
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Evil Embers by Cristelle Comby - Book Tour - Character Interview - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Cristelle Comby and her new book, “Evil Embers”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Cristelle and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Evil Embers
(Vale Investigation, Book 2)
by Cristelle Comby


GENRE: Urban Fantasy



After narrowly preventing the destruction of Cold City, PI Bellamy Vale needs a rest. Or rather, he needs a plain and simple vanilla case—no monsters or otherworldly creatures involved!

When foreign businessman Eli Smith shows up at his doorstep with a thick wallet and a request to find his missing sister, Vale doesn’t think twice before agreeing.

If he’d known body-hopping demons and smoke monsters came attached to this job, however, he might have.



So what if it was mid-February? The way I was feeling that morning, I planned to sleep until New Year came around again. Hells, as far as I was concerned, I earned it ten times over. I put an end to a string of gruesome killings, prevented the apocalypse our former mayor intended for us, and I’d stuck around long enough to clean up the mess she and her minions left behind. All that thinking took out the last bit of energy I had. I closed my eyes, found a way to lie down that didn’t hurt too much, and let sleep throw its soothing blanket over me.

And then someone knocked at the door.

I groaned at the wrong timing but kept my eyes shut. There was no way in Tartarus that I was getting back up again so soon. Whoever it was could get lost.

The knocking came again.

It was more insistent this time. I could hear a sense of urgency to the motion. I forced one eye open and frowned. The sunlight streaming in from the window was too bright for it to be morning and the angle it bounced off the floorboards was all wrong. I opened my second eye and glanced at the clock on the bedside table…Three in the afternoon.

“The hells?” I muttered, wondering where the day went while I shook my head to clear out the cobwebs.

The knock came a third time and I got up, grumbling all the way to the door. I didn’t bother to put clothes on or to tidy myself up before opening it. I was clad only in an old pair of sweatpants with a variety of cuts, bruises, and bandages on full display throughout my upper body. I hadn’t shaved in a week, and I was sure my hair was a sweaty mess of brown locks and dried blood.

Who knows, I thought, maybe the sight of me will convince my uninvited guest to let me get back to my coma.

If the man in the hallway took notice of my state, he didn’t let it show. He was tall and sickly thin under his rumbled three-piece suit. His pale skin provided some severe contrast with the purple bags under his brown eyes. He was somewhere between forty and forty-five. His angular face wasn’t familiar, and my frown deepened.

He looked like a potential client, the I-want-to-know-who-my-wife-is-banging type, but they rarely showed up to my private address unannounced. I made a lot of enemies in my professional career, not all of them on this side of the border, so my business card only listed my cell number.

The suit he wore appeared brand new, but I frowned more as I realized something didn’t add up. I was no fashion expert, but the matching of colors between the vest and shirt was off, brownish orange shirt covered by a purple jacket. Oh, and he wore a tie that matched his jacket…ugh. The light brown shoes were also at odds with the indigo blue pants. And there was the smell on the guy. It wasn’t a garbage smell—I’d been around enough of that over the last month to know it at first whiff—but there was a smoky quality about it that stood out.

I filed the information away for later and looked the man squarely in the eye. “What?” I croaked, my tongue feeling too thick and my mouth too dry.

“Bellamy Vale?” he asked, with an accent that wasn’t from around here…Middle Eastern, maybe?

I jerked my thumb at the bell next to the door. It had my name on it.

The man peered down at it perplexed, then pressed the round button. A shrill ringing shot out of the tiny plastic box above the door, and the sound sent sharp needles dancing through my brain. I winced in pain.

“Yeah—yeah, that’s me.” I rushed the words out, eager to make the noise stop. Damn, but my head was killing me. My odd gentleman caller took his finger off the button to look at me again.

“I need your help,” he said, “to find my sister.”

I needed help too, preferably in the form of another round of painkillers. But that was going to have to wait. I waved my potential new client inside.



Character Interview: Bellamy Vale

I’ll admit, I have no idea what a ‘character interview’ is supposed to be like. I apologize, if this isn’t quite what you intended.

One of the main characters in the Vale Investigation series is a nosy journalist, so this short vignette is the first thing that sprung to mind.

Sincerely, Cristelle.


