
Thursday, September 12, 2019

One of Two by S. R. Cronin - Book Tour - Book Review - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hey, lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host S. R. Cronin and her new book, “One of Two”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card AND a Kindle eBook copy of “Flicker’s of Fortune,” Book Five in the 46. Ascending Book Series!!  Also, come back daily to interact with S. R. and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

One of Two
by S. R. Cronin


GENRE: Science Fiction/Fantasy



Telepathy creates as many problems as it solves, as everyone in the secret organization x0 would admit. When new member Lola discovers another group of telepaths with a totally different approach, those problems multiply at the speed of thought.

Soon, Lola’s family and friends are in danger. Lucky for her, she’s not your average budding psychic. Each person she is close to has a special gift of their own. That’s good, because it’s going to take every power they possess to stop these others from tearing apart x0.



Warren waited four long days for the report on the search of Maurice’s home. His men examined every email on Maurice’s computer, every scrap of paper in his drawers, and every message on his phone. From this they compiled a list of suspicious contacts called “potential psychics.”

Warren scanned the names. No special ability was needed to notice the surprising amount of time this retired geologist spent communicating with people from Africa, India, and East Asia. At the top of the list was a man named Olumiji who’d spoken with Maurice every week for years. Who was this Olumiji?

To Warren’s surprise, the contacts weren’t even the real gold mine. The computer yielded a secret website visited by Maurice almost daily. Warren chuckled. Who’d have thought a group of telepaths would maintain a website?

Access required two massive passwords, and Warren’s team supposed Maurice did what most older people did. He wrote his passwords down. It was to his credit the two were kept in separate places, but eventually the right combination was found and a pleased IT expert showed Warren how to log into the website of a group called x0.

“Real nut case stuff,” he confided. “You’re gonna get a kick out of this nonsense.”

“I’m sure I will.” Warren squinted at the screen and said no more until the man took the hint and closed the door behind him.

I’ve got you people right where I want you.

Warren skimmed the content for anything useful, making notes as he went. Yes, this was good. That was filler. That was garbage. Wait, this gave an idea of the size of the organization. Good Lord, there were hundreds of these people! Could they all read minds?

The phone rang, annoying him with its the interruption. Then he guessed who was at the other end of the line. I hate goddamned telepaths. He picked up the phone.

“You’re correct. My name is Olumiji and we’re quite capable of changing a password before you use it. But we didn’t. I trust you’re enjoying our website?”

The deep voice resonated with the melody of Africa.

“I’m finding it interesting, thank you.”

“Wonderful. My group and I have decided it’s a waste of valuable time for us to play hide and seek with each other, simply because we have different philosophies. Needlessly dangerous as well, don’t you think?”

“It hasn’t been dangerous for me.”

There was silence.

“What is it you want from me?” Warren asked.

“We’d like to meet you. Have you over for tea, so to speak. See if there are areas in which we can work together while we eliminate our mutual fear of the unknown by learning to understand each other.”

“No thank you.”

There was more silence.

“You don’t even want to meet us?” The man sounded genuinely baffled.

“Not really,” Warren said. “We’re not looking for new friends. My telepaths have work to do, and I don’t have time for play dates.”

His eyes flicked to the screen. He’d been logged out.

Don’t underestimate their technological capabilities.

“Correct. You’d be well advised not to underestimate any of our capabilities.”

Warren winced.

“But suit yourself. Perhaps the monads who choose to tell you about their encounters with us over the next few days will suggest you reconsider.”

“Encounters? How do you know about the monads?”

Warren got no answer. The line went dead, then the screen went dead, and then the lights went off.

“Cheap trick.” For once he hoped every telepath out there could hear him.



I can’t believe this is the very last book in the series!!!  But I was thrilled to go on one last adventure with the Zeitman family and it didn’t disappoint!!!

This book is overflowing with exciting and intriguing science fiction, mathematics, fantasy, action, adventure, mystery, suspense, and real-world issues!!!

This is the sixth book I’ve read from the impressive and talented writer, S. R. Cronin.  Over the past few months, I have had the privilege of completely delving into her Book Series, 46. Ascending and reading the first five books.  I really enjoyed them, so I was excited to read her latest work – which also happens to fall in the same series.  “One of Two,” is Book Six – the last book in the 46. Ascending Book Series.

