
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Presenting the Marriage of Kelli Anne & Gerri Denemer by P.D. Alleva - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host P.D. Alleva and his new book, “Presenting the Marriage of Kelli Anne & Gerri Denemer”!  For other stops on his Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $75 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!!  Also, come back daily to interact with P.D. and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Presenting the Marriage of Kelli Anne & Gerri Denemer
by P.D. Alleva


GENRE: Literary Fiction/Romance/Dark Fiction



The Denemer's had it all: Fame, fortune, family, and the American Dream. But tough times have landed on their doorstep— Gerri's acting career is mired in controversy, financial decline is strangling the family bond, and his marriage to Kelli Anne is on the rocks. He'd rather die than face another catastrophe, something the Devil is more than eager to assist. On the night Gerri attempts to end his suffering, his plan is thwarted by a voice in his smart TV, pulling him into a dimension where past, present, and future collide, and the fate of the human race hangs in the balance. But Gerri is not alone. The Devil's minions are nipping at his heels and Kelli is right behind them, determined to save her family and put right what has gone wrong. Will they be successful? Is the bond between husband and wife strong enough to defeat evil? Will they prevent World War III or will evil's plan triumph? Presenting the Marriage of Kelli Anne and Gerri Denemer: A Horror Story, is a tour de force thriller of dark fiction, romance, and horror in an epic battle between good and evil.



He ran to the house, struggling through the wind that sought to push him over, to deter him from entering that house.

“No, Gerri,” the chaperone hollered. “Do NOT go in there!”

But Gerri quickened his pace.

The chaperone was in front of him.

He turned to go around him.

The chaperone was in front of him.

He jerked to the left, running at max speed.

The chaperone was in front of him, pushed Gerri to the ground. Picked him up and clasped Gerri’s shoulders with an iron hand.

“It’s not allowed, Gerri.”

“What’re you talking about? I just want to go home.”

The chaperone laughed. He started pacing, circling Gerri with his hand on Gerri’s shoulder.

“What do you think, Gerri, hang yourself and you get to go back home? No, no, no, Gerri. Look around you. You’re not even close to home!”

“What? That can’t be!”

“Between worlds, Gerri! That’s where you are. What’s in that house is nothing. Nothing more than the slither of energy you left, the portal of death with the stink of fear. You’re not welcome there. Not welcome at all.” He slipped his hand off Geri’s shoulder. Stepped an arm’s length away from him.

“No, no, no, this can’t be! This can’t be.”

“Oh, yes, Gerri, it can, and it is.”

The chaperone paused.

“It’s best that you come with me Gerri.”

Gerri screamed, “Where did I go wrong?”

The chaperone stiffened.

He turned to the house and paused.



Why You Should Read My Book

Honestly I find it strange to list reasons why people should read my book. In the back of my mind I’ve always got that thought roaming through my head, “Because it’s the greatest book ever.” I’m sure I share this sentiment with the rest of my cohorts in the writing world. I don’t know any writer that would say anything less. We write for the pure joy of writing and creating worlds and characters that we hope will resonate with the reader and keep them coming back for more, but it’s the joy of writing, the creative process that gets our goat and satisfies our inner most desires. Essentially every writer tosses our souls into the wind to be judged while crossing our fingers that the book will be met with positive reviews and great sales to keep the writing dream alive.

So, why should anyone read my book? My answer is simple: complete satisfaction that leaves the reader feeling a calm stillness and appreciation. The story includes multiple themes and subtle nuances with an inspirational message. I’d categorize the book as mainstream (hopefully one day it’ll reach that mark) containing a unique enduring love story between husband and wife as they race against time to save their marriage, family and the world at large. I believe in making the reader think, to see alternative perspectives and ultimately an understanding of the universe and connection between all within. Most of us love a great story filled with inspiration, darkness, love, heart and soul. I wanted to write a story that was dedicated to the enduring nature of love between two human beings, packed with emotion and enrichment of the soul. I do believe I’ve accomplished this task.

I’m a hopeless romantic, in love with the concept of love and the enduring quality of love in the face of severe adversity. My wife and I attended an Andrea Bocelli concert a few years ago. I remember listening during this concert and experiencing a sensation that drove my heart to a place of pure peace through music, the artistic ability to come away from the concert a truly better person for having attended the show. Like so many songs and stories in human history there are those that stand out, those that capture a moment in time and drive us to contemplate what we’ve witnessed, felt and experienced as a reflection of our hearts and lives.

