
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Winning Her by Amber Malloy - Book Tour - Book Review - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi, lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Amber Malloy and her new book, “Winning Her”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Amber and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Winning Her
by Amber Malloy


GENRE: Sports Romance



In the span of a year, Bane Carter acquired a new job, his brother’s four kids, a crappy nanny and, worst of all, his ex-wife. What could possibly go wrong?

Rule number one—never help an ingrate! Ignoring that hard-learned lesson put Dahl Baby Hamilton straight in the path of her famous ex. All she has to do is save her cousin’s failing restaurant, First Down, then she can go back to her fabulous life. But the main financier—Bane Carter, her ex—finds out and decides to make her life a living hell. Either she becomes the personal chef for an ailing house manager, one neglectful nanny and his four charges or risk having her reputation ruined. What’s an award-winning chef to do when her sexy ex-husband is blackmailing her?

The only black GM in the league, former football hero Bane Carter has his work cut out for him. It’s bad enough that he has to navigate around a dysfunctional team, but the recent passing of his brother and his wife have given him full guardianship of their kids. On top of all that, the last thing he needs is to bump into the woman who broke his heart at the worst possible time—the beginning of his career.

After two failed marriages, Bane realizes he has always been searching for the one who got away the first time. Of course, he doesn’t expect to find her in the same city, let alone cooking in his restaurant.

Reader advisory: This book contains references to a seriously mentally ill parent requiring a minor to take on a caring role. There are implied references to suicide via gunshot. There are also references to sex work, sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape, and scenes involving sexual harassment, violence and burglary.



From the minute Dahl Hamilton had stepped into First Down’s kitchen, she’d worked nonstop. Tasked with fixing the failing restaurant, she’d barely seen the inside of her fabulous downtown loft, let alone her sweet, sweet bed. After having labored in the kitchen for more than two months, she was finally seeing all her hard work paying off.

The Chicago Tribune and Sun-Times, among other publications, had awarded First Down stellar reviews. Since the papers had hit the newsstands, customer attendance had shot up by more than fifty percent. If everything worked out, she could leave before autumn to work on more personal projects.

As Dahl topped off the dessert plate with her ‘D’ embellishment, the incessant ringing of someone’s cell caught her attention. That was a definite no-no in the kitchen. She requested the name of the offender.

“Marco!” the kitchen staff of twenty screamed in unison.

“You know the deal.” Before Dahl plated one perfect, mouth-watering slice of tiramisu cake, she pointed at the fine jar. The funds went toward their holiday festivities. At this rate, First Down’s Christmas party would be one for the history books.

“Smaller cuts,” she advised her assistant at the next station over. The restaurant had a full house, so the staff needed to move fast to keep up. During all the chaos, she found time to teach the newbies a trick or two. “Use your wrist. No one wants to bite a chunk of onion on their first date.”

Breaking her signature snicker-cookie in half, she placed it on top of the whipped cream ruffle.

“Hello, Dolly. I wanted to make changes to the menu.” The office manager, Beth, breezed into the kitchen. “Can we talk out back?”

She slapped the woman’s hand away before she could grab the leftover half of the cookie. “It’s just ‘Dahl’…and no.” She’d taken this consulting gig to help out her cousin. Nothing in the fine print read that she had to take orders from their idiot manager.

“We can’t go outside—or we can’t change the menu?” she asked in that snooty, superior tone.

Dahl handed the dessert off to the server and faced Beth. “To both… It’s no to both.”

“But Melanie told me to tell you—” Dahl held up her hand to kill the twit’s whining. She didn’t have the time. Instead, she went back to the orders. Soon the team would be able to catch their own mistakes. Busy checking the tickets against the meals, she missed the hush that fell over the kitchen. The usual clanging of pots and silly banter flipped into a strange vacuum of silence.

“Why are you here?” His deep, steely voice sent tingles up her spine. Dahl gazed at the six-foot-seven wall of well-dressed, muscled sexy.

Against her will, she smiled. “Hi,” she said.

Better looking than any action star, Bane’s good genes were wasted on football, in Dahl’s opinion. He should have gotten out years ago, but nope… Little boys grow up to be big men with dreams that become everyone else’s nightmares.

“Once again, why are you here?” Bane Carter asked. Her ex-husband smelled amazing.

“That’s a loaded question, Mr. Carter. I’m going to need an assist.”


“Maybe rephrase…” She wiped her hands on her apron and leaned against the counter. “Are you asking why am I in Chicago, why am I in the restaurant or why am I still breathing? The throbbing vein in the middle of your forehead is screaming that it’s the latter.”

