
Monday, January 1, 2018

Where is FAB???

Where in the world in FAB?!  Ohhhh yea I was totally singing that in the Carmen Sandiego theme song tune lol!  Do you remember that show?!?!  I loved that show!!  Did you hear it’s coming back in 2019 on Netflix???  The kid in me is like beyond excited!!!  Guess I’ll be signing back up for Netflix lol, because I am so not missing it!!!

So, by now you’ve probably noticed that I haven’t been as active on here as usual.  I have been posting my book tour events, but haven’t been posting much other than that.  However, that is all about to change!

My blog and all of you mean so much to me!!!  I am sooooo thankful to have you here and that you have stuck by me even in my somewhat MIA status.

Some of the pics from my Florida trip right after Hurricane Irma hit.
There was so much damage no matter where you looked some sign or building had been hit.

Life got a bit crazy these past few months!  I was sent out to Florida when Hurricane Irma hit to help with emergency preparedness – as that is my part of my background expertise.  Then I’ve been helping plan, organize, set-up, and work marathon events.  This is a true passion of mine!  I love to help plan and work these events!  I am aiming to work at least one a month.  Although, hopefully when the weather warms up a bit I’ll probably try to hit 2-3 a month or so.


Almost everywhere we went the lights were out.

And on top of all that there’s the Bailey issue.  Bailey, our new kitten, who is ever so adorable, is the strangest, oddest, and naughtiest cat I have ever met lol!  She needs full-time supervision!  I left her alone for about 20 minutes and when I got back I found her with her bottom half wrapped in a sticker.  She was running all around and jumping in the air trying to get the sticker off.  She knocked a bunch of items off the bookshelf, table, etc., as she ran across the room.  I finally was able to catch up with her and carefully pull the tape off.  Apparently underneath the couch there was a sticker tag that had the product info on it, and Bay found a way to pull it off and get it stuck to her bottom.  It was quite hilarious, but yet not lol.  There have been many similar incidents involving Bay playing with something that seems harmless, but yet she finds a way for it to become hazardous.  We have Bailey-proofed the house so many times, but she still finds a way to cause trouble.

Bailey playing on my flip flops.
Dolce snuggling up on pillows and blankets.

Furthermore, Bailey and Dolce are still not getting along and stay on opposite sides of the house.  There is more to this story that I will be writing in another post about it.  So be sure to check back to read about multiple cat household drama and steps for improvements and resolutions.

Again, thank you all for sticking around!!  I have lots planned here on FAB for the New Year and I can’t wait to share it with you!!

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