
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Prophetic Mayan Queen by Leonide Martin - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host fellow Oregonian Leonide Martin and her new book, “The Prophetic Mayan Queen”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Lennie and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

The Prophetic Mayan Queen
by Leonide Martin


GENRE: Historical Fiction



She was born to serve the Goddess Ix Chel. But K'inuuw Mat is destined to continue the Palenque (Lakam Ha) dynasty by marriage to Tiwol, fourth son of famous ruler Pakal. Trained in prophetic arts, she uses scrying to foresee the face of the man with whom she will bear the dynastic heir—but it is not her husband's image. She is shocked upon arriving at Palenque to recognize that face as her husband's older brother, Kan Bahlam. They are immediately attracted, sharing deep interest in astronomy. Though she resists, the magnetic force of their attraction propels them into forbidden embraces, until Kan Bahlam designs a bold plan that would solve his inability to produce a son—if he can gain his brother's cooperation.

Set in the splendor of Lakam Ha's artistic and scientific zenith, royal family conflicts and ambitions play out in a tapestry of brilliant Mayan accomplishments in calendars, astronomy, architecture, arts, and secret language codes that will astound people centuries later. As K'inuuw Mat contends with explosive emotions, she must answer the Goddess' mandate to preserve Mayan culture for future generations. Her passion with Kan Bahlam leads to a pale daughter and bold son who carry this out as their civilization begins the decline and eventual collapse her prophetic vision foresees.

One great cycle rolls into the next…

Contemporary Mexican archeologist Francesca and her partner Charlie, a British linguist, venture into Chiapas jungles to a remote Maya village, seeking to unravel her grandmother's secrets. The hostile village shaman holds the key, but refuses to share with outsiders the scandal that leads to foreign blood and ancient Palenque lineages. Only by re-claiming her own shamanic heritage can Francesca learn the truth of who she is, and bring her dynasty into the present.



Eyes closed, K’inuuw Mat breathed again on the stone and said her own prayer inwardly:  Ix Chel, guide my vision, open my inner sight. All is done in your service.

Extending her arm over the bowl, she gently slipped the stone into the water and watched as it settled to the bottom. Rings of ripples spread quickly across the water’s surface, rebounded from the rim and crossed each other, creating a tiny jumble that soon dissipated. When the surface was again smooth, K’inuuw Mat stared fixedly at it, clearing her mind of all thoughts. She watched and waited for an image to appear. Her task was to read in the scrying water the image of the animal that the acolyte Olal held in mind.

At first the water only reflected clouds passing above and a corner of one building. Trying not to blink, K’inuuw Mat kept staring and intensified her focus.

Animal of the jungle, animal of the fields, animal of the plains, whoever you are, come to me now, she called mentally.

Slowly, tantalizing shapes began forming on the water’s surface. She could not make out a distinct feature that might reveal which animal was starting to appear. Breathing in deeply, she closed both eyes and intensified her intention. On the exhalation, she expanded her awareness and opened herself to receive.

Both eyelids flew up and she fixed her gaze upon the water. There, almost as clearly as if she was seeing it on a jungle path, was the face of a gray fox. Its dark nose quivered, sniffing for a scent; its sharp eyes with pale brows stared at her below large cupped ears. The image remained for a brief time on the surface, and then dissolved.

“A gray fox!” she exclaimed.

Olal, the acolyte holding the animal image in mind smiled and clapped her hands together.

“It is so!” she said. “You have seen truly.”



The Character I Identify Most With

In my newly released book, the character I identify most with is the main female character, K'inuuw Mat. The book is about her life, the many changes she goes through, how she grows by facing adversity, and the lasting impact she has on her society. What makes her story even more interesting is that she is not fictional, but a real historic person.

K'inuuw Mat lived over 1300 years ago in the ancient Mayan culture. She grows up in the Tabasco, Mexico, plains region, second daughter of the ruling family in a small city. She wants to be a priestess of Ix Chel, Mayan Goddess of Healing, on the island of Cozumel. But, her destiny takes her instead to Palenque, dominant city of her region, where she marries into the highest ruling family. They expect her to produce a male heir for the dynasty.

One reason I identify with K'inuuw Mat is her desire to be a priestess. She also has skills in divination, using scrying and vision questing. I've had training as a Priestess of Isis. In the Maya tradition, I'm a Solar Initiate and Maya Fire Woman, conducting rituals, leading ceremonies, and doing divination. In the indigenous tradition I've done shamanic journeys, solstice and equinox ceremonies, and purifications. My own background gives a good foundation for writing about K'inuuw Mat's abilities. I understand her dedication to the Goddess and yearning to live a mystical life.

