
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Gourmet Gangster by Marcia Rosen & Jory Rosen - Blurb Blitz - Book Sale - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hello, lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Marcia Rosen and Jory Rosen and their new book, “The Gourmet Gangster”!  For other stops on their Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Marcia and Jory and to increase your chances of winning!

This eBook is on SALE during the book tour for ONLY $0.99!!!  See below for more details.

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

The Gourmet Gangster
by Marcia Rosen & Jory Rosen


GENRE: Mystery



The Family Business

This is a collection of murder mystery stories linked by two main characters, Poppa and the Boss and at times joined by the Senior Sleuths, Dick and Dora Zimmerman and their friend, Zero the Bookie. How they get involved is often a mystery.

Poppa is head Chef for a successful restaurant, Manhattan Shadow, owned by the Boss, a powerful mobster determined to maintain control and power in his territory.

To refuse to work for him would be considered an insult. Not a good thing for Poppa’s wellbeing.

There are silent implications if one should become disloyal. There are consequences implied one doesn’t want to experience.

In the restaurants private dining room murder is often planned for all sorts of irrational reasons that seem very rational to the Boss: including power, greed, control, revenge and of course money.

The stories Poppa could tell…and does.

But who is he telling?

That’s also part of the mystery.

Of course the Senior Sleuths and Zero know.



Two Left Feet

“There has to be bodies somewhere,” the homicide detective shouted to the coroner and Forensics.

It was a detective who one day would be very important to Poppa.

“Yeah, well they sure aren’t here,” came a snarky reply.

The two left feet had been found in the backyard of a home owned by an elderly couple in a Brooklyn neighborhood off Ocean Avenue. They were more than slightly hysterical upon finding them, and immediately called the police. They watched the police search the property and the house while neighbors gathered, voyeurs to it all.

Eight days later, two left legs washed up on the sands of a private beach at the end of Coney Island.  The residents of Seagate were outraged. The same detective, coroner and forensic scientist searched the area, looking for clues.

“Bodies would be nice,” snapped the coroner.

Less than a week later, a homeless man looking for a place to sleep pulled open the unlocked door of a black Toyota in a Brooklyn used car lot. He discovered two dead bodies had beat him to the spot for his comfortable night’s rest.

Again the detective showed up, the coroner arrived with two gurneys, and the forensics scientist carefully checked the inside and outside of the car. The homeless man was taken to the police station for questioning and later released.

“It’s a mob hit.” The detective shook his head.

The Mob Boss was brought in for questioning shortly after the bodies were discovered. As always where murder was involved, he had a solid alibi: “I was out of town on business. Here are my credit card receipts.”

A month earlier the whole “caper,” as they called it in The Boss’s private dining room, had been planned. It was to be executed by Marco and several other members of his criminal organization.

“This is revenge,” growled D’Angleo to his men.

“These two guys have been making an aggressive effort to take over some of our loansharking business. I want to leave a message that won’t be forgotten.”

More body parts were found throughout different neighborhoods of Manhattan and Brooklyn. Though no notes were attached, “See what happens if you mess with us!” was certainly implied.

Poppa, Head Chef, placed food on big platters in front of them, poured wine, left several bottles on the table and walked out as he always did.

He had overheard talk, “tear them limb from limb,” and when he read the news, first about the feet and legs, he knew. There was nothing he could do; if he squealed, his various body parts would also be found lying about somewhere.

Poppa sat with his wife, Vi, reading one of the many newspaper stories written about these bizarre murders. For several weeks body parts were tossed out like old shoes.

“Body parts of several men have been found throughout Manhattan and Brooklyn, scaring the elderly, causing bars to close early and seemingly sending a warning. Only, who’s sending it is a mystery. The coroner is working to identify the victims.”

The detective in charge interrogated D’Angleo several times. His gut told him he had more than a little to do with the atrocious murders.

“Come on Alan, we’ve known each other for years. This is right up your alley, and happening in your territory.

“Hey, I’m a legitimate businessman with customers from Manhattan to Brighton Beach at the end of Ocean Avenue. I don’t go into the Russian’s territory. I respect it belongs to them.”

Both the detective and the Mob Boss knew no one fooled with the Russians. The first time any man messed with them, he lost a very essential male body part!

The various body parts were eventually identified as belonging to three men who were members of another criminal organization. For the time being, it would be an unsolved case.

At least for the time being.

Chicken Piccata was served the night those three men had dinner in the private dining room of the Manhattan Shadow, prior to their unseemly demise.  Poppa heard D’Angelo laugh out lout and call it the Chicken Piccata Caper.

Apparently, mobsters appreciated a good meal as well as a good murder!



