
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

A Rebel at Pennington's by Rachel Brimble - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hey lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Rachel Brimble and her new book, “A Rebel at Pennington’s”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Rachel and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

A Rebel at Pennington's
by Rachel Brimble


GENRE: Historical Romance/Saga



1911 Bath. Banished from her ancestral home, passionate suffrage campaigner, Esther Stanbury works as a window dresser in Pennington's Department Store. She has hopes and dreams for women's progression and will do anything to help secure the vote.

Owner of the prestigious Phoenix Hotel, Lawrence Culford has what most would view as a successful life. But Lawrence is harbouring shame, resentment and an anger that threatens his future happiness.

When Esther and Lawrence meet their mutual understanding of life's challenges unites them and they are drawn to the possibility of a life of love that neither thought existed.
With the Coronation of King-Emperor George V looming, the atmosphere in Bath is building to fever pitch, as is the suffragists' determination to secure the vote.

Will Esther's rebellious nature lead her to ruin or can they overcome their pasts and look to build a future together?



She looked towards Lawrence.

He softly studied her, and her cheeks warmed. The way he looked at her inferred he was equally moved by Mrs Hadley’s sadness. Esther looked away. He, too, was widowed. Had he and his wife once shared the same love that Grace Hadley spoke of?

Shamed by the jolt of jealousy that shot through her, Esther walked to stand behind a pillar that blocked Lawrence’s sight of her but gave her full view of Mrs Hadley. A familiar sense of unworthiness knotted Esther’s stomach. If Lawrence understood Grace Hadley’s words and sorrow, then, he too, must have known deep and meaningful love.

She would never be enough to compete with such a ghost. Would never be enough to be with a man who bore such longing for a person he’d lost. If she listened to her body and how it so treacherously reacted to Lawrence, her attraction to him would only end badly when the moment came that she’d inevitably held something of herself back.

She could not forgo everything she had built. Somehow, she had to find the strength to fight the temptation of Lawrence’s gaze and quash the yearning to see him again…to see his children again. The emotions he’d evoked in her proved her capable of feeling. Something she had doubted for so very long. Her meeting him had been worth that, at least.



Evolution of My Writing Habits

I started writing for publication in 2005 and my first book Searching For Sophie was published by The Wild Rose Press in 2007. Since then, I have had at least one novel published every year which fills me with pride and disbelief in equal measure.

Who would have thought that my lifelong dream of becoming a published novelist would happen so spectacularly?

Writing books is scary! Even now, after writing for over fourteen years, I still have that stomach-dropping feeling of ‘I can’t do this’ every time I start a new book. It never goes away and part of me hopes it never will. I don’t want to ever grow complacent about my work – I want to continue to throw myself, heart and soul, into everything I write and offer my readers.

I have learned SO much over the years and truly believe writing is a craft that anyone can learn. It takes tenacity, self-belief and a willingness to learn and accept rejection as part of the process, but if you want to be a published writer badly enough, you will find the strength to do all of these things.

When I first starting writing, I enrolled in as many free and cheap courses as possible to learn how to write dialogue, show versus tell, plotting, setting… you name it, I signed up for it. I also joined the Romance Writers of America and the Romantic Novelists Association (UK equivalent) in order to meet like-minded romance writers online and in person. I think it’s imperative for aspiring writers to surround themselves with other writers as early as possible for comradery, experience and questions. Romance writers are some of the most supportive writers I have ever met!

As soon as I gained not one, but three, critique partners it was a revelation. Beginner writers are often reluctant to show their work to others, but it’s an absolute must if you are serious about publication. Yes, you might have a few hit and misses until you find the right fit, but finding my critique partners changed everything for me. To have three fellow romance novelists look at every chapter of my work in progress as I write improved my writing ten-fold overnight.

These days (and this is something I wish I’d known early on in my career!), I give myself permission to write a crappy first draft. This is the best and most liberating writing advice I have been given and quadrupled by output instantly. As artists we often doubt our work and ability but writing the first draft of a novel from beginning to end without looking back means you will get to The End. Yes, there may be MANY following drafts, but you have something to work with and you know you are capable of finishing a book. It’s a win-win!

I am now lucky enough to work full-time and treat my writing as a ‘proper job’ just as I would if I was working out of the home. It’s important to prioritise my work and I make sure friends and family know when I’m working – I’ve learned if you want to succeed at this writing business, you have to protect your time to get it done.

As a published writer of over 20 romance novels, I’ve grown and changed in my work but the fundamental thing that hasn’t changed is I know writing is my calling and I wholly embrace it!



Rachel lives with her husband and their two daughters in a small town near Bath in the UK. Since 2007, she has had several novels published by small US presses, eight books published by Harlequin Superromance (Templeton Cove Stories) and four Victorian romances with eKensington/Lyrical.

In January 2018, she signed a four-book deal with Aria Fiction for a new Edwardian series set in Bath’s finest department store. The first book, The Mistress of Pennington’s released July 2018 with book two coming February 2019.

Rachel is a member of the Romantic Novelists Association and Romance Writers of America and has thousands of social media followers from all over the world. To sign up for her quarterly and new release newsletter, click here to go to her website:



Rachel’s super cute furbaby, Tyler
PC: IG - @rachelbrimbleauthor





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Rachel will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Sounds like a book I will enjoy reading.

  2. Who is your favorite character from your book? Congrats on the release. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com