Another way I identify with her is the call of duty. When the Ix Chel Oracle on Cozumel prophesizes her future as a royal wife in Palenque, K'inuuw Mat is devastated. She balks, becomes depressed, and wants to run away back to the island. It takes a strong order from the Goddess to make her accept her destiny, but once she does, she throws herself into her duty. I can understand both the struggles and the acceptance. I sometimes wished my life had been different, but found surprising empowerment in accepting what was. For both me and K'inuuw Mat, this served our growth and made us stronger.

Life throws you curves, of course. K'inuuw Mat uses her scrying ability to see the face of her husband before she goes to Palenque. When she arrives, however, she is shocked to realize the face she saw was his older brother, Kan Bahlam. Their immediate, magnetic attraction sets up major conflicts and leads to the triangulated love story that plays out in the book. She is torn between passion and loyalty, as Kan Bahlam seeks fulfillment of his desires. Such affairs of the heart happened in my life; which woman has not yearned for forbidden love?  How this resolves gives plenty of opportunity for character growth.

The Goddess gives K'inuuw Mat a mandate to preserve Mayan culture for future generations. Like many other courageous women given a huge task, one that would profoundly affect their societies, she rises to meet the challenge. This involves her children, through surprising links with Kan Bahlam. She has mystical connections with previous women rulers, who provide guidance through visions. I've got my own spirit guides, as do many people. Like K'inuuw Mat, my guides have steered me through difficulties and given inspiration.

Thanks for spending time with me. I hope you will read The Prophetic Mayan Queen: K'inuuw Mat of Palenque. I think you'll admire this gifted woman, and find her story entertaining, intriguing, and enlightening.



Leonide (Lennie) Martin: Retired California State University professor, former Family Nurse Practitioner, Author and Maya researcher, Research Member Maya Exploration Center.

My books bring ancient Maya culture and civilization to life in stories about both actual historical Mayans and fictional characters. I've studied Maya archeology, anthropology, and history from the scientific and indigenous viewpoints. While living for five years in Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico, I apprenticed with Maya Elder Hunbatz Men, becoming a Solar Initiate and Maya Fire Women in the Itzá Maya tradition. I've studied with other indigenous teachers in Guatemala, including Maya Priestess-Daykeeper Aum Rak Sapper and Maya elder Tata Pedro. The ancient Mayas created the most highly advanced civilization in the Western hemisphere, and my work is dedicated to their wisdom, spirituality, scientific, and cultural accomplishments through compelling historical novels.

My interest in ancient Mayan women led to writing the Mayan Queens' series called Mists of Palenque. This 4-book series tells the stories of powerful women who shaped the destinies of their people as rulers themselves, or wives of rulers. These remarkable Mayan women are unknown to most people. Using extensive research and field study, I aspire to depict ancient Palenque authentically and make these amazing Mayan Queens accessible to a wide readership.

My writing has won awards from Writer's Digest for short fiction, and The Visionary Mayan Queen: Yohl Ik'nal of Palenque (Mists of Palenque Series Book 1) received the Writer's Digest 2nd Annual Self-Published eBook award in 2015. The Controversial Mayan Queen: Sak K'uk of Palenque (Book 2) published in 2015. The Mayan Red Queen: Tz'aakb'u Ahau of Palenque (Book 3) received a Silver Medal in Dan Poynter's Global eBook Awards for 2016. The Prophetic Mayan Queen: K'inuuw Mat of Palenque (Book 4) is the final in the series, published in November 2018.

I live with my husband David Gortner and two white cats in Oregon's Willamette Valley wine country, where I enjoy gardening, hiking, and wine tasting.






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Lennie will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Goddess Fish Promotions for setting up such a great virtual book tour!

  2. Is this the longest book that you have ever had published? I hope the book is a success. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

    1. No it's not my longest book. I've written two others that are longer, and two shorter. So this one is right in the middle. Thanks for your comments, I hope you'll read the book and enter for the gift.

  3. I appreciate you taking the time to give us a great book description and giveaway as well. Thank you so much!

    1. I really appreciate your comment, and kind words about the book. Please do read it, and enter for giveaway for a chance to win a gift.

  4. Replies
    1. My beta readers think so, too! For authors it's hard to select one book we've written as favorite. But for me, each time I finish one it becomes my favorite, at least for a while. I'd love for you to read it and let me know what you think.

  5. Thank you Ally, my Fabulous and Brunette host! I really appreciate your featuring my new book on your great blog.
