
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Fly Twice Backward by David McCracken - Book Tour - Book Sale - Author Interview - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi, lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host David McCracken and his new book, “Fly Twice Backward”!

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with David and to increase your chances of winning!

This eBook is on SALE during the book tour for ONLY $0.99!!!  See below for more details.

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Fly Twice Backward
by David McCracken


GENRE: Alt-History/Sci-Fi



You wake back in early adolescence, adult memories intact, including ones that could make you very wealthy now. Your birth family is here, alive again, but your later families are gone, perhaps forever. What has happened, what should you do about coming problems like violence, ignorance, pollution, and global warming? You realize one key connects most, the fundamentalist strains of all the major religions, disdaining science, equality, and social welfare. You see that there are some things you can change, some you can’t, and one you don’t dare to.

Fellow idealists help you spend your growing fortune well--such as an artistic Zoroastrian prince in the Iranian oil industry, a rising officer in the Soviet army working to find a way to destroy his corrupt government, a Bahai woman struggling against Islamic brutality, a Peruvian leader working for a liberal future, and a snake-handling Christian minister, grappling with doubts, sexuality, and destiny. They are supported by an ally who develops essential psychic powers. The group faces familiar-looking corrupt politicians, religious leaders, and corporate czars, but there is an ancient force in the background, promoting greed, violence, hate, and fear.

This exciting, emotional, thoughtful, humorous, and even romantic sci-fi novel weaves progressivism, music, movies, and literature into a struggle spanning the globe. Vivid characters propel the action back up through an alternative history toward an uncertain destination. Experience the unique story and its novel telling.



Waiting for breakfast, reading the Sunday paper at the table, I realize Mom’s not heading for the kitchen: Oh, oh! It’s church day. Mass. Fasting. Acolyting! What’m I going to do about that?

“Mom, am I supposed to serve today?”

“Of course!”

“Well, I can’t. I have no idea how to do that anymore. I guess we need to call Padre and tell him I’m sick.”

“No, David, we’re not playing that game today!”

“Mom, I hate to say this now, but I have no choice. I don’t know how to serve, so I can’t do it, and, frankly, I’m not ever going to do it. I’m an agnostic, a Unitarian, actually.”

She’s slamming the pots I washed and put in the drainer last night as she puts them into the cabinet under the counter. “That’s ridiculous. You don’t know enough to be an agnostic.”

Fortunately, Dad has come in and heard this exchange.

“Nev, whether his story is true or not, or he knows enough or not, he has a right not to go. He was old enough to be confirmed, so he’s old enough to choose. I’ll serve in his place.”

“Lie about being sick, on Sunday?”

“Mom, it’s a temporizer. I can’t reveal to him why I’m not going to today, much less why I’ll never again do it, and I know you wouldn’t want me to be open about it. I might not even be here next Sunday.” I chuckle. “Maybe I’ll have fallen back to age four, with Dad off in the Navy!” What a sharp look I get!

“We need a few days to sort this out, Nev.”



Good morning David!  Welcome to Fabulous and Brunette!  We are thrilled to have you here and can’t wait to learn more about you and your new book, “Fly Twice Backward.”

Tell us about your book cover and how it came about.

The cover, two eagles ambiguously lifting off or landing, was the best idea I could come up with showing twice backward, as the title promised. The execution of it I got done with the help of an artist at Fiverr.

What is your favorite scene in your new book?

I’ll pick when my Soviet general at last is reunited with his wife, which I made into a kind of dance, as he eagerly approached and she nervously resisted, torn with guilt over using him and leaving him. I could have also picked a firefight in Vietnam and a rescue of two women about to be burned as witches, both involving complex details. Actually, there’s another involving a discovery in a cave, but it would be too revealing to describe it here.

What has writing this book taught you?

Eventually I can write very well, but I must work very hard to do it, especially for such a complex novel. Next maybe I should try children’s books.

What is the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of research?

