
Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Perfect Lap by Sedona Hutton - Book Tour - Book Review - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hey, lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Sedona Hutton and her new book, “The Perfect Lap”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $30 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Sedona and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

The Perfect Lap
by Sedona Hutton


GENRE: Romance



His job is to drive fast. Hers is to put the brakes on him. When sparks fly, will love cross the finish line?

AJ Ryan is a publicity nightmare. After a questionable photo surfaces and his biggest sponsor threatens to pull out, the NASCAR champion admits it might be time to hit the brakes. Thankfully, his new no-nonsense image consultant knows just where to start… too bad she revs his engine so loudly he can barely think straight.

Ella Fisher’s career is a welcome distraction from her poor taste in men. Fresh off another easily avoidable heartbreak, rehabbing AJ’s career is just the diversion she needs. But when the pulse-pounding client actually listens to her advice, Ella wonders if there’s more to the man behind the hot mess.

When Ella is granted guardianship of three boisterous children under the misconception that she and AJ are a couple, AJ surprises her by going along with the charade. Before long they find themselves in a make-shift family that feels more real than pretend.

As their professional relationship takes a hard turn for the personal, a single overheard conversation could make it all go up in flames. Will Ella and AJ’s romance hit the wall, or will love take the checkered flag?

The Perfect Lap is the second standalone novel in the Racing Hearts of Serenity romance series. If you like bad boys with a heart of gold, strong women, and love stories with a new age twist, then you’ll adore Sedona Hutton’s fun, sexy tale.



“You’re too hard on yourself, darlin’,” he said. “You’re the most focused, persistent woman I’ve ever met.” He lifted her chin and gazed into her eyes. His eyes were a deep, soulful blue and as he intimately held her gaze, it reminded her of their first meeting and their instant, almost spiritual connection. “You’re kind, compassionate, caring.” His voice was so low that it was more like a whisper fluttering against her cheek. “The kids need that.”

She’d barely processed his sweet words when he leaned in.

He was going to kiss her! Holding her breath, she told herself to step back. It wasn’t appropriate—they were working together, he wasn’t her type, she was on a man-ban. The reasons to stop him were endless.

But as he continued to move toward her, she couldn’t. He grazed his lips overs hers in a tortoise-like motion as if testing the waters. His lips were warm and moist and her body pulsed and sparked as they generated heat hotter than hell and half of Georgia.

He drew back and held her gaze, presumably giving her one last chance to move away.

But she couldn’t. His consoling words had comforted her, his embraced had warmed her, and his kiss had left her wanting so much more.

As she acquiesced, the world around them transformed into a magical wonderland. The moon’s light softened and the stars appeared so close that she could reach out and touch them. Light glittered across the dark water like pixie dust and her belly fluttered as if it had been brushed by fairy wings.



This book was such an exciting, romantic, entertaining, enjoyable read!!!

This book was such a fun, exciting, intriguing, fascinating read that took you on a real love story.  Even though this book is a romance book – it is no cookie cutter love story.  This love story is messy, honest, realistic, and relatable.

This book keeps you totally engaged from page one through the very last page!  I honestly had a hard time putting this book down!

Last year, I had previously read and enjoyed Sedona’s other books, “Cloud Whispers,” and “Nora’s Promise,” so I was thrilled to get the chance to read her latest work, “The Perfect Lap.”

Sedona’s writing only continues to improve, grow, and expand with each book!  I know she will be author I will continue to read over the years!

I loved the main characters, Ella, AJ, Nora, Davey, the kids, and of course the ever so adorable cat, Luna!  They were likable, genuine, and realistic!  They all had baggage and had come from difficult pasts – but that’s what made them real and I think help them relate to each other and easily form a bond.

I really liked Ella and AJ together – they fit well together and had passion that just leaped off the pages!!  I really enjoyed watching these two characters develop a relationship.  The more time they spent together you could see them start to heal and get past their drama and hang-ups.  They were good for each other.  And isn’t that what we all want in a partner?  Someone that makes us whole?  Makes us a better person?

I loved being able to catch back up with Nora and Davey!!  They were total favorites, so it was great seeing them still together and ever so adorable!!

It is clear Mrs. Hutton does not know how to write a boring, cookie-cutter character.  She writes her characters with depth, that have emotional baggage, are dealing with real-life struggles, and are working on over-coming personal obstacles.  She writes real-life characters that face real-world problems.  Which is one of the reasons I love her books, because I know when I read it, I will be able to easily connect with the characters and possibly even grow with the characters in the story.

I think the author did a fantastic job on her character development as these characters were so real and personal on many levels!

I loved the characters and the small-town vibe!!  I was completely wrapped up with the character’s story lines!!

I also really enjoyed the NASCAR element about AJ being the hot-shot driver.  That was really cool getting a VIP insider glance into that world.  My family and I am are huge NASCAR fans and I enjoyed that the author was able to fully bring that realm into the pages without skimping over important details.

It’s very clear and impressive the amount of detail Mrs. Hutton put into researching the NASCAR field and was able to apply it in an easy to understand tone for all readers regardless their level or exposure to the sport.

This book has a creative story line that flows, excellent writing style with detailed scenes, well-developed characters, is steady paced, and keeps you completely entertained through the last page.

I like that this book touches on many topics such as love, romance, friendship, family, hard life lessons, second chances, change, dedication, perseverance, growth, humor, compassion, empathy, integrity, unity, determination, faith, hope, forgiveness, moving on, challenges, starting over, new beginnings, fresh starts, overcoming obstacles, and so much more!