In the interim my wife and I were experiencing a fall from grace, a change in our lives that had a profound effect on our marriage and our family. We are psychotherapists and our business had taken a hit and new direction that ultimately led to its downfall. But we are people who always take into account the spiritual reasons for what human beings endure, looking within for answers and above for solutions. It was through my wife and her conviction to the love we shared and our family that I was able to wake up and begin anew. Understand that what was happening was meant to be, I’ve always been a writer but never went for it and made it my own, my life and my passion and purpose. I denied who I was and paid a price for it. Spiritually speaking, when we deny who we are and hate who we’ve become the universe sends us into a spiral that seems will never end, forcing change on all levels. What we are meant to be in this world is sometimes made apparent through the trials and tribulations life throws at us. In retrospect, what happened was the best of all spiritual experiences; sometimes we have to lose everything to be free. I’ve never been happier.

As I stated above the story includes multiple nuances and subtle themes. Mainly, the connection of all things in the universe and the effect our choices and actions have on the larger world, also known as the butterfly effect. After the Las Vegas shooting, I heard a lot about Gods plan and a lot of blaming God for allowing such an action. I’ve always been intrigued over this thought process, for is there not an understanding that evil has a plan too, using influence to drive a cosmic wedge between the human heart and the conviction of love and endurance of good. A peaceful person seeks and finds balance between light and dark, such is the nature of the universe, always seeking and striving for balance. Any tip too far in either direction and the universe forces change to balance out the equation. But both good and evil seek to be fed, it is their nature. When we see with larger eyes what is happening in this world we can seek and find peaceful hearts under the impact of self-love, humble beginnings, balance and personal essence.

God, devil, Satan, karma, consequence, to me these words are just semantics used to explain an eternal struggle to find balance. As a psychotherapist my goal is to teach patients how to cope on their own with life’s concerns, as a spiritual healer my goals is the same only with a slightly different perspective, finding balance and meaning in life with the notion that the meaning of life is simply just to live, so live beautifully and joyfully, happily and peacefully and do those things that drive these emotions. Maintain focus on freedom, love and peace and you will have it. We can allow ourselves to be consumed with hate and darkness or find peace within joy and balance within the outside world and ourselves.

So what is the reason to read my book? A spiritually fit, soul enriching, thought provoking contemplative experience driven to allow appreciation of who we are, what we have and the people most important in our lives, wrapped within a story that includes thrills, chills, alternative dimensions, an understanding of the larger nature of the universe and the impact that love has on all of us. Or, in the simplest terms, an excellently written, sweet little ditty about the enduring nature and power of love.

Thank you Fabulous and Brunette for your support of Indie Writers.



P.D. Alleva is an author, psychotherapist and hypnotherapist specializing in trauma, addiction and mental health. He is the author of several books, including fiction novels, Indifference and A Billion Tiny Moments In Time…, Seriously Twisted; These Gods of Darkness (Poetry), Let Your Soul Evolve (1st and 2nd ed), and Spiritual Growth Therapy: Philosophy, Practices and Mindfulness Workbook (non-fiction). He has developed behavioral protocols for addiction and mental health and teaches mindfulness, Buddhist meditations and manifestation techniques to his patients as a means and alternative to using pharmaceuticals. He is currently in private practice with his wife, Lisa. He lives with his wife and children in Boca Raton, Florida.







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P.D. will be awarding a $75 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Thank you for hosting. I hope everyone enjoys the excerpt and post. Feel free to ask any questions or leave comments. I'll be stopping in throughout the day. Don't forget to enter the giveaway. Hope everyone has a fabulous day.

  2. Thank you Rita and Gwendolyn. I just noticed the ebook is #1 on Amazon in New Releases for family and inspirational Spirituality. Very happy today!

  3. Great post, I enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing :)

  4. Book sounds so good!

  5. How long did it take you to write your book? Congrats on the release. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

    1. Thank you Bernie. This particular book took about three months to complete.

  6. Thank you Marice. Enjoy. Please lmk your thoughts.

  7. Thank you for the chance to win. Sounds like a interesting book

  8. Thank you Chelsey. Good luck on the giveaway.

  9. I expect not to win... However, as a fellow author I have to say this does look like a good read...

  10. Awesome, ty ty. Connect with me on Facebook if you'd like. I'd like to learn more about what you're writing.

  11. Sounds intense and cool!


  12. Would you ever like to see a movie made out of your book? I hope your book is a success. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(dot)com

  13. I would love to see this book made into a movie. Thank you for your support Bernie