Like with the rest of this book series, this book follows the Zeitman family.  However, unlike the previous five books that each focus mostly on one specific family member, this book, has the entire Zeitman family teaming up and working together on one last mission – which I totally loved having them all stand together and take on the evil CEO, Warren Moore, and his troop of monads at his corrupt Reel News company.

This book was such a fun globetrotting trip with Lola, Alex, Zane, Teddie, and Ariel – it was great having the whole family all together!!!

I love that the Zeitman family is kind, genuine, likable, and relatable.  Yes – relatable!!!  Sure, they have special abilities, but what it really comes down to is that they are a typical fun-loving family that cares deeply about each other, supports one another, and has each other’s back.  I think many of us can say we’d do that for our family.  Of course, this book is science-fiction/fantasy, so that only goes so far.  But this book has enough real-life material, that readers can at least understand, appeal to, and sympathize with the characters.

Like with the other books in this series, there are many characters thrown at you at the beginning of the book and it’s somewhat difficult to determine who to pay attention to and remember all their details.  However, it isn’t long before the book mellows out enough that you’re able to catch up and realize what you need to know.  Besides, that’s Cronin’s writing style and although perhaps chaotic at first, I’m not sure I’d change it, because that’s her signature.

I really like that this book series takes real-life difficulties head on which only further inspires you to think, empathize, and connect with the characters and the situations they get into.

This book is thought-provoking, intriguing, captivating, compelling, well-researched, with complex characters, and skillfully crafted plot points!!!

I love the in-depth amount of research the author did while constructing this book.  The author provided so much detail and such vivid descriptions it made the scenes easy to picture.

I think one of my favorite things about Mrs. Cronin’s writing is her research.  I always seem to learn something from her books, and I know when she writes something in context there is no need to check her references.  She always seems to find a way to tell a sci-fi fantasy story with real facts and intriguing educational content.

Mrs. Cronin’s tenacity for providing accurate and authentic facts truly takes her writing skills to the next level.

This book genre is marketed as a science fiction/fantasy book and yet the author found a way to throw in action, adventure, mystery, intrigue, and suspense elements into the book.  It definitely added a fascinating extra component to the story!

I really liked all the additions to the book besides the story.  This book included a summary timeline of the book series which showcased a short phrase of what the main theme of each book was and what year it was featured in over the years 2009 to 2013 when the books were published.  It was then followed by a snippet blurb of each book in the series which is very helpful to readers that need a quick series overview reminder before starting book six or to readers that are new to these books and are reading this book as a standalone without having previous information about this book series.

In addition, this book then included a chart of several of the main characters divided up by their superpower.  It listed the characters in one of five categories: Telepaths (such as Lola and Violeta, etc.); Shape Shifters (such as Zane and Nell); Time Warpers (such as Alex and Xuha); Out-of-Body Travelers (such as Teddie, Yuden, and Vanida); and Precognitives (such as Ariel and Cillian). This was a great tool, because it helped keep the character’s abilities straight.  There are so many characters in this book and many of them have special talents; unfortunately, it does sometimes get confusing to remember it all – so this chart definitely helps as a quick reference guide.

This book included a map of South of Forty Degrees featuring the areas around the tip of South America and New Zealand – especially the beautiful, breathtaking lands of Ushuasia, Argentina; Tasmania’s Macquarie Island; and Invercargill, New Zealand.  There are many places visited in this book and it was nice seeing some of them displayed on the map as I am not very familiar with the area so it helped seeing the real distance between locations especially since the characters were on a cruise ship and it seemed like it takes longer to get around from place to place as ships aren’t usually in a hurry lol.

This book also included a list of resources the author used while researching and writing this book that includes songs, cultural, historical, and scientific information, etc.  The website links and books are listed for easy access to follow up on the data.

In addition, at the end of this book it describes the author’s reasoning on why she named this book series 46. Ascending which was very cool to hear the background of this series and how it all got started.

I couldn’t agree more with the author’s premise – “…we humans have so much more potential than we realize.  We can improve.  We can rise.  We can ascend… (389)”.  Looking back, I seriously felt that message in everyone one of her books.  There is so much inspiration, passion, courage, strength, encouragement, motivation, vision, confidence, bravery, fortitude, determination, and fearlessness in those pages!!!  Each family member faced a challenge that they knew would be difficult, but they knew it was important and that it was the right thing to do.  Special ability or not they would have gone running in to help those in need.  Even though it’s unlikely that [we] possess the ability to shape shift or time warp, etc. it seems like it’s more of an analogy for a special gift like the ability to relate to others, having strong communication skills, being patient with others, having good judgement, having leadership skills, knowing how and when to show empathy, etc.  These books teach us that we all have special talents and that we all are capable of reaching for the stars!!!  Don’t just settle and go the easy route – make life an exciting adventure!!!

