
Thursday, September 27, 2018

Based on Principal by Marie Johnston - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Marie Johnston and her new book, “Based on Principal”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Marie and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Based on Principal
by Marie Johnston


GENRE: Contemporary Romance



By day, Natalia is the strict principal of a private school with a staid, troubled legacy. By night, she’s a lithe, agile assassin with a penchant for latex. Or at least her cosplay character is. The two identities don’t mingle until she meets a handsome comic book shop owner at the local comic con. Now there’s a guy she’d be willing to peel her mask off for.

Too bad he’s the father of one of her students.

Single father Chris has no time to date, thanks to his business, his daughter, and his ex’s meddling family. But how can he resist a comic lover in a business skirt? She’s his perfect woman. Or she would be, if she didn’t keep the professional and play parts of her life so separate. And he swore he’d never date a woman ashamed of him again.

Too bad she’s obsessed with what the wrong people think of her.

Together, they could be an unstoppable duo, but when Chris’s daughter acts out at school, Natalia will be put in an impossible position: break all her school’s rules, or pack away her cape forever.



“About the name calling—”

Jaycee cut Ms. Shaw off. “Oh my god. Mr. Budinski’s an adult, and he’s getting snippy about a kid messing up his name?”

“Jaycee…” He hadn’t expected to finish his warning, but Ms. Shaw was gazing at him like she was waiting for him to finish. He scrambled to find an acceptable reproach. “It’s about respect.”

“Then he can respect what I want to be called. Yet he refuses to use Richards.” She crossed one leg over the other and folded her arms. He knew that mutinous look, the one she wore when she refused to listen. A spear of fear went through him when she pinned Ms. Shaw with that look. “I mean what if people called you Mrs. Shaw and knew perfectly well you’re not married.” He cringed at the way she stressed not married. It wasn’t a death sentence to be single. “Or what if they called you Natalie instead of Natalia.”

He jerked his head to face Ms. Shaw. Natalia Shaw. What were the odds her name was the same as—

What were the odds her butt was as spectacular in a skirt as in a cosplay costume? What were the odds he’d feel like they’d met before?

The odds were pretty damn good. She couldn’t hide that mouth, just like she couldn’t hide the poleaxed expression in her widened eyes. His daughter’s principal, the woman he couldn’t quit lusting over, was the same woman he’d held in his arms just days ago.



Evolution of My Writing Habits and How I've Grown into a Better/More Experienced Writer:

I’m going to travel the road of my basic writing habit. When I first started writing, I searched online “how do writers write.” Like, literally, how. Do they sit at the couch with a laptop? Were they formal about writing at a desk? Is an office a must? Could I write and work part-time, or full time, at a different job? I was worried I was doing it wrong. Soon, I learned, there is no wrong way and a million right-for-right-now ways.

When I started my first book, I had a baby, a toddler, and two small children. I wrote during naptime, on the weekends, and some evenings I snuck to the library. Once my babies started sleeping through the night (haha, do they ever, really, until they move out?), waking up at 4 a.m and getting words down worked. In the evenings, my older kids had activities and I’d be chasing the younger ones while waiting. It was either write in the morning, or don’t write. Writing made me happy, so it was worth it. Ask me if I’d do that now and I’d pull a muscle laughing. Me? Wake up early? Not anymore.

Why? My older kids’ bedtimes got later. To get a little me-time and work-time, I started staying up later. My early mornings morphed into late nights, and until very recently, it wasn’t uncommon for me to be up until 1 or 2 a.m. to work. Unfortunately, the nights got too late. My two younger kids would go to bed and my two older kids needed their time with me and it was 11 p.m. or later before I could open my laptop. By then, I could barely keep my eyes open. It was a losing battle. I was too worn out and crabby the next day, my stress ran wild, and I had to get creative or I’d combust.

The hubs and I coordinated so kids’ activities became my most productive time. He’d do bedtime at home and I’d do the activity run. I’ve written in bleachers, on gym floors, and in public locker rooms (not the kind people change in!). A couple years ago, my littlest started preschool and those four hours each week were a slice of relief. Dedicated writing time. Few interruptions. But four hours a week still wasn’t enough to meet my publishing schedule.

Finally, those older kids reached babysitting age and watch the younger one or two while I’m running the fourth to an activity. Since parents are no longer as welcome at practices at their age, my writing space became my vehicle. Until my son got his license, I wrote a couple of books with my laptop propped on the steering wheel.

Then a magical thing happened: All my kids started school. I can use my home office to work. It’s heaven. Being overwhelmed with four kids the last several years had made me immune to dirty floors and piles of dishes. They’ll get done…eventually. My kids go to school and I go to my office. Since my youngest’s Kindergarten is part-time, I concentrate on getting words down during those days she’s gone. Editing, marketing, formatting, all the extras I do while watching TV at night with the hubs.

Even though I’ve learned to roll with the ebb and flow of my family’s schedule, when someone asks how I can get so many books done a year, I still think “I have no idea.”



Marie Johnston lives in the upper-Midwest with her husband, four kids, an old cat, and a young dog. After trading in her lab coat for a laptop, she’s writing down all the tales she’s been making up in her head for years. An avid reader of paranormal romance, these are the stories hanging out and waiting to be told, between the demands of work, home, and the endless chauffeuring that comes with children.








BookBub Author Page:

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Goodreads Book Page:

Amazon Author Page:



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Amazon Paperback:

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Marie will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.