
Friday, June 29, 2018

Windsong & Requiem - Of a Great Deep by Chad Hunter - Book Tour - Book Trailer - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hello lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Chad Hunter and his new book, “Windsong & Requiem - Of a Great Deep”!  For other stops on his Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post – except the Available at Amazon picture.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Chad and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Windsong & Requiem - Of a Great Deep
by Chad Hunter


GENRE: Pirate Fantasy, Mature



The year is 1716. The world is in the Golden Age of Piracy and fabled ships sail the seven seas. One such vessel is the Requiem, captained by the young but wise, brave but dubious Nabopolassar “Bo” Travis. Alongside his first mate Ghassan, quartermaster Winter Burke and navigator Glover, Travis seeks treasure, female company and good drink. The Requiem’s legendary adventures are filled with tales of monsters and myths - all of which are true. Now, someone or something is sailing the seas in search for a treasure chest – a chest that holds unknown riches which only promise to change the world forever. Captain Travis, his crew and a beautiful young map reader must brave the dark and the deep to find the treasure. Will the Requiem find the X on the spot before the infamous Captain George “Bloody-Face” Fiddick does? Will Travis uncover the secret behind the cursed black ship which changed his young life forever? And will the treasure chest truly be full of riches or does something far more insidious lie in wait? Ready your flintlock. Sharpen your sword. The Requiem awaits.



Lights flickered.  The wind would regularly wheeze its way in enough to play with the candles that kept the hidden lair bright enough for reading, for planning and mainly enough to keep George Fiddick's men from walking off cliffs and cavernous drops.

George Fiddick or George "Bloody Face" Fiddick as he had come to be known, sat on a chair that was long since stolen from some ship long since raided and sunk.  The tomes and books, art and items that filled the room in heaps here and there were also all pieced together from adventures on the seas long ago.  No particular details rang clear in Fiddick's mind.  Everything seemed to lump together.  And that was life now for the aging man more so than the exactness of details remembered in his younger days.  

A mountain of a man, Fiddick filled the whole chair as he leaned back into it. The wood and upholstery of the pirate's throne groaned under his size.  His brown coat and dark pants matched the massive beard that covered his chin.  The hair on his face was still smooth and wavy and mostly dark, unlike the thinning and graying hair atop his head.  Of all the colors that comprised Fiddick, most focused on the red that regularly gushed from his nose.  It darkened on the handkerchief in his bear-claw hand.  It was not battle wounds and swords slicked in crimson that had earned him his moniker.  "Bloody Face" was pejorative and it stuck.  Now Fiddick let it be what it was - a terrifying legend to all who sailed.  When captains and crews, privateers or navy saw the Crimson Lady, it was unmistakable.  The mighty ship ruled seas and oceans with her black flags each with a red insignia shaped of a Great Deep woman.





Five Reasons to Read Of a Great Deep

“Look alive, ye old salt dogs!”  Or better yet, allow me to greet you with hello and invite you aboard the Requiem, the finest ship to ever sail, at least according to her fiery captain Bo Travis and his loyal crew.  While the literary world may be abundant with pirate fiction, there is only one “Windsong & Requiem – Of a Great Deep!”  Here are five reasons why you want to hoist sails, pull up anchor and set off to the horizon with this novel!

1.    Amazing characters – The crew of the Requiem will come to life in your very hands.  These are no generic eye-patched, peg-legged characters.  They will move you, frighten you and have readers invested in their final fates.  You will find yourself wrapped up in the lives of the Requiem’s crew from the navigator Glover to Winter Burke to first mate Ghassan and especially the ne’er-do-well Captain Travis.  In addition to the Requiem’s crew, the supporting cast is equally as real from the aged pirate George “Bloody Face” Fiddick to the mournful but brave Jamilah and others.  “Of a Great Deep” will give you friends…and enemies…for life.

2.    Exciting plot – There have been pirate tales of great concept but convoluted storylines.  “Of a Great Deep” is a tight ship (if you’ll excuse the pun!)  From beginning to middle to end, readers will be bound to turning the next page.  There are pirates.  There is treasure.  There are monsters.  As the author of the novel, I pride myself on weaving storylines that seem completely unrelated until the very end when it all comes together.  The reader is owed that much.

3.    It will take you there and back – “Epic” - That is the word that many have used after reading “Of a Great Deep.”  Readers have stated that they felt as if they were on board every ship, in adventure and swinging swords in every fight in the book.  The plot, the action, the characters and the themes will strike a chord with you somewhere, someway and you will find yourself feeling as if a great trip has been undertaken and you stowed away for it.

4.    It’s good – Since we lived in caves, since we gathered around fires, since we dared the horizon of the seas and the flatness of the world, humanity has longed for good stories.  A well told tale has enraptured us, captured us and inspired us. Captain Bo Travis’ adventure will do all of that and more because, in the end, it is a good story and it is told well.  Don’t take my word for it (although I swear on pistols crossed and swords.)  Pick up a copy and find out for yourself.

5.    You will feel free again – As we have romanticized them today, pirates’ main draw is the feeling of freedom.  They represent independence, the ability to decide one’s own fate, one’s own middle and end with either razor precision or reckless abandon.  We lack this in today’s world and if we can find that particular flavor again, we will feel as if breathing for the first time.  “Windsong & Requiem – Of a Great Deep” will give you the chance to feel that freedom.  Sailing aboard the Requiem or the Crimson Lady as captain or crew will invigorate you more than another meeting at work.  Crossing swords against the watery undead or in conflict with opposing pirates will thrill you far beyond one more recital or carpool.  Forget the price of gas – you have sails and the wind.  Enough of political debates – you move under your own flag – and it is black with white skull and bones.  “Of a Great Deep” will remind you of the freedom resting down inside you.



Chad Hunter was born in East Chicago, Indiana. Raised by a single mother in the city's Harbor section, he is the youngest of four. Growing up in the Midwest and a proudly self-proclaimed "Region Rat," Hunter has written and published several books and novels. He has written for magazines and newspapers throughout North America and has been published in several languages. His writings have been called sophisticated yet humorous, sharp witted and unrelenting. Most often, Hunter's writings have been considered so wide and diverse that they span a scale that would include multiple writers with multiple forms.  In addition to being a published author and journalist, Hunter is also a professional speaker.  Having presented to high schools, colleges and various other audiences, his talks and discussions center around the positive impact of literary and creative presences in one’s life.  A large portion of Hunter’s focus is on the uncanny strength of human connectedness which is emphasized via the lens of writing and creativity. Working in genres including dark fantasy, memoirs, science-fiction and anecdotal collections, Hunter weaves tales of monsters, heroes, zombies, wedding planning, technology, pirates and even black parakeets.  With over ten books under his belt, If anything binds his varied styles, it is Hunter's theme of the human condition, humor and family closeness - all to the backdrop of romantic love, vibrant remembrance and even monsters themselves.




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Chad will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Hi Ally, thank you for having me! Enjoyed the site!

  2. I enjoyed getting to know your book and thanks for the chance to win :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Rita. I enjoyed writing it immensely!

  4. These tours are great so thank you for all the hard work you all put into bringing them to us. We have picked up some terrific books thanks to all of you bloggers and the authors have some amazing books to read.

  5. Happy Friday, thanks for sharing the great post!

  6. Who is your favorite literary character? Thanks for hosting. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

  7. What is your favorite Holiday? Thanks for hosting the giveaway and congrats on your release. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com