Furthermore, at the end of this book is a list of characters names and their role in the book.  This is truly essential and a huge benefit for readers who easily forget things (like me lol!!!) or get overwhelmed with books that are character heavy.  Being able to quickly shoot to the back pages to see who so and so is or how to pronounce that character’s name or find out why that character is at such and such place, etc. was a huge relief to be able to quickly find these answers and not feel so lost or confused and then be able to instantly go back to where you left off and continue reading.

These additions provided readers a little something extra.  Plus, it allows the reader the chance to decide if they want to follow up with more information instead of having too much information forced on them.

This book is book six, the final book in the 46. Ascending Book Series.  It can technically be read as a standalone.  There is a total of six books in this book series and all them have already been released for sale.  All six books feature the Zeitman family and their special abilities.  According to the author, all of these books in this series can be read as a standalone.

It is truly hard to say goodbye to this family after I’ve been so emotionally connected and invested for the past six books!!!

All in all, I really enjoyed reading this book and would absolutely recommend it!  I think all science fiction and fantasy readers will like this book too – and this book series!  So, add it to your TBR List and get to reading - you won't be disappointed!

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book and have voluntarily provided an honest, and unbiased review in accordance with FTC regulations.**



Sherrie Roth grew up in Western Kansas thinking there was no place in the universe more fascinating than outer space. After her mother vetoed astronaut as a career ambition, she went on to study journalism and physics in hopes of becoming a science writer.

She published her first science fiction short story long ago, and then waited a lot of tables while she looked for inspiration for the next story. When it finally came, it declared to her it had to be a whole book, nothing less. One night, while digesting this disturbing piece of news, she drank way too many shots of ouzo with her boyfriend. She woke up thirty-one years later demanding to know what was going on.

The boyfriend, who she had apparently long since married, asked her to calm down and explained how, in a fit of practicality, she had gone back to school and gotten a degree in geophysics and spent the last 28 years interpreting seismic data in the oil industry. The good news, according to Mr. Cronin, was that she had found it to be entertaining and ridiculously well-paying. The bad news was the two of them had still managed to spend almost all of the money.

Apparently she was now Mrs. Cronin, and further good news was that they had produced three wonderful children whom they loved, even though, to be honest, that was where a lot of the money had gone. Even better news was that Mr. Cronin turned out to be a warm-hearted, encouraging sort who was happy to see her awake and ready to write. "It's about time," were his exact words.

Sherrie Cronin discovered that over the ensuing decades Sally Ride had already managed to become the first woman in space and apparently had done a fine job of it. No one, however, had written the book that had been in Sherrie's head for decades. The only problem was, the book informed her it had now grown into a six book collection. Sherrie decided she better start writing it before it got any longer. She's been wide awake ever since, and writing away.



Blog – 46 Ascending:

Blog – Face Painting for World Peace:

Blog – Fire Dancing for Fun and Profit:

Blog – Treasure Hunting for a Good Time:

Blog – Leaving the Nest to Touch the Sky:

Blog – Touching the Sky to Save the World:




Goodreads Author Page:

Goodreads Book Page:

Amazon Author Page:



Amazon Kindle eBook:

Amazon Paperback:

Barnes and Noble Paperback:

The Book Depository Paperback:

BAM! Books-A-Million Paperback:



S. R. will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC and a kindle copy of Flicker’s Fortune (book five) in the 46. Ascending Collection to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Sherrie ~ Good morning! Welcome back! It is always a pleasure to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! I really enjoyed reading and reviewing your book, thanks for providing the copy! :) Can't believe we finished the series already!! Guess it's time for your next series now?? Lol :) I have really enjoyed working with you this past year :)

  2. Hello Ally. I was traveling last Thursday and tried to post a comment here from my phone but it looks like I failed. :( I was trying to thank you so much for hosting me through all six books and for all of your insightful reviews. I very much enjoyed getting acquainted with your blog and I look forward to continuing to follow you. And yes, I've already started a new series (all fantasy this time) and hope to have the first book featured here someday before too long. Thanks again!
