H. Lyn and to increase your chances of winning!

This eBook is on SALE during the book tour for ONLY $2.99!!!  See below for more details.

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Lacey Goes to Tokyo
by C.H. Lyn


GENRE: Suspense/Thriller



International travel means international danger.

Lacey Devaine is a four-year veteran of a spy ring which fronts as an exclusive escort service, Miss Belle's Travel Guides. Maintaining her cover is Lacey's number one priority to protect the integrity of the operation she works for.

While on assignment in Tokyo, a nosy newspaper reporter threatens to blow the lid off a scandal that will put dozens of innocent lives at risk. To protect her cover, Miss Belle is called in to act on intelligence Lacey has uncovered.

Can these beautiful, intelligent, and deadly women complete this assignment in time and emerge unscathed? Or will this mission be their last?



I jump over a seat and give Delilah a friendly nudge with my shoulder. “What do you think so far?”

“It’s not what they said it would be.”

I frown. That’s not the response I was expecting. “I think it’s pretty good. I wasn’t expecting anything really different.”

“Well no.” She faces me. Her eye makeup is heavy. “You’re with Mr. Blake and you’ve done this before.”

Oh. The gut punch of realization almost makes me flinch.

She turns back toward the stage. “It’s just not what they said.”

I want to respond. I want to pull her into a hug and tell her it never is. I want to reassure her that it’s not easy for me either.

Daniel returns and watches me until I move over. They didn’t have his preferred alcohol. He grumbles that the second half better be shorter than the first.

Nathan rejoins us a few minutes later. He hands me a steaming cup of green tea which I sip gratefully. We hold hands during the rest of the play.

Nathan asks me if I enjoyed the show. I tell him it was splendid. I thank him for including me and ask what is next.

We make our way to Daniel’s penthouse. In the cab, Nathan pulls out a little Kabuki figurine; one of the ones I’d been eyeing. My insides knot up. I hate how good it feels when he is kind to me.



This book was exciting, fierce, fun, daring, suspenseful, thrilling, adventurous, and dare I say badass?!

I love books with strong female characters and this book is full of them!!  So, there was no doubt I wasn’t going to enjoy this book!!

I totally loved the two main characters, Lacey and Miss Belle.  Although quite opposites at times they both bring their unique, personal history and baggage to the story.  Miss Belle was sassy, bold, driven, and passionate.  Lacey was tough and could definitely hold her own, but she came from a hard and troubled past that left deep scars inside and out.  I honestly couldn’t help but feel for Lacey and her prior troubles.  She was clearly the one I connected with the most and was able to relate to throughout the story.

I really enjoyed that the author created flawed and damaged characters that really showcased her writing style and ability to push her characters to reach their full potential over their arc.  This is especially so with Lacey, as her character had such significant growth, development, and improvement over the course of the book.  Lacey’s journey was beautifully told throughout the book and I was truly impressed with the author’s skill and unique perspective of facilitating such a dramatic and effective story line mechanism.

A strong character development journey to root for and enjoy watching it unfold!

I was very intrigued by the story line and found the concept to be wildly creative and innovative!!  I really found myself quite curious and intrigued and couldn’t wait to read this book – and it did not disappoint!!

The missions were exciting and kept this reader on the edge of her seat!!  There were so many suspenseful moments that I wasn’t quite sure how they were going to pan out and there were many close calls, but these ladies are very skilled and not ones to mess with!!  I definitely enjoyed the excitement and heart pounding scenes!!

I really enjoyed the in-depth amount of research the author did while constructing this book that is clearly evident and shown throughout the story.

I appreciate the author shining a light on PTSD/PTS and how it can affect not only the person suffering, but also those around them, like their loved ones.  PTSD/PTS is real, it is scary, there is no cure, only treatment.  But there are so many treatment options and so many professionals out there wanting to help.  I am curious to see how this will continue to affect Miss Belle and what options she will seek out.

I also really liked that the author used real places in her book.  I love when author’s do this because it makes the story feel more real, authentic, and genuine.  I keep a list of places from books I’ve read that if one day I end up there I would so love to visit so if I ever end up in Tokyo – perhaps RyuGin – assuming I can make the waitlist lol or the Kabuki-za Theatre; even Bills sounded nice!!

This book has a creative story line that evenly flows, superb writing style with meticulously well-described scenes, strongly-developed characters, is steady paced, and completely keeps you fully entertained!!

This book does end with some unresolved situations and leaves you with a few unanswered questions.  However, there seems to be intention for a book two which most likely will address those points.

There are some predictable scenes.  However, there are still a few very unexpected twists and turns that you won’t see coming!

This book is Book One of Miss Belle’s Travel Guides Book Series.  It can be read as a standalone.  Although not officially stated, there are significant implications that there will be a second book, being released in the near future - **fingers crossed** LOL!!

All in all, I really enjoyed reading this book and would absolutely recommend it!  I think all suspense readers and thriller fans will like this book too!  So, add it to your TBR List and get to reading – you won’t be disappointed!

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book and have voluntarily provided an honest, and unbiased review in accordance with FTC regulations.**

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I was born and raised in a small town in Northern California. Growing up in a college town meant I experienced a wide variety of people and opinions. I like to think my stories reflect the vast differences in the people I've met.  I love to travel. I want to explore the world around me while writing about the worlds in my mind.

I grew up with a steady diet of wonderful stories set in amazing worlds. I've read almost every series Tamora Pierce has written, and I am a crazy fan of the Hunger Games series. My nerdiness also encompasses the Harry Potter series, LOTR, and (to an extent) the worlds of superheros. Though, my husband is really head of DC knowledge in the household. He is also the most amazing source of support I could hope for.

I'm 26 now. My daughter just turned one. She is already so smart, curious, and beautiful. I want the female characters in my writing to be inspiring, not just for her, but for all the little girls who grow up reading.



C.H. Lyn, her husband, and their super adorable big guy, Zeus!!!
PC: C.H. Lyn





Tirgearr Publishing Author Page:

Goodreads Author Page:

Goodreads Book Page:

Amazon Author Page:

Zeus looking ever-so handsome in his cute bowtie!!!
PC: C.H. Lyn



**The Lacey Goes to Tokyo eBook is on SALE during the book tour for ONLY $2.99!!!**

Amazon Kindle eBook:

Apple iBook eBook:

Barnes and Noble NOOK eBook:

Kobo eBook:

Smashwords eBook:

Tirgearr Publishing eBook:



C.H. Lyn will be awarding a Reading Related Coffee/Tea Mug to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.  This giveaway is also open to all international residents.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. C.H. ~ Good morning! Welcome back! It is so great to have you here again! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! I really enjoyed reading and reviewing your book, thanks for providing the copy! :)

    1. Thank you so much for having me! I am so glad you enjoyed the book, and your review was fabulous! There is definitely a book 2 in the works... hopefully near the end of the works, lol. We just finished moving my family from Ill8to California, so there hasn't been a lot of time to write/edit. But we are finally here and mostly unpacked, so fingers crossed for book 2 to be done and launched by the end of this year!

  2. Replies
    1. I hope you get a chance to check it out! The $2.99 sale ends soon, hopefully you can snatch a copy before then! ;)

  3. So honored by this review!! It's been interesting working on the next books in a series that has a lot of travel during a pandemic... where do you want to go when the world gets back on it's feet??
