
Monday, August 27, 2018

Kings & Queens by Anarie Brady and Jae El Foster - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Anarie Brady and Jae El Foster and their new book, “Kings & Queens”!  For other stops on their Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Anarie and Jae El and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Kings & Queens
by Anarie Brady and Jae El Foster


GENRE: Romance



As I Follow by Anarie Brady

Princess Orla must first learn to follow if she is to lead her homeland once her evil step mother is dethroned. Who better to teach her than Prince Darcy, the leader of the rebellion against Queen Ena and a strict but fair Dominant who would love nothing better than to take the beautiful Orla in hand and return the kingdom of Athas to its former glory.

The Man with the Kind Eyes by Jae El Foster

Bridgette Mahoney just wanted a better life for herself and the people suffering under a corrupt president. What she gets is nominated to be Queen of the country whether she wants the position or not.



As I Follow, So Shall I Lead Excerpt:

“Princess, might I have a word?” a deep voice startled her out of her thoughts.

“Prince Darcy!” she squeaked, jumping to her feet. “Of course.”

“Shall we take a walk? I understand you have only seen this room of the Chateau. I’d like to give you a tour,” he said, holding his hand out to her.

Hesitantly she reached out her own hand and nodded. Ever since Gala shared some of her experiences in the Chateau’s training rooms, Orla had been curious. Actually, she had been dying to know more. While Gala had not gone into details, she had spoken of the feelings evoked by some of her sessions. Orla longed to experience such feelings of freedom, power, and something indescribable. During the past few weeks, she had witnessed the beauty of a woman kneeling before a man, the protective gentleness in the eyes of a dominant, and the glow of pride when a dominant praised his submissive. Orla felt a tingle deep within her body and had to admit that she longed for such feelings as well.

“Do you understand the dual nature of this facility?” Darcy asked as he led her down an ornate hallway.

“I believe so,” she answered. “The Chateau trains people in the arts of dominance and submission. Submission primarily, because, according to Gala, every good dominant understands what it is like to be a submissive.”

“That’s right.”

“People pay handsomely for the privilege of coming here to learn. The tuition then pays for the training of warriors who are in resistance to Queen Ena. They wish to overthrow her and place me back on the throne,” Orla said quietly.

“Indeed. Orla, it was your father’s last wish that you also be trained,” Darcy stated. “I am more than willing to help you learn how to become an effective ruler, but to become an applicant, you must yourself request it. We do not force anyone here. We abide by the dictums of Safe, Sane, and Consensual.”

Orla stopped walking and turned to face Darcy. “I understand and greatly respect you for following those dictums. Over the past few years, I have had no choice in what I wear, what I eat, when I speak, what I do, not even when I sleep. I’m ready for freedom of choice. My father also taught me that freedom is possible only when everyone agrees to follow certain guidelines. I don’t know if I’m ready to consent to this training yet, but let’s finish the tour and then I’ll decide.”

Darcy smiled and Orla breathed a sigh of relief. Despite Gala’s assurances, she hadn’t been sure that Darcy would respect her decision.

“Princess, I see you are wise as well as cautious. Both excellent characteristics in both a ruler and a submissive. Shall we continue?” he asked before tucking her hand into the crook of his arm.

Orla’s eyes widened and her heart began to beat erratically as Darcy showed her every room of the Chateau. First, there was the Medical Room where applicants were given a thorough medical exam to determine their overall fitness. “No one is excluded because of a physical difficulty,” he explained, “but it is essential that a primary be intimately familiar with any limitations. For example, if an applicant has respiratory difficulties, then the primary knows never to engage in breath play and to be very, very cautious about gags.”

“Good to know you take safety seriously,” Orla commented.

“It’s the first S of our motto – Safe, Sane, and Consensual.”



Who Inspired Your Love for Books?

When I was little, I was raised on two things - Little Golden Books and Archie Comics. I'll be honest; I still read Archie Comics today.

My mother was always a fan of Archie, Betty, Veronica, and the rest of the gang. I am thankful she instilled them in me, as they gave me dose of humor that I have held within myself and in my writing throughout the years. Archie is my humor. The stories reflect the most unlikely of situations, and yet, to the readers, they seem perfectly normal. We all know Betty and Veronica would have both left Archie years ago, and still they fight for him and fawn over him. If that isn’t unlikely humor, I don’t know what is.

Apart from humor is a different side of me – a poetic man of prose, inspired and inflicted into me by the great American poet Walt Whitman. Mr. Whitman released several editions of his Leaves of Grass poetic anthology, and I bet you I have a copy of each… or at least my bookshelf looks like I do. I collect volumes of his work because of the inspiration it has sent unto me. A framed portrait of Mr. Whitman hangs near my desk in my home office, so that his inspiration is always nearby.

There is also a darker side to my literary being – a place in me where ghosts haunt the unsuspecting and monsters roam the earth. This side of me is built from my love of horror and suspense masterminds Ira Levin and Robert Bloch. Ira Levin was a genius at fast-paced suspense. He allowed us to see the uncanny darkness in our neighbors like no one else. Robert Bloch – who passed years ago on my birthday – opens our eyes to the psychotics of strangers and stranglers in the shadows. These two authors built pedestals of fear that could tip the blood pressure to a dangerous limit.

My Shaded Whisperings series, however, is my own little Twilight Zone. Inspired by the great Rod Serling, it is my outlet for ironic, iconic horror releases that incorporate so much more than cheap scares. The Twilight Zone made viewers think, and even the short stories that were published in the early anthologies took your mind to new places and challenged it to comprehend and understand what cannot ever possibly be understood. They made you feel, and that is my intention with Shaded Whisperings. It is a series that make you feel the fear – not just become witness to it. And trust me – the series will just get better.

