
Monday, March 2, 2020

Dreams of Mariposa by L.T. Getty - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi, lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host L.T. Getty and her new book, “Dreams of Mariposa”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!!  Also, come back daily to interact with L. T. and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Dreams of Mariposa
by L. T. Getty


GENRE: Steampunk-Horror



Every decade, Marie must leave her home and everything she loves to start anew. She can’t risk the locals learning the truth of her immortality, much less her vampiric need of feeding off fear. Fortunately for Marie, fear comes easily and she spends her endless days mourning the loss of her beloved.

When she is summoned to the leaders of the masquerade, she is persuaded to assist them in uncovering a mystery of powers possibly more ancient then their own order.

As a rare daywalker of exquisite beauty, there is no society Marie cannot infiltrate. Having spent the last few centuries growing into her abilities, she expects to learn of the old powers, and return to her lonely eternity of mourning.

She doesn’t expect to fall in love.



I could smell the inside of the building as being more than simply old and in need of a maid. It smelled of old earth and iron. I sensed nothing out of the ordinary, which told me the devious one likely had means of cloaking. Curious, as most old houses at least had hints of hauntings.

He led me past a set of stairs and into what was probably once a receiving parlor, but he had many dusty tomes and tall bookshelves, and a ladder besides to get to the highest levels. One could not easily get to the furniture, which was draped in ugly fabric. Boxes and crates littered the floor. The cad hadn’t the sense to tidy up and make an effort when he knew he was having a lady visitor.

“How many of your kind are there in town?” Septimus asked. “More than a dozen?”

I laughed, looking up at the ghostly pale portraits. He had strange tastes in art, preferring a more stylized appropriation than realistic or idealized beauty. I saw a reference to ancient gods, destroying towns and descending upon mortal women to force upon them their demi-god offspring. Half-naked women in chains being molested was his true artistic preference, it seemed. I should have brought Rosa. Even if he only dabbled in finger-paints, she needed only half an excuse to show skin, and perhaps I could have rooted around and discovered what he was up to without his condescension.

“As…we like to keep to ourselves and go without detection, it is more like half that.” I didn’t bore him of the needs of the lesser of my kin. “Have you had many run-ins with my kind?”

“I was curious about how you go about feeding without being detected.” He turned his back on me and lit the fire almost too easily.



5 Healthy Snacks for Beating Writer’s Block

Not gonna lie – this is more of a reflection on my lifestyle than what I do differently when I write. Writing is very sedentary, so besides making healthy choices it’s not a bad idea to put a timer on when you write and not forget to get up and stretch or go for a little walk. Here’s several foods I like to make ahead of time, so it makes picking healthy choices easier.

1.)  Home Made Chia Pudding: I prefer a small/medium size mason jar, that way I can take them on the go. Flavors can be whatever you like – featured here was one made out of a spirulina powder that was designed to make a latte, so I didn’t need to add sugar but if you make yours with matcha or acai powder you can control the sweetness. The main problem with the mason jars is that, as seen, the chia seeds can some times not mix well at the bottom, so be sure to look them over from the bottom and mix thoroughly. The dog, by the way, is my pal Dodger.

2.)  Smoothie Bowl: I was super skeptical when I discovered smoothie bowls. I’d already be on the green smoothie kick for quite some time, and I thought few things were easier than mindlessly drinking a smoothie on the go. Sometimes, eating needs to be mindful and besides switching the recipe, putting toppings on it can change the experience, as well if you’re eating with a spoon you’re not just letting a half-drank smoothie ferment on the table because you’re writing a scene you’re into.

3.)  Carrots and Celery: Yeah yeah, what’s so innovative about this? For me, if I come in after a busy shift I’m usually ravenous, and will reach for the first thing I see. I used to prep mangos and strawberries so I didn’t toss three cookies down my gullet when I was making supper. I was watching a video on healthy eating and prepping and the suggestion was to prep carrots and celery. I did it, thinking it would be for work and now I want a jar at home and another one for the work fridge. Not only are the carrots peeled and ready to go, the water makes the celery crispy! I like to have them with hummus, but they’re nice on their own, too. Anyone got a good homemade hummus recipe?

4.)  Energy Balls: So what are you going to do with those leftover bits from trying to make your home made cashew milk? I hate wasting food and although I will toss the almost and cashew ‘flour’ into oatmeal and other baking I wanted an alternative for the summer months. I first encountered energy balls, made of nut butters and essentially trail mix up in a little place called Onanole, Manitoba where they called them “Owl Balls”. I usually make them with whatever I have on hand: leftover almond flour, chia seeds, honey, tahini, basically if it goes in a trail mix and I can roll it into a little ball, it’s a possibility.

5.)  Skip the Starbucks: Okay, I like writing in coffee shops, but can we all admit that the drinks can get a little sugary? Making them at home saves you time and cash, but really lets you dial in the sugar. Plus, does Starbucks have hilarious chicken glasses? I made an iced matcha latte, and although I’m not a huge coffee drinker I’ve been experimenting with freezing coffee into ice cubes and serving with homemade hemp milk and a little bit of caramel or vanilla flavouring. I get to control the sugar or syrup, so I can control the nutrition.

It’s not always easy to eat healthy, and sometimes, you get so caught up in something you’re ravenous when you finally finish a scene or you’re so busy you just want to eat something so you can get to the writing. Making healthy choices is not only about having stuff prepped, but a mindset that your body has physical as well nutritional needs. If you feel like you’re in a rut, switch it up: for instance, I love oatmeal, but I don’t want to eat it every day. Some days I put in apples, others, raisins and nut butters as well as seeds. Little changes, such as using fresh herbs and spices can go a long way in adding flavour to staples as opposed to slathering on sugary or oily sauces or other condiments.

Got any healthy recipes you’d like me to try?



L. T. Getty is a science fiction and fantasy writer who hails from the Canadian Prairies. When she’s not writing, you can likely find her driving an ambulance and dreaming about travel.




BookBub Book Page:

Goodreads Author Page:

Goodreads Book Page:



Amazon Kindle eBook:

Barnes and Noble NOOK eBook:

Kobo eBook:

Champagne Books eBook:



L. T. will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. L. T. ~ Good morning! Welcome to FAB! It is so great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! :)

    P.S. ~ Excellent guest post! I really enjoyed reading it and I'm glad you picked that topic :) Looking forward to trying that delicious smoothie bowl and those creative energy balls!! :)

  2. Are any of the characters in your book base off of people that you know?

    1. Hey Bernie. No, no one in this novel is based on anyone I know. The characters are more based on tropes and some shout outs to the old school gothic characters.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing a book description and giveaway also. Sounds great!

  4. L.T. Getty is a new author to me. Thanks to this blog for the introduction to her and her work. Twelve Dancing Priestesses and the Tower of Obsidian look like really good reads.

  5. sounds so interesting and the cover is awesome.

  6. This book sounds like an awesome read.

  7. Any luck with homemade oat milk? Mine's always turned out yucky...


    1. I've honestly never tried oat milk. I'm mostly sticking with hemp milk right now, I'm not as fond of it as cashew or almost milk to be completely honest.