And, here is a deadly delicious recipe from The Gourmet Gangster:

Chicken Piccata “Caper”
Cauliflower Rice and Fresh Italian Bread

Chicken Piccata is a classic recipe filled with an amazing lemon butter flavor.  Place the Piccata over the fresh cauliflower rice (or standard rice, if you prefer) and let the sauce coat the rice for the ideal bite.  Use the bread to soak up any extra sauce.  The meal is the perfect complement to the crisp, clean taste of the Sauvignon Blanc.

4 skinless and boneless chicken breasts (The thinner the cutlet the better, as it will cook easier and more evenly. If you have thicker breasts, use a meat mallet or rolling pin to pound thin/flatten out.)

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
All-purpose flour, for dredging
6 tablespoons unsalted butter
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup chicken stock
1/4 cup brined capers, rinsed
1/3 cup fresh parsley, chopped
Season chicken with salt and pepper, then dredge in flour and shake off excess.

In a large skillet over medium high heat, melt 2 tablespoons of butter with 3 tablespoons olive oil. When butter and oil start to sizzle, add 2 pieces of chicken and cook for 3 minutes.  When chicken is browned, flip and cook other side for 3 minutes. Remove and transfer to plate. Melt 2 more tablespoons butter. When butter starts again to sizzle, add the other 2 pieces of chicken and brown both sides in same manner. Remove pan from heat and add chicken to the plate.

Into the pan add the lemon juice, stock and capers. Return to stove and bring to boil, scraping up brown bits from the pan for extra flavor. Add seasoning to taste and return all the chicken to the pan and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove chicken to platter. Add remaining 2 tablespoons butter to sauce and whisk vigorously. Pour sauce over chicken and garnish with parsley.

Wine Pairing: Sauvignon Blanc.



M. Glenda Rosen is author of a total of ten books including The Gourmet Gangster: Mysteries and Menus by The Family published by Level Best Books. They are also her publisher for The Senior Sleuth Mystery Series, and will be republishing all four books in her Dying To Be Beautiful Mystery Series. She has won several book awards, was founder and owner of a successful marketing and public relations agency for many years, receiving numerous awards for her work with business and professional women. She is a member of Sisters in Crime, LA and Alb.NM, Central Coast Writers and Public Safety Writer’s Association.

She currently resides in Carmel, California and can be reached at:

Books by M. Glenda Rosen (aka Marcia Rosen):

The Gourmet Gangster, Mysteries and Menus by The Family (Marcia and Son Jory Rosen)
The Senior Sleuths Mysteries: Dead In Seat 4-A
The Senior Sleuths Mysteries: Dead In Bed
The Senior Sleuths Mysteries: Dead In THAT Beach House (2020)
Dying To Be Beautiful: Without A Head
Dying To Be Beautiful: Fashion Queen Dying To Be Beautiful: Fake Beauty Dying To Be Beautiful: Fat Free
My Memoir Workbook
The Woman’s Business Therapist:Eliminate the MindBlocks & RoadBlocks to Success










Goodreads Author Page:

Goodreads Book Page:

Amazon Author Page:



Jory Rosen has been in the advertising and marketing business for over 30 years and is the owner of the J. Rosen Group, a full-service international advertising, branding and direct marketing agency.

For over two decades, Jory Rosen has set the tone for strong, innovative, and successful campaigns, while providing a flexibility and level of personal client service rarely seen in the industry has extensive experience in all areas of advertising, direct response and marketing including sales, production direct mail, email, web, TV, radio, alternative media and more. In addition, with over 150 campaigns under the belt, there is a strong track record of success.

Jory’s passions are his family, cooking and wine. Jory worked as a cooking demonstrator for many years in NYC and now takes the show on the road by doing cooking demonstrations for his kid’s schools and classrooms. He often cooks meals with his kids and loves seeing their reactions to new recipes and meals.

They live in Los Angeles, California.





Goodreads Author Page:

Goodreads Book Page:



**The Gourmet Gangster on Amazon Kindle eBook is on SALE during the book tour for ONLY $0.99!!!**

Amazon Kindle eBook:

Amazon Paperback:



Marcia and Jory will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Marcia & Jory ~ Good morning! Welcome to FAB! It is so great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! :)

  2. Your book sounds like a great read and thank you for sharing it with us.

  3. Your book sounds like alot of fun. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thanks for comments everyone and very appreciative of being featured on blog today. Try some of the delicious recipes if you like to cook. Marcia

  5. Enjoyed the post, sounds good!

  6. What made you choose this recipe to be featured? Does it reflect something in the book?

  7. I love it! A mystery and a recipe! Reading and cooking in one place suits me fine!

  8. Fun cover! Sounds like one not to miss.
