
Friday, February 15, 2019

The Amazing, Unfolding World of Machine Civilization Series by Clayton Barnett - Book Tour - Book Sale - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Clayton Barnett and his new book series, “The Amazing, Unfolding World of Machine Civilization Series”!  For other stops on his Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Clayton and to increase your chances of winning!

"The Fourth Law," and "Echoes of Family Lost," are BOTH on SALE during the book tour for ONLY $0.99 each!!!  See below for more details.

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

The Amazing, Unfolding World of Machine Civilization Series
by Clayton Barnett


GENRE: Science Fiction



A history beginning in our near future, these stories are set in a world where the US dollar has been displaced as the world’s reserve currency, prompting its economic and political collapse, with a few areas able to hold onto civilization.

At the same time, across the Pacific, under a resurgent economy brought about by the implementation of new technology and deregulation, three Japanese companies produce breakthroughs in both artificial intelligence and robotics.  These newly made people exhibit an odd interest in the goings-on of the former United States.
To-date, my chronicling of this interest of theirs has led to stories that populate five novels, which I would like to share with everyone now!



In the near future, 23-year-old apprentice nurse Lily Barrett lives in a shattered time.  Following its economic collapse, the US has devolved into a group of a few barely functional smaller states and vast swathes of barbarian badlands.  His sister has been missing for years, and her father, after earning the opprobrium of most of the world for running a state terror organization, presumed dead.

Two things keep her going: her live-in job at a small, Catholic orphanage in the city of Waxahachie, Republic of Texas, and Ai, her odd but dear friend, whom she met online; a young woman who only shows herself to Lily as a rendered CG image.

Troubled by her past, haunted by her name, and facing an uncertain future, Lily seems only a quiet, simple life.  But, that past and her present conspire against her.



Alive!  After four years believing her older sister lost and presumed dead in the horrible Breakup of the United States, Lily Barrett gets word from her dear friend, Ai – and Ai’s family of Machine Civilization – that Callie Barrett is very likely alive… but over 900 miles away in Knoxville.

Using the resources of her and Ai’s family, Lily puts together a search party to go find Callie:  old, broken, and burnt Orloff – an expert in surviving in the Badlands, Ai’s little sister, Fausta – her machine mind controlling a Combat Android to protect her friend, all together in a cart pulled by their sturdy pony, Clyde.

It’s almost a thousand miles to go, with something very odd trying to limit their ability to communicate over distance and even to cross bridges.  A chance meeting along the way in Huntsville, former Alabama, wrecks their plans, and puts all of their lives in danger.



Even with San Diego occupied by the Mexican Army, Katarina Sosabowski pursues her MBA at UCSD, and is happy to welcome and put up her visiting step-cousin from Japan, Christopher Dennou, for a night so he can complete his enrollment the following day.

But a minor earthquake brings a major surprise:  Chris’s younger sister, Maya, murders their mother and escapes Neuroi Institute, the research facility that created them.

While Chris and ‘Cat’ grow closer to one another, Maya inexorably crosses an ocean and half a continent to take back her brother, killing anyone who gets in her way.



Model 5 is a prototype designed to fit seemlessly into human society.  A meeting in Tokyo derails Nichole’s planned training as she is dispatched to Portland, former Oregon; the last working deep water port on the West Coast of the imploding US.

There, under her cover as a Graduate Engineering Student, she is to do her utmost to nurture the people and politics of the City-State into a Friend and Ally of the Japanese Empire.  But from the first day in her new home, all of Nichole’s plans go awry.

Beset by those who want this small lamp of Western Civilization snuffed out, Nichole must find within herself the courage and ability to protect her new friends, at whatever consequence to herself.



After residing nearly a year in Portland, Nichole’s life seems to finally settle down: with her classes, friends, and lover.  But troubling rumors about secret deals between the City’s master and the savage horsemen to the east reach her ears.

With her own skills augmented by her friends and allies, she sets plans into motion she hopes will thwart those in opposition to her dream of a peaceful future.

Once again denied a quiet, normal life, Nichole is faced to make hard, dangerous choices that will jeopardize her, her friends, and the survival of the City itself.



From Friend and Ally:

Mackenzie slowly moved her head. Her eyes opened. “Uhhh…?”

Nichole quickly spoke up. “You’re in my room, friend Mackenzie! You fell asleep after dinner on the ship! Do you remember?”