Candice Kennedy sat crossed-legged and perfectly still. Her posture revealed ankle-high leather cowboy boots beneath her blue jeans. Though she kept her mouth shut, you could tell from a mile away that she was gloating on the inside. It just showed in her smirk and in her sparkling blue eyes.
She’d tricked me into this fair and square, so I allowed her her little victory and sat down with a cup of tea in my hand.
“Fine,” I muttered, over the rim. “Let’s get this over with.”
Her smile grew; she was positively beaming at me now. Hells, I’d always known becoming friends with a journo was gonna bite me in the ass someday—guess today was the day.
“Mister Vale,” she started, and I frowned at the formal greeting. I caught myself and remembered this was a professional interview after all, not two friends having a chat. “You are a licensed private investigator here in Cold City.”
I nodded into my tea.
Kennedy kicked me in the chin, underneath the coffee table. She repeated the motion until I stammered, “Yeah—yeah, I am. Been doing that for a couple of years now.”
“You’ve been hired by several companies to investigate insurance fraud and by divorce attorneys to add water to the mill, so to speak.”
I nodded again, and added for the sake of my ankles, “Yeah, that’s common legwork for a PI.”
“You’ve also worked for the CCPD on some cases…” she let her sentence go unfinished, forcing me to do the rest of the work for her. I glanced up, unsure if I should look at her, or at the camera she’d set up on a tripod next to the couch. I went for the blonde.
“We’ve crossed path on some investigations,” I told her, not wanting to get into more details.
“That’s not all you did?” Kennedy said, her smile turning somewhat predatory.
Hells, just last week I’d faced an angry golem, so a simple question like that shouldn’t make me squeamish, but it did. My relationship with the men in blue was complicated, or rather it was complicated with one woman in blue in particular.
I gave Kennedy a look which clearly spelled “drop it,” and prayed the Texan got the message.
“I mean, just a little over a year ago, you did help them with a kidnapping. Finding, and bringing home our Mayor’s daughter, isn’t this right?” Kennedy said.
“Well, yeah...” I was surprised to realize that was what she’d been aiming for. Guess this was more sensational than a PI having a love affair with an homicide sergeant.
“Townsend wasn’t Mayor back then though,” I felt the need to clarify.
“Right, but he was Cold City’s most successful entrepreneur. And Mr. Townsend isn’t even the most illustrious client you’ve had,” she continued. “Sources tell me, someone put you on cases like the Galas Incident and the Ali Pasha Debacle…”
She let her words hang in the air again, and I struggled for an answer. This time I knew full well what she was fishing for.
In this matter, Kennedy was her own source and she knew what everyone had dubbed the ‘Galatas Incident’ was actually our former Mayor Jacinta Galatas leveling half of downtown as she tried to open a gate to the Underworld. And the mayhem at Ali Pasha wasn’t due to some experimental drugs, but rather to an evil jinn possessing the club’s patrons. I intervened in both cases, saving as many lives as I could.
“I’m not sure what you want me to say here, Ms. Kennedy.”
“The cases you worked were linked to these incidents,” she said. “That is the truth, isn’t it?”
The truth—that was what I’d promised Kennedy. I grounded my teeth and forced myself to say, “Yes. It’s true.”
“And in both cases, you were hired by the same person.”
“Hired is a big word,” I sniggered—wasn’t like I was getting paid for these jobs.
“Required,” Kennedy amended.
“Yeah. You could say that.” It wasn’t like my boss was someone you could say ‘no’ to, not if you wanted to keep on breathing. But that’s what happens when you sign a compact with Death herself.
“Two major incidents which cost many citizens’ lives. Apparently unrelated, and yet,” she waved a hand at me, “a common denominator—a link. What can you tell our viewers about that?”
I looked up, caught her gaze and held on. Kennedy was determined, like a dog with a bone. She was a good journalist and I knew she wouldn’t let go. None of what we’d faced had scarred her into giving up yet, and sometimes I feared nothing would. But I knew better than her what was going on in the shadows and beyond. There was another world out there, and trust me when I say no-one in their right mind should want to know. When dealing with certain entities, knowledge is dangerous. And Kennedy had made a name for herself outside of the journalism realm… hells, she’d made a name outside of this realm, period. And every time she dug deeper, she put herself in more danger.
“Client confidentiality,” I said, without averting my gaze.
“Really?” she said. “That’s what you’re going with?” The Texan accent she toned down during interviews crept back into her voice. A sign she wasn’t pleased by my answer.
“Yes, Ms. Kennedy,” I said. “I’m afraid I cannot name my client any more than you can name your source.”
That was a low blow, but it was all I had. It was dangerous enough for her to know Alterum Mundum even existed, I couldn’t let her spread the word about it. If the news ever got out, none of us would survive the backlash.
But Kennedy wouldn’t be a good journalist if she couldn’t spin this to her advantage. And spin this, she did. Turning to face the camera, she said, “And this concludes our interview with private investigator Bellamy Vale, who kindly confirmed there is an entity in the dark who knew about the Galatas Incident and what went down at Ali Pasha. Stay tuned for more…”
She sat up and started packing the camera. I waited until it was tucked away in her bag to say, “I’m sorry Kennedy, but you had to know it’d go down that way.”
“Don’t worry, hoss.” She gave me a smirk over her shoulder. “I got more than I expected.”
I laughed, before sitting up and biding her farewell.


Once Kennedy had left, I fished my phone out of my pocket and sent a text to my best friend. “Hey, Z. you *can* hack into Candice’s agency servers, right?”
There’d be hell to pay for this, I knew. But if the price for keeping the journalist alive was her being angry with me—well, I called it a bargain.
“Remind me whose family *owns* the Internet?” was all the reply I got.



Cristelle Comby was born and raised in the French-speaking area of Switzerland, on the shores of Lake Geneva, where she still resides.

She attributes to her origins her ever-peaceful nature and her undying love for chocolate. She has a passion for art, which also includes an interest in drawing and acting.

She is the author of the Neve & Egan Cases series, which features an unlikely duo of private detectives in London: Ashford Egan, a blind History professor, and Alexandra Neve, one of his students.

Currently, she is hard at work on her Urban Fantasy series Vale Investigation which chronicles the exploits of Death’s only envoy on Earth, PI Bellamy Vale, in the fictitious town of Cold City, USA.







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Cristelle will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Cristelle ~ Welcome back! It is so great to have you here again! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! :)

  2. Thanks for having me again.
    This vignette was a lot of fun to write :)


  3. Good luck with the release!

