
Thursday, September 6, 2018

Exit Stage Left by Catherine Russell - Book Tour - Book Sale - Character Interview - Playlist - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Catherine Russell and her new book, “Exit Stage Left”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Catherine and to increase your chances of winning!

This book is on SALE during the book tour for ONLY $0.99!!!  See below for more details.

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Exit Stage Left
by Catherine Russell


GENRE: Dark Fantasy/Paranormal Romance



Megan O'Day seems to be navigating the unpredictable relationship with Geoffrey Drake, her centuries-old vampire guardian angel, rather well. But then his past suddenly rips him from her, forcing her to face the unknown future alone in the gripping sequel to The Stage.

Still bound to Geoffrey through the power of the Link despite his unexplained absence, Megan's mind is flooded with his haunted memories. While she relives the darkest moments of his previous life, she discovers his attachment to a woman who bears a striking resemblance to her.

As she questions Geoffrey's love for her, she strikes up a dangerous alliance with Geoffrey's brother, Alexander, who is also a vampire. She hopes that he will help her find a way to rescue Geoffrey: instead, he seems to be awakening new emotions and desires within her.

As the past and present collide, Megan struggles to fend off Alexander's dark seduction. Is Geoffrey truly beyond the reach of her love forever? If not, what must be sacrificed to bring them back together again?



I began to hear a sound as they were speaking; a small child’s voice, whispering to me. Her high pitched voice, singing a lullaby and I recognized the notes. It was Greensleeves, the same one my mother had sang to me when I was a child. Without thinking, I walked forward, ignoring them as they reached out for me.

“Megan, stop!” I heard them say yet I went in. Suddenly the room was full of sunlight. It was a child’s nursery, with light blue walls and soft white curtains at the lovely double sided windows that opened on to a huge oak tree, whose branches reached out to the window’s ledge. A small robin sat on the limb, singing. I turned to see toys and stuffed animals around the wooden floor that was covered with a multicolored throw rug. Shelf after shelf of books and nick knacks were all around the walls. Then I saw her in the corner, slowly moving back and forth in the rocking chair, holding a doll, gently stroking its hair. She looked up and I saw eyes, one green and one blue. Her light brown hair was tied up with a yellow ribbon, and she wore a pale blue dress with lace and bows. Her legs had the familiar white tights that I remembered as well as black Mary Jane’s on her little feet.

“Hello there,” she said, smiling sweetly.

“Hello. Who are you?” I asked walking toward her, still looking around, totally amazed at what I was seeing, experiencing.

“Well, I’m you of course.” She said, coyly. She jumped up and reached out for my hand. She looked at the cute little tea set on the table next to her.

“Will you join me for some tea with my dolly?” She asked in her little voice, so sweet and innocent. There was something I was supposed to be doing, but what was it? I couldn’t remember. Wasn’t there someone with me, right before I saw her? No, I must’ve of imagined that. Where else would I want to be besides here?

“Yes, I’d love to. Would you like me to pour?” I said, sitting down and crossing me legs as she sat in the little chair beside me.



Character Interview: Geoffrey Drake;
Singer, songwriter, philanthropist, worldly scholar-
…oh yeah & Vampire too!

Goth Underground Magazine Interviewer: Thank you very much Mr. Drake for joining us on tonight’s edition. It’s a great pleasure to finally meet you.
Geoffrey: The pleasure’s all mine Andre, thank you for having me. And please, call me Geoffrey. Mr. Drake was my father and I’m definitely not him.

GU: All right, good to know Geoffrey. (Small, soft chuckle) So, let’s just tackle the huge elephant in the room right off the bat.
Geoffrey: And what would that elephant be Andre?

GU: The fact that you’ve got a massive, underground following of modern day goths throughout not only Seattle and the Pacific Northwest, but across the cross, with the masses entertaining and believing wholeheartedly that you’re…
Geoffrey: What Andre? A singer? A philanthropist, who gives generously to local and national causes such as YWCA, Nativity House? Fights for LGBTQ equal rights? Immigrants’ rights? I’m quivering with anticipation of your answer.

