
Monday, May 25, 2020

Move the Stars by Sandy Lender - Book Tour - Book Review - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi, lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Sandy Lender and her new book, “Move the Stars”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Sandy and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Move the Stars
by Sandy Lender


GENRE: YA Fantasy



Move the Stars” offers a sometimes-humorous, but always magical, story of 16-year-old Ava Stonebreaker finding and using her voice for the good of her world. With Eddag Fen afire behind her, she journeys to her father’s home, at first fearing she returns to him with failure as her legacy. Bringing with her a half-blood fae, a star reader’s apprentice and news of storm stars closing in, she also carries hope. Fanciful creatures have encouraged her to seek out the giant dragons beyond Modric’s Pass. With spunky shoulder dragons and the endangered arabesque to whom she sings accompanying her, Ava devises and undertakes a daring plan to re-shake the world…and move the stars.



Ava didn’t stop but raised a curved hand to signal that the man should follow. If he could. She saw none of the faces in the chaos around her, merely hoping her few friends in this wretched place would be safe.

She dodged cracking branches, a tipped, stinking waste bucket, and stumbling people to cross a heaving floor. Few elders would risk the loose and waving ivy ladder; they could barely descend it if someone held its base on a calm day. Tonight, Ava tugged its anchor to assure herself it was secure, threw the mass of woven twigs-and-ivy over the side of the gatherers’ floor, and swirled around to climb down.

On the far side of the gatherers’ quarters, she glimpsed one of the elevators made from carved wood and iron bolts splintering under the pressure of too many elders crowding onto its base and too much shaking ripping it apart. The steam that powered its cogs and wheels failed, spewing a plume of vapor through a moonbeam.

She looked away, unwilling to see anyone plummet to a long death. Their screams descended in volume as they accompanied the breaking elevator to a pile of bars and bolts and bones below.

A voice whispered directly in her ear, “This way, Ava.”

The luminescence of an arabesque glowed softly near her hands. Another of the floating globes bobbed near her feet, offering a gentle pink light there as well, guiding her down the ladder as it undulated from the quake’s unending shocks. She’d never descended the ivy as fast as she did that night, making a quick leap to the floor of the fen. There, she positioned herself to hold the ladder for what few elders could follow her.



This book took me on an exciting, magical, and mystifying adventure filled with cleaver story lines, and well-developed characters, or technically well-developed creatures!!

This book is interesting, intriguing, and entertaining!!

I really enjoyed the many main and supporting characters – Ava, Devon, Brydei, Jayndor, Ava’s brother Leon, Ava’s sister Alleeta, Arabesques: Celia and Frond; Shoulder Dragons: Strike and Flame; Giant Dragons: Stone-Crusher, Ice, Mountain-Dweller, and Dust-Maker; Elder Goira, Elder Aldoy, Elder Mace, and Jack!!  They all were important to the story and played their roles well, especially while engaging with the main characters.

I really liked Ava the best as she was a sweet 16-year-old girl, who was strong, tough, brave, sincere, honorable, persistent, caring, compassionate, and hopeful.  She worked hard in the kelp swamps which caused her disfigurement and pain.  But she knew she needed to provide for her family as they needed the money.  So, she continued to plow away and put her family’s needs above hers.  In what little down time she had she was spending time with Devon, the star reader’s apprentice, as he was educating and teaching her.  It’s clear that Ava is quite special and has a way of engaging and interacting with all creatures and elements of the world.  So, it was no real surprise that Devon would want her on his mission to save the world.

There are many characters and creatures thrown at you at the beginning of the book and it’s somewhat difficult to determine who to pay attention to and remember all their details.  However, it isn’t long before the book mellows out enough that you’re able to catch up and realize what you need to know.

I was intrigued by the author’s world-building and the development of such unique creatures.

This book genre is marketed as a young adult/fantasy book and yet the author found a way to throw in adventure, mystery, intrigue, and suspense elements into the book.  It definitely added a fascinating extra component to the story!

I really liked all the additions to the book besides the story.  This book included a map at the beginning of the book.  It showed the continent, Frumschaft, where the story takes place.  It was great to see all the villages and towns that are mentioned in this book.  The characters go on a big adventure and it takes a while to get to each place, so it was cool getting to see how far they journeyed around Frumschaft on a map.

Furthermore, at the end of this book is a list of a few characters names, creature types, locations, and a brief description of each.  This is truly essential and a huge benefit for readers who easily forget things (like me lol!!!) or get overwhelmed with books that are character heavy.  Being able to quickly turn back to reference the characters or find out their relation to the story or their relation to other characters, etc. is a huge relief to be able to quickly find these answers and not feel so lost or confused and then be able to instantly go back to where you left off and continue reading.  I love that the author took the time to include this extra into the story.  And I enjoyed reading how she put old words together and created new words for the story.