“Oooo!  Head hurts!” Hangover.

“You need to drinks lots of water! And take a shower right now, to clean out your skin!” Nichole said. “Let me help you to your room!”

“My room…?” Mackenzie pushed herself up to a sitting position and tried to look around.  It was obvious she was not all there.  Her head lolled about, coming to a sudden stop when she looked at Nichole.


“Yes, friend Mackenzie?”

Nichole watched, fascinated, as clarity entered her  friend’s face. Mackenzie held up her left hand, pointing.

“What’s that there for?”

She was just barely pointing to Nichole’s right. Did I leave my radio headset on again…?

Uh oh.

Mackenzie looked at the cord that went from the back of Nichole’s neck, over her shoulder, across the floor, and into the wall outlet next to the bed she was in. Her eyes reversed their trace and ended back in Nichole’s. Anxiously, she pulled the sheet up to cover herself.

“What… what are you?!” Mackenzie cried.



Five Reasons You Should Read My Books

There are, so far, five novels comprising Machine Civilization.  So let’s have an example from each, with a little commentary, as to why You Should Read My Books!

1. “The Fourth Law”.

My first novel and I freely admit I had no idea what I was doing.  Even in the opening scene, I didn’t know anyone’s name nor what in the heck was going on.  Over twenty-three days, I got to know Lily’s family and Ai’s family, and the tremendous love they share as friends.  In this scene, just days after ‘discovering’ her friend’s nature, a crisis befalls Lily.  But, a crisis she can manage with her friend.  And, after all, who reading this hasn’t had that dream where you go to school in your underwear?

    “LILY!  You’re not a wolf!  Wake up!”
    She groggily sat up from her bed.  Huh?
    “It’s three in the morning... you need to help your kids!”  Ai shouted at her from her phone.
    The kids!
    She flung the cover aside and pushed her glasses onto her face.  Now she could hear the siren.  What was it this time?  Tornado, airstrike, barbarians... the last was almost a year ago when they lost Texarkana.  Wait.  She shook her head to try to wake up.  This time, she’d an unimpeachable information source.
    “Ai.  Status.” She said into the darkness.
    “A fission weapon was detonated outside San Francisco about ten minutes ago; the weather pattern indicates fallout will travel north of you, into parts of former Kansas and Oklahoma.  But, winds do change...”
    “Right.” She started pulling her clothes on.  “Wake up the Fitzhughs; I’ll be there in a minute.”
    She walked from her bedroom through her main room, glancing at the monitors.  She suddenly bit hard on her lower lip.  On the monitors, Ai stood at attention in a Texas Field Forces uniform.  For some unknown reason, she forgot to render her pants.  Striped green and white panties?  Lily worried about her friend sometimes.

As I was drawing to a close with T4L, I’d already had enough rattling around in my mind to tell more of Lily’s story… and that of her friends and family, too.  That turned into the next book…

2. “Echoes of Family Lost”.

As the movie Battle Angel Alita has just come out, let’s take a look at what Fausta’s isolated consciousness can do in her combat android form when she, her friend, and their guide stop at a seemingly deserted windfarm for electric power…