The only tiff I have to say, and it’s not about the writing, it’s about the aesthetics.  I really liked the previous book cover.  It was hot!  It definitely caught my attention!  It’s what got me to read the blurb and quickly sign up for the tour – besides also wanting to catch up with some familiar characters!  And if I had been in a bookstore and seen that original cover, I am sure I would have stopped to check it out - if not bought it on the spot.  The new cover, I hate to say, in my opinion looks a bit cartoonish and takes away from the romance and passion and excitement that is found in these pages.  I know there is more to this book than that.  However, I just felt that the new book cover hinders what this book is capable of and might not grab people’s interest like the other cover did – at least it wouldn’t have grabbed mine.

This book is book two of A Racing Hearts in Serenity Romance Book Series.  This book can be read as a standalone, however, there are significant character overlap from the previous book.  It didn’t seem too confusing or anything, but I personally would think it would make more sense and have a stronger impact on the understanding of this book series, if you started with book one first.

I would absolutely recommend this book, and this author as I was truly impressed with the quality of writing, intriguing story line, and excellent character development!  I will definitely be continuing to follow this author and check out her upcoming books – can’t wait for book three in the series!

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book and have voluntarily provided an honest, and unbiased review in accordance with FTC regulations.**

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Author Sedona Hutton finds inspiration in the beautiful Smoky Mountains of Tennessee, where she lives with her husband and curly-coated retriever. In addition to writing, she’s a Reiki Master and a certified Chopra Center Meditation instructor. She enjoys reading, yoga, gardening, and experiencing the great outdoors on boats, motorcycles, and Jeeps. Sedona pens a “Peace, Love, & Joy” blog on her website. Visit her at, Twitter @SedonaHutton, Facebook @SedonaHuttonAuthor, and Instagram @SedonaHutton.

Sedona’s debut novel, Cloud Whispers, was a Finalist in the 2018 Readers’ Favorite Contest, an Official Selection in the 2018 Summer eBook Awards for New Apple Literary, and Shortlisted for the Books Go Social Best Book of 2018.









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Sedona will be awarding a $30 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Sedona ~ Good morning! Welcome back! It is always a pleasure to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! I really enjoyed reading and reviewing your book, thanks for providing the copy! :)

  2. Hi Ally - Thanks so much for hosting this tour and for the amazing review! I'm thrilled that you enjoyed The Perfect Lap. I also appreciate your honest feedback on the cover. I've been testing the waters with the new design to better align in the contemporary romance genre, but I agree that the last cover was definitely sexier. Thanks again for the great review - Sedona

  3. Hi everyone - If there are any readers out there who have seen both of my covers for The Perfect Lap, can you please tell me which you like better and why? Ally's vote is for my original cover (with the shirtless guy) which had a sexier vibe than the current cover (couple in the snow) which is more playful than sexy. I would appreciate your honest input. Many thanks! Sedona

  4. I really appreciate getting to read about your book since I have so man in my family who are huge readers. Thanks for sharing  and for the giveaway.

  5. I can't wait to read this one, thanks for sharing!

  6. I can't wait this.. Loved the excerpt!!

  7. James, Victoria, Rita & Mya - Thanks for stopping by the tour. I hope you're all having a wonderful week! :) Sedona

  8. Hi Gwendolyn - Thanks for the compliment on the cover. It was created by Lori Follet at Hell Yes Design, and I think she did a great job too. Thanks for stopping by the tour - :) Sedona

  9. Where did you find your inspiration for this book? Congrats on the release.

  10. Hi Bernie - The inspiration for this book came from the first book in my Racing Hearts in Serenity series, Nora's Promise. When I first started writing I wasn't sure whether Nora's Promise would be a single book or a series. Once I started writing AJ became a bigger character than I had initially anticipated. I fell in love with his easy-going swagger and southern charm and knew I had to write his story next. Thanks for the great question. I hope you have a wonderful weekend - Sedona

  11. Hi Iatishajean - Thanks for the compliment. I appreciate you stopping by the tour! :) Sedona

  12. Who is your favorite character from the book? Congrats on the release.

    1. Hi Bernie - AJ is my favorite character in The Perfect Lap. One of my Nora’s Promise readers called him a “hoot,” which is a perfect description of him. He’s laid back, fun-loving, and full of southern charm…and he’s also a magnet for trouble! He’s the perfect match for Ella, even though it doesn’t appear as such at first. I enjoyed developing AJ and Ella’s romance as a slow burn with lots of chemistry. Thanks for stopping by the tour and for your great question. I hope you have a wonderful weekend 😊 - Sedona

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, E.M. I appreciate you stopping by the tour to check it out - :) Sedona

  14. A big thanks to everyone who has stopped by this tour for THE PERFECT LAP. I’m most appreciative! 😊 I’m happy to answer any other questions that may be out there. I invite you to visit my website at: and sign up for my Peace-Love-Joy blog newsletter if you are so inclined. I blog every few weeks, on the same new age/spiritual topics that I include in my stories: gratitude, the Law of Attraction, focusing on the now, non-judgment, the idea that everyone’s doing the best they can from where they are, the power of positive thinking, etc. When you sign up for my newsletter, new blogs are delivered to you via email. I only send new blogs, no other marketing (except for new releases) and I never share email addresses—we all get enough spam! As a side note, you can also read my blog by following me on Goodreads.

    Wishing everyone a weekend of sunshine and joy! 😊Sedona

  15. What books or authors have most influenced your own writing?

  16. I am excited to learn more about the character of Ella Fisher!
