
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Highland Dom by Marie Tuhart - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hello lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Marie Tuhart and her new book, “Highland Dom”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Marie and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Highland Dom
by Marie Tuhart


GENRE: Erotic Romance



Sexual education professor and dominant Cameron McMillan has had his eye on the submissive, sexy cafe owner since she settled in his hometown four years ago, but he was already in a relationship. But that fell apart, and after soothing his heart while teaching at the University in Scotland, he's back. Cameron is ready to see if Kristen is interested in acting on the sexy words she whispered to him at his farewell party. He doesn't want to wait another day to introduce her to the world of BDSM...if she's willing.

Kristen Caldwell never thought Cameron would act on her whispered invitation to tie her up and spank her...liquor and him being an ocean away had made her brave. But he has returned, and she's tentative but ready to explore her kinky side despite past failures with other partners. The sexy and dominate professor might be just what she needs in the bedroom, though she worries about what others will think if she's seen with him. Will a relationship with Cameron put her successful business at risk?

Things start out great, but Kristen’s fears and shadows in her past rear their ugly head, threatening more their relationship. She has to decide whether to stand up for what she wants or run...again.



“Look at me.” His command was just as firm as his last. When their gazes met, he let out a breath. “How much do you know?”

“You volunteer at the local BDSM club, and teach sexual health at the university.” Her voice was soft and low.

“Yes, but how much do you know about the lifestyle?” Was she really interested? It was hard to tell.

“A bit.” She squirmed in her chair. “This isn’t the place we should be talking about this.”

Cam glanced around the café; no one was here, yet. And his sister was keeping to the kitchen. “No one is here. Tell me.”

“I…” Her gaze dropped, and she shook her head. “Not here.” Her voice was stronger. “I won’t risk my business.”

Someone walked by the café, and Cam shifted in his seat. “Meet me for dinner tonight.”

“I have to bake tonight.”

“I’ll bring dinner here, but we are going to talk.” Cam stood up and circled behind Kristen as someone walked into the café. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Because I can’t wait to tie you to my bed. Tease you. Torment you. And take you.” Cam straightened, turned, and strode out the café door.



Evolution of My Writing Habits and How I've Grown into a Better/More Experienced Writer:

Loaded question. Yes, my writing tricks/habits have changed and grown since I started writing. When I first started writing, I really had no clue of what I was letting myself in for. I was eager to learn, but some of the “how to” books were really boring. I wrote and submitted my first romance book when I was 19. Then shortly after that real life interfered with writing.

But my love of writing was there. While getting my college degree, I took creative writing for four years. It helped me keep my fingers writing and learning. Fast forward a lot of years. I joined Romance Writers of America and began to learn the craft. I’ve taken many classes over the years (too many to name), but each one I learned something new and added it to my writing tricks. I began to cobble together my own process.

That process has changed over the years, from knowing everything about my characters and the book – which made me not want to write the book. To just writing without anything but knowing the main characters names and their conflict.

I’ve learned over the years that I need to do a loose outline, by that I have a 3-Act structure and my plot points. So when I start writing the book, I know where I’m starting, where the middle is and the ending I’m striving for.  I also have a loose character outline, I know who they are, how old they are, family members, their job, why they’re in the place they’re in right now, conflict(s), goals and motivation. These are very loose and sometimes change as I write.

I’m also a dialogue writer. My first drafts were very much just dialogue and action, very little setting, emotion or any other information.  Now, I’m still dialogue heavy in my first draft, but I have learned to set my scenes more, add emotion and other introspection to the book on the first pass.

I’ve also learned about passive writing vs. active writing, this was not a an easy thing to learn. When I got back the rights to my first book I was shocked to see how much passive writing (telling the reader what was going on) rather than showing it (active writing). It’s taken my critique group and editor pounding me over the head with comments saying “show us don’t tell us” to learn.

Reading helps too, I read all across the romance genre. I had my favorites, but I tried to learn something when I read and if I read an entire book without stopping to wonder how an author did something, then I knew I needed to go back and study what the author did.

Best advice I ever got was to keep writing, even if there is no market. Just write.



Marie Tuhart lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her muse, Penny, a four pound toy poodle. Marie loves to read and write, when she’s not writing, she spends time with family, traveling and enjoying life.

Marie is a multi-published author with The Wild Rose Press, Trifecta Publishing and does some self-publishing. To be alerted on new releases on Amazon or  Book Bub. Also you can join Marie’s newsletter where she gives her group advance information on her books, runs contests and does giveaways just for newsletter readers. Marie can also be found on Goodreads, Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook.



Marie’s adorable puppy, Penny


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Marie will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. How long did it take you to write your book? Congrats on the release. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

    1. Hi Bernie, great question. It can take me 3 to 4 months for my first draft. Then usually 2 weeks to edit and off to my critique group.

  2. I just love your cover and I would love to read your book.