GU: Yes, well all those things of course, definitely. However, the word is that…that you’re a …
G: Yes? Say it Andre, get on with it. What is it that the masses demand to know? You need to say it for it to become real.

GU: That you’re a vampire.
G: Oh, that old rumor. It haunts me like a plague, never dying out, I thought you were going to say something new perhaps.

GU: So you’ve been accused of this before? Of being a vampire?
G: You use the word “accused” like it’s a bad thing. What would be so bad about that anyway? Living forever, never aging, never get sick…

GU: So, are you confirming it then? That you are in fact a vampire?
G: Slick Andre, no I never said that. Now don’t put words in my mouth. Others have tried that trick and I eat them and spit them back out…the words that is, not the actual people.

GU: Your music, your lyrics all have heavy references to the occult, the darkness within individuals. Plus your appearances are only at night or twilight hours at best. Even this interview, really. Its 8:30 at night and the sun is setting. It does tend to point in that direction.
G: So you’re saying someone who does interviews at times other than day shift norm, or gives and supports charities, or loves dark music, must be a vampire, is that what you’re saying Andre?

GU: Well while we’re at it, you’re pale as any ghost I’ve seen plus have women flocking to you without saying a word.
G: Again, that’s a bad thing? Besides, loads of people in the Pacific Northwest are pale. Haven’t you noticed that it rains here…a lot? As I would like to live skin cancer free, I do tend to avoid it at any costs. And as far as the women go, am I supposed to say no to that? How would you like me to stop that? Please if you have a plan, do share, as I’m sure the entire world would love to know how to stop screaming, adoring and loyal fans from flocking to us each night.

GU: So you’re denying you’re a vampire, is that correct?
G: Is that what you want me to say Andre? And I’m not one for labels as it is.

GU: It’s not a label, it’s a fact.
G: A fact that’s unproven. Besides…we’re all friends here. And friends don’t sling mud at one another on stage.

GU: So all this, this persona, is a stage act?
G: Is that what you think?

GU: I think you’re a vampire, no doubt.
G: Really? Well, in that case, I’ll play along. This should be fun. Let’s say I am, a creepy creature of the night, all fangs and grizzly deformed.

GU: What century are your vampires from? In the current media, they’re erotic, sexy, and downright irresistible, some even sparkle in the day light, like diamond-encrusted skin.
G: Sounds quite painful actually.

GU: And you’d drink my blood, human blood, thirsting after everyone around you…right?
G: Well if I was a vampire…are you offering a meal? Just kidding…possibly. (Slight giggle under his breath)

GU: And how would you get the blood? Kill someone I assume.
G: Don’t you know not to “assume” anything? It makes an “ass” out of “u” and “me”. You do realize there are other options besides killing a person for their blood, right? All hypothetical of course.

GU: Like what? A dealer?
G: See, now you’re asking the right questions, good job Andre. Just remember, this is all make-believe, fantasy in your words, not mine.

GU: You tell me Geoffrey Drake, Mystery Man of Seattle’s Underground music scene, are you for real…or just a stage act? A flash in the pan? Here one day…gone the next in a puff of smoke?
G: Andre, dear man, don’t you know…All of life is an illusion. One makes their own illusions become their reality.

GU: You’re saying…it’s all real? That you’re real? That’s it, isn’t it?
G: I leave you with this: May your stage become reality.