I drove around in West Virginia to get the feeling of  the place of a small but significant part of the story. I guess I should have faked it, fictionalized it. I also drove around my boyhood home back in Kentucky to refresh my memory. I would have loved to have done similar in-place research in Israel, Central America, and Peru. Sanity and finance prevailed. I might not have come back from Peru, an incredible place as I came to see.

What are your favorite memories spent at the local library?

Well, my research was done mainly with books ordered from Amazon, with Amazon Music recordings, and with Wikipedia articles, all while sitting comfortably at my computer. And going to my kitchen for fuel or distraction as needed.

How do you overcome writing obstacles?

My main obstacles were getting trapped in the fascination of researching, and there was a lot, and getting puzzled in writing a passage, unsure how to bring it off. The researching problem I handled many times by just stopping, by dropping the unknown that was vexing me or fictionalizing it, making it up. The puzzled problem I handled by trying to write through it or by shifting to another passage—sometimes permanently.

Thank you so much for spending time with Fabulous and Brunette readers and sharing your exciting new book with us!  We wish you all the best on your book tour!



David McCracken was born in Louisville, KY, in 1940. Raised mostly in Winchester, KY, he now lives in Northern Virginia, with his third and final wife. He has three children, two stepchildren, and six grandchildren.

After three years in the U.S. Navy following a lackluster academic start, he graduated from the University of Kentucky in 1963, in Diplomacy and International Commerce. He then worked as a Latin American country desk officer in the U.S. Department of Commerce until he returned to school to earn an M.A. in Elementary Education in 1970 from Murray State University, having always been intending to teach. Eventually realizing his children qualified for reduced-price lunches based on his own teaching salary, he studied computer programming at Northern Virginia Community College and worked as a programmer until shifting back into elementary teaching.

He began working on what became Fly Twice Backward in 1983 and finally finished it in 2019! At 79, David strongly doubts he'll be doing another novel of such scope and complexity, but is preparing to work on a children's science fiction novel with a progressive bent, being a devout progressive in politics and religion, as well as a lover of learning.




Goodreads Book Page:



**The Fly Twice Backward eBook is on SALE during the book tour for ONLY $0.99!!!**




David will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. David ~ Good morning! Welcome to FAB! It is so great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! :)

    1. Ally, snazzy blog site. Good to see my novel here, and sorry I missed this welcome until now. As you can see, I'm glad to respond to questions and comments!

  2. Great excerpt & interview, thanks for sharing them!

    1. Victoria, thanks for the comments. I hope you'll read and review Fly Twice Backward.

  3. I'm so glad to see Fly Twice Backward up and so well presented on FAB. The website shown, however, is DEFINITELY not me. Try the Facebook page, and for live links to the media shown in the novel. AND please read and review my baby! I'm available to respond to questions and comments. The price goes back to $2.99 at the end of this tour. A real bargain for a finely tuned saga.

  4. Thanks, Rita. I'm proud to say it is a GREAT book! I hope you'll read and review it.

  5. Sounds like a great book to read.  Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway.

    1. Thanks so much, James. I hope you'll be reading it soon, and then writing a small review.

  6. IMPORTANT: Some wrong site links somehow made their way in here. I don't know how, but I am NOT a fundamentalist minister! The links are being corrected, but for now use nothing but the Amazon one.

  7. Great excerpt and interview! I enjoyed learning about you and your book! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Stormy thanks for your comments. I believe I left a response already, but don't see it. Please DO read the book and leave a brief review.

  8. This sounds like a great read. Awesome cover!

  9. Marisela, I couldn't forget that beautiful name. I know I responded earlier, but don't see my response. I mentioned I have an important character named Marisa, named for a lovely Panamanian lady. I hope you read my novel and leave a brief review.

  10. Debbie, it IS a great read, worthy of the awesome cover. I hope to see your reaction to reading it in a brief review. I suspect an earlier response to you is awaiting review, but I wanted to be sure I got back to you.

  11. This sounds good thanks for sharing!

  12. Latishajean, I hope you'll be reading to see if it is as good as it sounds and doing a small review of your findings. Thanks!

  13. Sounds like a page-turner! Thank you for sharing.

  14. Great excerpt thank you for the blog post!
