
Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Temptation Trials Revolution: Men's POV (The Tempted Series #1) by B. Truly - Book Tour - Book Sale - Book Review - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hey lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host B. Truly and her new book, “Temptation Trials Revolution: Men's POV”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post – except the Available at Amazon picture.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card AND an ebook copy of the featured book!!  Also, come back daily to interact with B. Truly and to increase your chances of winning!

This book is on SALE during the book tour for ONLY $0.99!!!  See below for more details.

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Temptation Trials Revolution: 
Men's POV
(The Tempted Series #1)
by B. Truly


GENRE: Adult, Dystopian, Romance & Urban Fantasy



There are always two sides to a story. Can love withstand the ultimate temptation?

A new Regime has arisen from the havoc and destruction of World War III. Society now has to follow the strict mandates, reign under the dictatorship of His Highest Eminence or suffer the consequences.

Tobias and Kincade are part of a cryptic organization that’s trying to uncover the secrets behind the Regime. Something is suspicious with the new world order—why else would they want to control the most powerful emotion of love? With mandatory arranged marriages at the age of twenty-one, the only way to fight for love is through the Temptation Trials—a government-sponsored reality TV show.

Kincade and Tobias know the rules, but after they meet the women of their dreams, they face a difficult decision. With their impending birthdays around the corner, the guys have to decide if they will bend to the Regime’s will or fight for their relationships.

Lust, mistaken for love, will lead to down a treacherous path. They soon learn that the spirit may be willing, but the flesh is weak.

Can love save their souls, or is lust too tempting?



The media had been buzzing all week about the governor’s daughter coming of age, and she would be married off to some clown in New Zealand. A whole other country half a world away—the Regime knew no boundaries.

When my uncle Marcus first got wind of the protest, it was only Cindy, her man, and a small group of her friends. He sent us to scope out the scene discreetly. This courthouse was the primary location used for most standard arranged marriage applications and all Temptation Trial apps. Yep … that’s how corrupt our Regime operated. At the age of twenty-one, every citizen had to fill out a marriage app so the government could choose your spouse. Even more twisted was that divorce was not allowed, so you were stuck with the person whom you’d never even met for life. It was all about control.

Now a slew of folks had joined the cause, shouting and cheering for Cindy. Others were yelling their own proclamations of justice. Rebellion against the strict laws had been stirring up for many years—this just definitely wasn’t the way to voice your opinion.

Enforcement had the entire perimeter around the courthouse surrounded, waiting on orders from their superior on how to handle the situation. My crew and I stood outside of the danger zone, but we were still close enough to see. Under normal circumstances, the officers would’ve already pounced.

Cindy and Gary raised their posters higher, yelling and demanding that control over love had to cease. Several courthouse staff were in front of the building, peeping at the scene. Loud, blazing sirens infiltrated the area. A cop car and black SUVs whipped around the corner, coming to a screeching halt. A large group of enforcement got out of the vans, rushing over to the throng. They were all dressed in black—shirts, pants, and combat boots. Helmets covered their faces, and they held large metal shields with clubs. A short, pudgy man eased out of the car. Prancing over to the crowd like he owned the parking lot, the tool lifted his bullhorn.

“This is your only warning! Leave now or everyone here will face the penalty,” Mr. Bullhorn advised.



This book was a fun, interesting, and entertaining insight into the men’s point-of-view while journeying into the mystery to uncover the secrets behind the government imposing a new mandate of arranged marriages and controlling the most powerful emotion - love.

B. Truly had previously released a similarly written book, with the same title, that is told from the women’s point-of-view.  But as we know, every story has two sides, so this book was written to tell the men’s side of things and give the men’s point-of-view for the record.

I hadn’t read the ladies side, which I was thinking would be a good thing, as I was worried it would have a lot of overlap.  However, even not having read it, it actually seems like though the overall storyline, plot, and characters of course remained the same – the interactions, conversations, and character thoughts were different – making this like a whole new book.

I actually enjoyed the men’s point-of-view side for the most part.  As a young, single, female being able to gain insight into the male mind is always intriguing – especially if it can give you an upper hand down the road lol.  Unfortunately, I found it more unrealistic at times, as this book had Kincade and Tobias constantly thinking about their ladies and going on and on about them.  Yes, it would be nice if that were true – to some degree – but it seems highly unlikely – plus it got annoying.

Also, Kincade and Tobias were a bit short on their details.  Typical guy details lol.  I’m just used to books with long-winded descriptive details about scenes and settings and with these guys it was like, “the house was blue,” lol.

However, there was a little bit of an exception.  B. Truly, was able to do some impressive world-building that was decently described for the guy’s capabilities.

With this book being an adult romance book and being from a guys point-of-view, I knew there was probably going to be quite a few sex scenes – that would be an understatement lol.  More like a lot lol!!  This book is full of intense sexual content and love triangles.  I am not a prude, but this book definitely had me blushing lol…

I really liked the storyline concept and found it very intriguing!

Although, I thought there would be more of a mystery to it, as the guys went undercover to find out why the government created this new arranged marriage mandate and started controlling the most powerful emotion – love.  Yes, there was some mystery and suspense, I guess I just wanted more.  This storyline and plot were set-up for it and really could have gone that way, but it didn’t fully hit the potential that I thought it could have.

Love is always worth fighting for and I enjoyed following the story and cheering for the characters!

The writing style is fluid, well developed, and at a steady pace.

Please note that this book is strongly rated 18+ as it contains adult situations, adult language, intense sexual content, love triangles, etc.

So, technically this book is the listed as book one in The Tempted Book Series, but it’s more like book one point five, since the woman’s point-of-view is also book one and it came out first.  I had not read the woman’s point-of-view book before reading this book.  I did not get lost or confused, so this book can be read as a standalone.  However, there are so many references to the previous book and it’s best to get both sides of the story.  So, I would suggest reading both books, but it seems you can read them in any order.

All in all, I enjoyed reading this book and would recommend this book to all adult, dystopian, romance, urban fantasy readers!

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book and have voluntarily provided an honest, and unbiased review in accordance with FTC regulations.**

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B. Truly has wanted to be an author since she was fifteen years old and is grateful to have accomplished this dream. She has very vivid dreams and a wild imagination. She likes to read, watch tons of TV shows, and movies. She’s addicted to romance and gets a thrill out of action and sci-fi. She writes New Adult and Adult, Romance. Sci-fi, Dystopian, and Paranormal genres.
B. Truly likes to explore different elements of sci-fi romance, and create various realms of reality. She also loves creating impossible situations for her characters to grow from and try to overcome.

B. Truly has three wonderful children and a husband who defines the person that she is today. She works full-time as an Ultrasound technologist in Houston, Texas.





Goodreads Author Page:

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**Temptation Trials Revolution: Men’s POV is on SALE during the book tour for ONLY $0.99!!!**



B. Truly will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC and a PDF, Mobi, or ePub copy of the book to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. B. Truly ~ Welcome back! It is great to have you here again! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! I enjoyed reading and reviewing your book, thanks for providing the copy! :)

  2. Always fun to hear about another new book. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks so much for hosting, Ms. Ally. I’m glad that you enjoyed reading the guy’s perspective. It was definitely fun being in there head.

    B. Truly

  4. Great cover. Did you help design it? Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

  5. Congratulations on this great review. The synopsis and excerpt are intriguing. This sounds like my kind of read.

  6. I’m glad you like the cover. I helped with the concept of the cover. I chose the Silhouette couple and the dagger for T.
