
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Par for Cinderella by Petie McCarty - Book Tour - Book Review - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hey lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Petie McCarty and her new book, “Par for Cinderella”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win an ebook of “Betting on Cinderella,” Book Two of the Cinderella Romances Series!!  There will be FIVE lucky winners!!  See below for more details.  Also, come back daily to interact with Petie and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Par for Cinderella
by Petie McCarty


GENRE: Contemporary Romance



Billionaire Aidan Cross longs to escape his life of celebrity and become a regular guy, if only for a brief time. His chance comes when his yacht breaks down near quaint Cypress Key, Florida—the site of his planned five-star golf resort. The golf resort no one in town wants.

Casey Stuart has given up her dream of escaping to the big city. She refuses to desert her uncle, even when he hires the new stranger in town to replace her at their golf course. Casey vows to steer clear of the stranger called Aidan and the danger their inescapable chemistry provokes. Aidan’s stay is temporary, and falling for him promises only heartbreak.

When Casey discovers Cypress Key’s mayor is making underhanded business deals, she ends up on the wrong side of the powerful autocrat. Aidan steps in to rescue her, but secrets from his past threaten to bogey their new-found relationship.



Aidan hurriedly finished his sandwich and chips, anxious to get back to the clinic to check on Casey, Frank’s warning notwithstanding.

Frank got the message. They swiftly locked up, climbed into the truck, and hustled back to the clinic. Oddly, the back of Aidan’s neck prickled like it always did when danger lurked nearby. He glanced over at Frank, but the man just looked grim again, seemingly as anxious to get back to Casey as Aidan was. He tossed off the weird prickling sensation as leftover adrenaline and nerves. Until he and Frank stepped into the clinic.

A barrel-chested, gray-haired law officer stood in the middle of the waiting room. The embroidered stitching over his pocket read, Sheriff Sam Watson. “You Aidan?” he asked.

He nodded, the neck-prickling expanded to full danger mode.

“What’s your last name?”


“I need to see some identification.”

“Why?” Aidan asked again.

He probably wouldn’t have been difficult if he didn’t have a crack team of lawyers in his back pocket, which was all his back pocket held at the moment since he’d gone and left his ID and wallet on the yacht.

“Because I asked,” Watson snarled.

Aidan didn’t care for the belligerent attitude. “It’s Doe,” he said, just to be stubborn.

The sheriff glowered. “Aidan . . . Doe, you’re under arrest for assault.”

Watson handcuffed him, read him his rights, and then marched him straight out the door to the waiting cruiser.

Aidan didn’t know which felt worse. Being arrested for the first time in his life or the look of anger and betrayal on Frank’s face.



This book was such a fun, exciting, entertaining, enjoyable read!

This book was such a fantastic modern day take on the classic Cinderella fairytale story!

This book keeps you totally engaged from page one through the very last page!  I honestly had a hard time putting this book down!

I really liked the main characters, Casey and Aidan.  They were genuine, kind, and realistic.  Casey was fierce and sassy, but also sweet, and kind-hearted.  She was smart, beautiful, and caring.  She had big dreams about getting to the big city, but put her Uncle, the man who raised her, first, by returning to Cypress Key after college to help him run his failing business.  Aidan was handsome, rich, famous, and in need of a break from his regular crazy, busy – but glamourous lifestyle.  Aidan just wanted to be a regular guy for once.  He was charming, intelligent, charismatic, athletic, and accomplished.  Yep - totally book boyfriend material and I fell hard for him lol!!

I really liked Casey and Aidan together!  They were so adorable!  Their silly, witty banter was beyond entertaining and led to many real LOL’s!!  Plus, their chemistry was just off the charts!!!  You could feel the passion leap off the pages!!  It was obvious these two were meant to be together, whether they knew it or not lol!!

Unfortunately, Casey does not know about Aidan’s big financial status secret and the fact that he’s been lying to her everyday since they’ve met.  This is definitely going to lead to some drama when she finally finds out.  And can she forgive him??

I really enjoyed reading this book and totally had a smile on most of the time I was reading it!  Furthermore, this book will definitely have you laughing-out-loud so probably not a good idea to read it at a library or class or work lol!

I loved that this book was a sports romance book!  Two of my favorite things in a book!  I loved all the sports excerpts which were fun and entertaining.  Even if you’re not a golf fan, it’s not overwhelming or difficult to follow the sports references.

This book has a great storyline that flows, terrific writing style with detailed scenes, well-developed characters, is steady paced, and keeps you completely entertained through the last page.

There are a few exciting twists and turns and unexpected moments that will keep you guessing!  But this book shouldn’t really be considered as a suspense/thriller book.  However, it isn’t just a romance book either as this book deals with corruption, drug smuggling, vandalism, arson, suicide, murder, drug cartels, and so much more!  This book has a lot to offer its readers and will totally keep you engaged!

I like that this book touches on many topics such as love, romance, friendship, hard life lessons, second chances, change, dedication, perseverance, growth, humor, deceit, deception, corruption, compassion, empathy, integrity, unity, determination, devotion, faith, hope, forgiveness, moving on, starting over, new beginnings, overcoming obstacles, and so much more!

This book is the third book in the Cinderella Romances Book Series.  I had not read either of the books in this series before reading this book.  I did not get lost or confused, so this book can be read as a standalone.  However, there are many references to the previous book and the characters seem to overlap.  However, since I liked this book, I would suggest getting in from the beginning and starting with book one, so you don’t miss anything.

All in all, I really enjoyed reading this book and would absolutely recommend this book to all contemporary romance readers!

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book and have voluntarily provided an honest, and unbiased review in accordance with FTC regulations.**



Petie spent a large part of her career working at Walt Disney World -- "The Most Magical Place on Earth" -- where she enjoyed working in the land of fairy tales by day and creating her own romantic fairy tales by night, including her new series, The Cinderella Romances. She eventually said good-bye to her "day" job to write her stories full-time. These days Petie spends her time writing sequels to her regency time-travel series, Lords in Time, and her cozy-mystery-with-elements-of-romantic-suspense series, the Mystery Angel Romances.

Petie shares her home on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee with her horticulturist husband, a spoiled-rotten English Springer spaniel addicted to pimento-stuffed green olives, and a noisy Nanday conure named Sassy who made a cameo appearance in Angel to the Rescue.

Visit Petie's web site online at or her Facebook page at



Petie’s super cute furbaby, Lily







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Petie will be awarding an ebook of Betting on Cinderella (Book 2 of the Cinderella Romances series) to 5 randomly drawn winners via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Petie ~ It is great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! I really enjoyed reading and reviewing your book, thanks for providing the copy! :)

  2. Cinderella thanks you, Ally, for your very kind words, for taking valuable time to read and review our story, and for hosting us on our Goddess Fish Book Tour!
    Wishing you a magical day!