Orloff proceeded with his typical caution.  If they were working, there was a very good chance that someone was defending them.  As they passed a rusted ‘Welcome to Mississippi!’ sign, he mused that perhaps they’d been built here on the border to show off, rather than to generate electricity.  Another idiocy paid for by debt and fiat currency.  Of course, they were all paying for that now.
A gravel road led off the highway to the small wind farm.  There was a chain link fence stretching around it, but the gate was wide open.  Inside, he could see three buildings.  One looked like an office, so the others must be controls.  He brought the cart to a halt about twenty yards from the gate.
“Hear anything, Miss Fausta?” he asked.
“There are at least two—” Just then, the door to the office building opened.  Two men with rifles strolled out.  Dirty tee shirts and faded jeans.  Orloff thought they’d not had a bath in a week or more.  Not exactly the types you’d expect to see caring for a relic of modern civilization.  They walked to the open gate.
“Let’s be on guard here,” he said under his breath.
“What’s you be wantin’?”  The shorter of the two called.
Orloff slowly pointed at the windmills.  “I’ve got some batteries I need to recharge.  Those things work?”
“Pretty much,” the shorter one replied, his eyes sliding to Lily.  “But it ain’t free.”
Orloff nodded.  “We can pay.” 
The taller one spat some tobacco juice into the dusty road.
“How?  We ain’t takin’ no paper!” he said.
“Would you take minted silver coins?”  Orloff asked.  The other two looked for a moment at each other.
“That’s a good start,” the short one said, again with a glance at Lily.  “Why don’t you bring you’s wagon over here to this building.”  He waved at the one just beyond the office.
“Much obliged.”  Orloff started Clyde forward at a slow walk.  As they came abreast of the two men, the taller one exclaimed, “Hey!  Another woman!  You a slaver or sumthin’?”
So, slavery has been reintroduced in this region, he thought.  Wonderful.
“Not at all.  That’s my wife; she was taking a break back there.  This is my niece, Lily.”
“Pretty,” said the short one from her side.  Orloff stopped the wagon where they indicated.  Lily had her hand on her pistol while Orloff climbed down, then she followed.  Fausta stood and leaped down.
The taller one took a look into the wagon.  “Just what is it you gonna charge up?” he asked.
“That,” said Orloff slowly, “is not your concern.”
No one said anything for a few moments, then the taller one laughed.
“That’s fine!  You take what you needs on in there,” he said with forced humor, “but since we’s don’t gets many visitors, you can leave your niece out here to chat!”
Sighing, Orloff looked as Fausta brushed at her hair and seemed to stretch.  Great:  two more in the office, and another in the building they’d been directed to.
“I think,” he began, “that it’s best that we just move on.”
“And I think, old man,” the shorter one said, “that yous be stayin’.  Hey, Zed!”
The door of the office opened again and the other two men came out, their pistols pointed.  Fausta grinned, showing her shark-like teeth.
“What in the HELL are you?!”  The taller called in fear.
Orloff quickly drew his pistol and shot him in the head.  Lily leaped behind Clyde for cover as Fausta charged the two that had just emerged.  They’d only time for one shot each, both of which bounced off of her armor.  The closer one, she punched with her left hard enough for Orloff to hear all the facial bones shatter; in another moment, the further man receiving her right.
Blocked by the wagon, Orloff dropped and shot at the shorter’s legs; missed, but distracted him long enough for…
…Fausta jumped over the wagon, firing her revolver as she dropped.  Two shots into each shoulder.
“Lily!  Cover the door next to us!”  Orloff called.  She came up over Clyde’s back with her gun pointed.  Fausta was already on her way and smashed through the door with her shoulder.  Orloff heard a short “I give u – !” before another crunch of bone.
For a moment all was still, the only sound from the short thug screaming in pain.  Fausta’s targets were all unconscious.

Smart, beautiful, dangerous.  She’d make a great wife if she would learn to make sandwiches!

3. “Cursed Hearts”.

Okay, that last was a little violent… and considering that CH is a horror/romance, there’s plenty of blood I could sling about as another example.  Instead, how about we look in on Chris, his step-cousin Cat, and her ex-boyfriend as they finish dinner at the Hotel del Coronado, just across from San Diego and facing the Pacific Ocean…

“Brother,” Chris ventured, liking the sound of it, “does not the sea look odd to you, this night?”
In Anton’s exhale before turning left to look, Chris guestimated their host’s level of drunkenness. 
“Hmmm!”  Anton narrowed his eyes.  “For the security of the state, I shall investigate this!”
He stood, not at all unsteady, and began walking purposefully toward the beach.  With a glance at one another, Chris and Cat did, too.  They wound their way through the few outbuildings of the hotel, catching up with him just at the sand.  Leaning on a lamp post, Anton shucked his shoes and peeled off his socks.
“Follow me!”  He called.
They did similarly.  Not knowing if Cat saw, Chris did note the driver about eight paces behind them.  They trotted to catch up with Anton.  The tide was in, so he was only a dozen yards ahead.
“What… what’s with the surf?”  Cat asked.
Each small breaker that came in was foaming in an odd, almost electric blue.  Lines of the same blue were flashing up and down the strand, as if parts of the sea were sending messages to itself.
“Amazing!”  Cat breathed.  “What’s going on?  Anton!  Wait!”
He was rolling up his slacks to his knees.  Was he thinking of going out in that?!
“Bioluminescence,” Chris said.
“This is a rare event:  a type of algae-bloom that emits light.”  He pointed right to where a wave seemed to crackle in with blue fire.  “Wait for that to withdraw, then run and jump hard on that spot!”
“Now, Cat!”
With enough wine in her to follow anyone’s orders, she sprinted the fifteen feet then jumped into the air.  Her feet came down hard onto the wet, compacted sand.
A bright pulse of light blue light surged up and down the beach.
“Oh my God!”  Cat cried.  “That was sooo cool!”
She ran back a bit, waited for another breaker, then did it again.
“Wha-hoo!”  she yelled.  “Anton!  Anton, did you see - !”
He stood with the water washing halfway up his calves, staring out at the flickering lights.  Careful to not get her dress any wetter than it was, Cat moved over to him.
“Anton?” she asked quietly.
“Tonight is a night of miracles,” he spoke plainly to the water.
“Is it?”