With books 1 and 2 in the series currently available (Forever and Playing St. Nick), I have been busily at work to create the third installment – something I guarantee my readers have never experienced before. While I am tight-lipped about the third book, I will share just a few bits of information. It is titled Shaded Whisperings: She Rises at Night, and it tells the story of Bob and Karen – a tragically unhappy couple that move across the globe in an effort to rekindle their relationship. The other thing I will share is that it is my first – and will likely be my only – stab at the Zombie genre, and I promise you that you will stay on the edge of your seat. Don’t look for an insane zombie apocalypse. This is zombies in a different light.

I appreciate the chance to share these thoughts with you. To see how my literary influences have further inspired me, visit my website. At you will find free reads on the blog, a monthly newsletter, extravagant contests, free flash fiction, behind the scenes essays, and so much more.

Bring Love. Bring Peace. Bring Care.

Jae El Foster



Anarie Brady writes hot, happily ever after love stories filled with strong men and strong women who choose to submit to their own desires. She also loves scratching her chinchilla in all his itchy spots, sipping tea, and savoring whiskey. She absolutely adores hearing from fans, so don’t be shy!









Totally Bound Author Page:

Goodreads Author Page:

Goodreads Book Page:

Amazon Author Page:




Jae El Foster is an author with whom you question going to bed with at night, but you dare to venture beneath the sheets with him anyway. As the venture concludes, you are perhaps romanced by it, or perhaps you are frightened by it. Don’t worry, because you are always satisfied by it. Despite the title or genre of the book, Jae El sets out to please you with climatic and unexpected conclusions that will make you tremble with emotion. Hop aboard the Jae El train and give it a good ride.










Goodreads Author Page:

Goodreads Book Page:



Amazon Kindle:

Amazon Paperback:

Barnes and Noble:



Anarie and Jae El will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Anarie + Jae El ~ It is so great to have you both here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! :)

    1. Thank you so much for hosting us! This is very exciting and we can't wait to help spread the news about this book and to answer any questions that might be out there! Good luck to everyone entering the drawing! I work this morning, but I'll be back on here at lunch to check in! Thanks again!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you for having DCL on your blog!

  4. im looking forwa4d to reading this!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Victoria! That cover was designed by the great Lynn Hubbard and features the incredibly handsome Billy Freda.

  6. I see I wasn't logged in when I commented before. Morning coffee had not yet kicked in! Thank you again for hosting us on this wonderful blog tour, and thank you for Goddess Fish for making it possible! I am here all day and am happy to answer any questions you might have. ~ Jae El

  7. Replies
    1. Hi, Edgar! Thanks for stopping by! I hope you're having a great day!

  8. Thank you, James Robert! Reading is what keeps us whole! (or me, at least!) - Hope you don't mind - I reposted this comment now that I'm logged in :)

  9. Greetings, everybody! I hope you've enjoyed this look into my literary inspirations. I also hope you're enjoying what you've seen and read of the "Kings & Queens" anthology and my contribution "The Man with the Kind Eyes." For a deeper look into my story, I encourage you to check out my essay on it, taking a look behind the scenes into the story's creation:

  10. Thanks for the giveaway; I like the excerpt. :)

    1. Thank you, Gail. :) It's a good distraction from the Monday Blues. :) Happy reading!

  11. Anarie Brady, my fellow author of this great double-feature, was recently asked the question: What are five reasons to read your books?

    I happen to have my hands on the answers, and I'd like to share them here. And trust me, they're five awesome reasons!

    From Anarie Brady:
    5 Reasons to Read Anarie's Work:

    1. REAL characters. I try to base all of my characters at least partially on real people. This helps to make them round characters.

    2. HOT. Sexy, detailed, and hot are my keywords for writing!

    3. IMAGINATION. My grandfather predicted I'd end up as a writer because I absolutely loved making up stories even as a child.

    4. ESCAPE. Too much stress in your life? Escape to a place with hot heroes, cunning heroines, and always a happy ending.

    5. ENJOYMENT. I can pretty much guarantee you'll enjoy the stories.

  12. Thank you Ally for a wonderful day! We certainly appreciate being spotlighted on your terrific blog! Thank you also go Goddess Fish Promotions for handling arrangements for this blog tour!

    For everyone who stopped by today, I do hope we kept you entertained! Please join us tomorrow for the second leg of the tour at and at

    Don't forget to enter for a chance to win that gift card!

  13. Hi Everyone! I wish I had remembered to post this yesterday, but:

    In honor of the blog tour and in respect to the upcoming sequel to this book, I invite all of those NOOK lovers out there to take advantage of a special offer. From now until Saturday only, my 2012 paranormal romance hit "Restless" is FREE on B&N NOOK! If you haven't read it, you don't want to miss out! And if you have read it - or do read it - please leave a review and let other readers know what you thought!

    Get your free copy HERE:

  14. What is your favorite part of developing characters?

    1. Hi Ellen, thanks for stopping by! My favorite part of developing characters is the organic nature in which they grow within the story. In my 'Kings and Queens' contribution 'The Man with the Kind Eyes,' the story's namesake was intended to be such a small character, and yet he developed into a main character with such speed that I didn't see it coming. I bring each character to life with a basic idea of what they should be like - or who they should be - and I always remain amazed at how they progress and what roads they travel down. Thank you so much for the question!

  15. Thank you, and thanks for stopping by!