However, I felt the glossary was quite limited as so many items were missing.  For example, the glossary lists adornment as a group of arabesque and lists a smoulder as a group of shoulder dragons, but does not define what an arabesque or a shoulder dragon is.  Of course, it’s somewhat described in the book, but it took several chapters to finally have a better understanding.  In case the author decides to add to the vocab list at the back, I would have liked all the main characters to at least have a brief bio, each creature type to have a description, and the words: fen, steam elevator, an invalid, tendrils, tallow candles, patchwork of sunbeams, undulating cells and cilia, delicate vibrissa, weeping yadoe trees, etc.  Those are just a few of the lines that I Googled from the book to get a better understanding.  And I can only hope that my search returns matched up with the author’s meanings, since they had mentioned that many of the words used were created by combining old words and making up their own.

I really liked the story line concept and found it very intriguing!

This book has a couple important take-away messages that the author skillfully integrated into the storyline and plot points!

I loved the level of detail and specificity that the author spent on her world-building.  However, I felt that the detail got a bit over too specific at times.  For instance, the number of times the word kelp is used while describing Ava’s job is over 57 times!!!  It just felt repetitive and felt a bit overwhelming and annoying to keep going back to that same reference.  In addition, I found some exact same sentences repeated throughout the book.  For example, the sentence: “Shoulder dragons understand the language of their chosen humans, but Strike ignored Ava’s command on purpose.”  (Lender 7) is used at least twice word for word on page 7 and page 163.  At times, I felt like I was re-reading some phrases over and over again.

Although the story line worked and there were definitely quite a few plot points to keep the story going – this book seemed on the longer end even though it was technically only 165 eBook pages.  This book felt a bit complicated and confusing at times as there was so much going on in the story.  This is not a book that you can read lightly while doing other things.  This book needs your full attention to comprehend the full picture otherwise you get lost in the words and it’s just a jumble of letters.

There are some predictable scenes.  However, there are still a few very unexpected twists and turns that you won’t see coming!

This book is Book One in The Gentle Dragons Book Series.  It can be read as a standalone.

All in all, there were just a few hang-ups for me, but overall, I still enjoyed reading this book and would still recommend it!  I think all YA Fantasy readers and dragon story fans will like this book too!  So, add it to your TBR List and get to reading – you won’t be disappointed!

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book and have voluntarily provided an honest, and unbiased review in accordance with FTC regulations.**

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Sandy Lender is a magazine editor by day and author of girl-power fantasy novels by night. You can check out her author page on Amazon or follow her facebook page at Fantasy Author Sandy Lender. She lives in Florida where she volunteers in sea turtle conservation and parrot rescue. Sandy Lender Ink Inc., headquartered in Central Florida, is her umbrella company for the copywriting, editing, and marketing services she offers. With a four-year degree in English and 28-year career in publishing, Sandy brings a deep understanding of public relations and journalism to a variety of projects. Her successes include traditionally and self-published novels, hundreds of magazine articles, multiple short stories in competitive anthologies, a couple APEX technical writing awards, a 2019 Imadjinn Best Literary Fiction Novel Award for her #MeToo novel She’s Not Broken, and a 2020 Pushcart Prize nomination for her short story Woman off the Grid. In December, she finally updated her website at and released her first non-fiction book “How to Train Your Human: a guide for parrots,” which she wrote from a parrot’s point of view. With a new publisher taking over her “Choices” series this summer, she’s launching the “Gentle Dragons” series on her own, starting with Ava’s story in Move the Stars.







Goodreads Author Page:

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Amazon Author Page:



Amazon Kindle eBook:

Amazon Paperback:

Barnes and Noble Paperback:

The Book Depository Paperback:

BAM! Books-A-Million Paperback:



Sandy will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Sandy ~ Good morning! Welcome to FAB! It is so great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! I enjoyed reading and reviewing your book, thanks for providing the copy! :)

  2. What a thorough review! It’s tough with world-building and fantasy writing to strike a balance between having enough detail vs. too much.

  3. I liked the excerpt, sounds good.

  4. Hello and welcome to a zany Monday! I forgot that this holiday was also a book tour day! Thank you for hosting and thank you for such a thorough and lovely review of "Move the Stars!" I'm amazed by the level of detail you put into getting to know the characters! Strike would be pleased... ;)

  5. I love the fantasy genre with its take on fanciful creatures. This book seems to fit nicely into that category.