There’s also a wonderful review on Amazon about this book; the reviewer understood what I tried so hard to accomplish:  Maya is a killer but is also a tragic figure, as well.  Once I finished CH it was almost two months before I could write again.  I was emotionally devastated.

4. “Friend and Ally”.

The book is in three parts, built around three battles, and shot through with politics and personal drama.  Another deliberate change of mine to try to write something different.  Let’s listen to Nichole 5 and her friend Teresa, the daughter of the mayor (read: dictator) of the City of Portland, Oregon, early on after the Breakup of the United States.

“Got a date?” Her friend asked. “That hot guy from awhile ago?”
“I’m meeting someone, yes,” Nichole replied. “But she’s a little skittish.”
“That cute nothing; the one with you on the ship.”
Nichole was surprised how Teresa put that together with very little data.
“Yes, that’s correct.”
“At Zom’s?”
“No.” Nichole considered her internal chronometer. She needed to go. “Some place I’ve not been, just a couple of blocks from the library.”
“Was headed to the Miller, myself,” Teresa said, standing. “Mind company for the walk?”
The morning rain had broken and was now just slatted slate bands across the sky.
“I don’t recall her name,” her friend said. “In fact, at dinner, I don’t recall seeing anything but the top of her head. Was she already drunk?  Shit!  I sure was!”
“You were?” Nichole had just that part of her friend’s prickly personality. “But, no, Mackenzie wasn’t. By the time we left, a little, I think!”
“That’s right! I was arguing with Dad and didn’t see you leave!”
They passed the Student Rec center.
“Some Marines saw us home, to the Stratford,” Nichole said, recalling that night. “I was a little worried about her, so she slept in my bed.”
“Oh, didn’t know you’re a lesbian,” Teresa said.
“I… I’m not a – ”
“Did you take your clothes off?”
“Yes, but I was – ”
“So, you’re a lesbian.” She stopped and stared at Nichole. “You didn’t molest that poor girl in her sleep, did you?!”
“Noooo!” Nichole almost howled. “I was next to her! In a chair!  I didn’t touch – ”
 Teresa’s right index finger poked the middle of Nichole’s chest.
“For being such an amazing liar, you really can’t tell when someone’s pulling your leg, can you?”
Teasing her. Nichole thought quickly about the subject. Often malicious, but used between friends for bonding and affection. She was older.
“I’d thought you a mutt,” she tried teasing back, looking down at her hands, “but you play with your prey like a cat!”
“Sorry,” Teresa replied, obviously not, “just how I am!”

Nichole has many more adventures and even ends up falling in love… leading to the next book…

5. “Foes and Rivals”.

More politics, more fighting, more hot sex between Nichole and her boyfriend.  So let’s instead drop in on Nichole and her friend, the artist Mackenzie, who lives in the dorm/flat directly across from Nichole.