Stepping closer, he filled in the space between them. “Pick one through three,” he growled.

Unable to hide her nerves, she laughed. The attack of childish giggles overwhelmed her. It often happened at the most inopportune times and she couldn’t help it. His handsome face went blank before he abruptly turned and walked away. As general manager for the Mavericks football team, Bane probably didn’t get challenged very often—or most likely ever.

He turned and left, as quickly as he’d come. Dahl sighed. After all these years, she’d thought she was over him. “Okay, everyone, back to work!”

“Was that Bane Win—?”

“Yep,” she cut off her sous chef in an effort to deter any more questions.

“Did anyone notice how fast Bad-management Beth dipped out when he came in?”

The team laughed—but Dahl didn’t join them.



This book is exciting, intriguing, and gripping!  This book is full of romance, hope, forgiveness, redemption, and second chances.

This book comes with a reader advisory that states this book includes references to suicide, prostitution, sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, violence, and burglary.  Normally with such a strong reader warning I probably would have passed on reading this book.  As a survivor, I don’t tend to read such graphic books.  However, I love sports romance books and the blurb sounded quite interesting, so I decided to give it a shot.

Yes, this book does contain the above mentioned, and I was very thankful for the author being considerate enough to issue such a notification.  However, what wasn’t included in the warning that I was shocked to find was explicit sex scenes, profanity, and many expletives.  I am not a prude, but this book definitely had me blushing lol…

I love sports romance books!  I’m a sporty girl and I think sports are a great way to stay active and meet new people – perhaps even a cute guy!  These books are easy to relate to and connect with!

I really loved Bane stepping up to take care of his brother’s four children after his brother and his wife pass.  He is persistent on keeping all the kids together and trying to make things comfortable, safe, and welcoming for them.

I really liked that both main characters were such strong, driven, successful, stubborn, tenacious, and at the top of their fields.  It was inspiring to see such a power couple making it work in both their home and professional lives.

Dahl and Bane are both quite headstrong and there is some hilarious witty banter between the two!  Plus, I enjoyed their viewpoints on how their previous relationship actually ended.  It’s funny what little things you remember and how time passes can change the story and what you remember!

This book also has a second chance theme – which is another fav of mine!

So, a sports romance, a cooking theme, and second chances – this book definitely has a lot of positives and winning sections!

I really liked the story line concept and found it very intriguing!

I am a huge sports fan and follow football, so I was excited to read this book about a former football hotshot who is now the GM.  It is clear that author is also a sports fan and knows her football!  I liked that she was able to convey football terms that were easy to understand for even a novice, but were not dumbed-down.  She kept the true essence of the sport in her writing.

There is only one other dig I have is that I felt this book had a strong, domineering male POV in the writing style.  It felt like many of the scenes with Bane were arrogant, cocky, cavalier, locker room antics.  Bane slapping that ass and often dropping f-bombs.  For example, a line from the book when Bane is talking to Warner: “Man, at least I break them in slow. These new agents fuck them with no lube—or even condoms, for that matter. It’s just a real rough ride.” Warner laughed. (Mallory 102). It seemed offensive, misogynistic, over the top, and inappropriate at times.

There are some predictable scenes.  However, there are still a few very unexpected twists and turns that you won’t see coming!

This book is Book One in the Perfect Stats Book Series.  It can be read as a standalone.

Please note that this book is strongly rated 18+ as it contains adult situations, adult language, intense sexual content, etc., and of course the author’s noted warning of additional heavy content.

All in all, there were just a few hang-ups for me, but overall, I still enjoyed reading this book and would still recommend it!  I think all sports romances readers will like this book too!  So, add it to your TBR List and get to reading – you won’t be disappointed!

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book and have voluntarily provided an honest, and unbiased review in accordance with FTC regulations.**



Amber Malloy dreamed of being a double agent but couldn't pass the psyche evaluation. Crushed by despair that she couldn't legally shoot things, Amber pursued her second career choice as pastry chef. When she's not writing or whipping up a mean Snickers Cheesecake, she occasionally spies on her sommelier. Amber is convinced he's faking his French accent.




Goodreads Author Page:

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Amazon Kindle eBook:

Amazon Paperback:

Barnes and Noble Paperback:

Kobo eBook:
The Book Depository Paperback:

BAM! Books-A-Million Paperback:



Amber will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Amber ~ Good morning! Welcome to FAB! It is so great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! I enjoyed reading and reviewing your book, thanks for providing the copy! :)

  2. Congrats on the release. I like the title of the book.

  3. Congratulations on the new release! Your book sounds very interesting!

  4. How did you come up with the title of the book?