1. “Good Day to Die” by Godsmack: The Oracle Deluxe Edition
2. “E.T.” by Katy Perry: Teenage Dream
3. “Toccata” by David Garrett: Rock Symphonies
4. “Time” by Criss Angel: MindFreak
5. “Cadence of Her Last Breath” by Nightwish: Dark Passion Play
6. “Drumming Song” by Florence + the Machine: Lungs
7. “Haunted” by Evanescence: Fallen
8. “Taking Over Me” by Evanescence: Fallen
9. “Ethereal” by Criss Angel: MindFreak
10. “Wrait” by Criss Angel: MindFreak
11. “Cosmic Love” by Florence + The Machine: Lungs
12. “The Revenants” by Midnight Syndicate: The Dead Matter
13. “Awake” by Godsmack: Awake
14. “Switchback” by Celldweller: Celldweller
15. “Serenity” by Godsmack: Faceless
16. “Vivaldi vs Vertigo” by David Garrett: Rock Symphonies
17. “Dogs Day Are Over” by Florence + the Machine: Lungs
18. “I Believe You” by Celldweller: Celldweller
19. “Kings and Queens” by 30 Seconds to Mars: This is War
20. “Broken Open” by Adam Lambert: For Your Entertainment
21. “Iris” by The Goo Goo Dolls: Dizzy up the Girl
22. “Devil Inside” by INXS: The Best of INXS
23. “Uninvited” by Alanis Morrissette: The Collection
24. “Sleepwalker” by Adam Lambert: For Your Entertainment
25. “The Howling” by Within Temptation: The Heart of Everything
26. “The Only Exception” by Paramore: Brand New Eyes
27. “Say You’ll Haunt Me” by Stone Sour: Audio Secrecy Special Edition
28. “Dying” by Stone Sour: Audio Secrecy Special Edition
29. “Paralyzed” by Criss Angel: MindFreak



Catherine Russell was born in Tacoma, Washington and raised in a small town just south, South Hill, Puyallup. At the time South Hill was a heavily wooded area and far off the beaten path. Growing up she had the forests as her fantasy world along with the wild animals. She lived with her parents and an older sister. There are a few similarities from her own childhood that have carried over in to her first novel, “The Stage”. As a child, she did have a small dog named Toto, whom she would quite frequently roam the woods with. Her childhood home still stands, and is still nestled in the woods even though South Hill has undergone an extreme makeover since she lived there. She enjoyed hours of day dreaming and playing in the woods, which in turn fed her fantasy world of make believe.



Catherine’s super cute furbaby







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**Exit Stage Left is on SALE during the book tour for ONLY $0.99!!!**

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Catherine will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Catherine ~ It is so great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! :)

    1. Good morning Ally! And yes, thank you so much for hosting the next stop on the Exit Stage Left Blog tour. It's been quite the adventure already.

  2. Replies
    1. Also a great shout-out Thank you to my publisher, Barking Rain Press & Goddess Fish Promotions for this excellent opportunity and experience.

  3. Good morning James and nice to see you here. Thanks so much for dropping in and I truly hope you enjoyed Geoffrey's interview, as I had great fun creating it. Have a great day.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Rita, I think so too but I'm just a bit biased! Thanks so much for dropping by. Good luck in the drawing!

  5. Do you have any ideas for a follow up book? Congrats on the books release. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

    1. Good afternoon Bernie, Actually the Chronicles is a set of 3 books, with the 3rd, Enter Stage Right is my WIP right now. Though I do have another stand-alone book, that is peculating on the side as well. Have a good day!

  6. Great post, awesome playlist - thanks for sharing :)

    1. Glad you like the playlist. I love music and it's truly my muse for writing. This list in particular is much more dark than Book 1, The Stage, playlists' due to the emotional roller-coaster ride for Megan. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Who is your favorite character in your book. Congrats on the release. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

    1. Hi Bernie! Nice to see you here too! Favorite character, that's like asking a Mother who her favorite child is, basically impossible. Their all very dear to my heart & loved creating them all. I'll go with the most fun to create was definitely Geoffrey Drake.I can see him in my minds' eye very clearly, more so than Megan even. I loved working his background. However, in Book 3, Enter Stage Right, I'm digging in to Megan's ancestor's and past and it's fascinating. Glad you stopped by.

  8. Thanks so much and I tend to think so too! Glad you dropped in!