“Yes, friend,” she smiled as she opened it, surprised to see her staid friend’s face come to mirror hers, she so rarely smiled.
“Can… I borrow you?” she asked.
Her strength, speed, computational power?  Nichole was confused.
“I’ve… I have only seen you nude that one time,” the girl muttered.  “But I need more information.”
Ah.  When it comes to art, she’s very direct!  Interesting she uses the word ‘nude’ and not ‘naked.’
“Of course!  Your place or mine?”
“I’ve got all my supplies out… if that’s okay?”
“Sure!” Now only in her blouse and panties, Nichole followed her out into the hall and through the open door.
The mysterious canvas was still directed further into her friend’s room.  Mackenzie told her to remove the rest of her clothes and sit in one of the two rickety wooden chairs, her left quarter facing, with her head turned toward the artist.
“My hands?” Nichole asked, pleased at the serious on Mac’s face as she considered the question.
“It… might make for a change… but your left in your lap and your right up onto your shoulder.  As if someone is behind you, holding it.” Very direct.
“Who is holding my hand?  That will dictate how I feel.”
“Oh.” Now Mackenzie looked about the room rather than at her subject.  “Your… boyfriend… I guess…”
Mackenzie’s eyes came back to Nichole to see her sit up straighter, her eyes brighten, and a look of joy suffuse her face.
“So, that’s what love looks like…” Nichole only heard with her enhanced senses.
“Thank you,” Mackenzie spoke up this time, picking up her large sketchbook and some pencils.  “Not too uncomfortable?”
“Of course not.  I can hold this pose until I run out of power and collapse onto your floor.”
She saw her friend shudder and look up.
“A joke, my friend!”
Time passed.  Initially, she would look up and down every few seconds.  After about twenty minutes, her eyes stayed on her friend with only an occasional glance at the paper.
“May I talk?”
“Sure… nice to have a model with such control!”
“You wanted my tattoo in the center of the picture?”
Mackenzie’s eyes had just dropped.  They came back up slowly.
“Do you seek to emphasize my inhumanness?”
“N… no!  That’s not it!  At all!!” she yelled, on the verge of tears.
Nichole closed her eyes but did not move.
“Thank you for that,” she said quietly.  Her eyes reopened.
Mackenzie blinked the tears away and returned to her task, making a single nod.
“If the… Mayor’s men ask you about coming to work for them again… please…”
“What’s that?”
Do I take this step?  Involve my friends?  But, they are all involved, one way or another…
“Please hear them out, at least.”
The artist stopped and held the subject’s eyes.  Nichole saw her unhappiness.
After another ten minutes, she saw her friend lean back in her chair as she set the pencil down.
“Yes.” Her eyes lingered on her special friend.  “You’re so pretty.”
“Yes, but it’s a cage,” Nichole replied, lowering her right arm.
“You are just as beautiful as I am.  I bet you were super-cute as a kid!” Nichole said, standing and collecting her shirt and panties.  “And, you’re going to be a gorgeous mother and stately grandmother!”
“Mmm… moth…!”
Nichole ignored her and moved to the door.
“I’ll always have this form.  Never changing, until I, too, die one day.”
Mackenzie fell silent.
“It’s a cage,” she spoke to the door, her hand on the knob.  “Don’t ever be envious of us, you biologic.  Revel in your time.”
She opened the door.
“Tolkien,” Mackenzie said.
“What’s that?” Nichole turned her head only a little.
“The fantasy writer… humans envied the Elves’ immortality, never seeing how weary they all were.  He called death the ‘Gift of Man.’”
I must come to know this story.  My next trip to the library!
“Sounds about right.” Nichole closed the door behind her and took the few steps to her room.

Thanks, everyone, for putting up with this rather long Guest Post!  I was asked for Five Reasons that you should read my books and I sincerely hope I successfully provided them!  See everyone at the next Tour Stop!



One time engineer, some time pharmacy technician, full time husband and father, Clayton Barnett stumbled into writing a traditional novel November 2014 during National Novel Writing Month.  Liking the results, he edited what would become “The Fourth Law” and set about teaching himself self-publishing.  In the following four years he has produced four more novels as well as a children’s early reader, all in what is now called Machine Civilization. 

Clayton Barnett lives in central Ohio with his wife, two daughters, and two dogs.





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**The Fourth Law is on SALE during the book tour for ONLY $0.99!!!**

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**Echoes of Family Lost is on SALE during the book tour for ONLY $0.99!!!**

Amazon Kindle eBook:

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Clayton will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Clayton ~ Hi! Welcome! It is so great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! :)

  2. Thank you for putting up with me today!

  3. How long did it take you to write your book? Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

    1. Just the raw manuscripts?
      T4L - 23 days
      EFL - ~5 weeks
      CH - about 35 days
      F&A - was a writing exercise spread over six months
      F&R - about 6 weeks

  4. Happy Friday, thanks for sharing the great post :)

  5. Did you design the cover for your book? Congrats on the release. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

  6. Would you ever like to see a movie made of your book? Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

    1. I would love to see a series made of each of these! *hint hint* if anyone working at Amazon Original Series is reading this!

  7. What were your favorite type of books to read growing up? Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com
