
Monday, November 20, 2017

Rock Your Business by Boni Wagner-Stafford - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host Boni Wagner-Stafford and her new book, “Rock Your Business”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Boni and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Rock Your Business
by Boni Wagner-Stafford


GENRE: Business



Rock Your Business is a book for those just starting out with a small business... or those considering starting a business. Told from those that have been there.



The Geology of Business

Geology: a science that deals with the earth’s physical structure and substance, its history, and the processes that act on it.

The way we all work is changing – because of technology, a globalized economy, and business evolution. Our fathers – Mr. Wagner and Mr. Stafford – each worked for one employer for the bulk of their careers. Our mothers bridged that gap between doing the ‘right’ thing, which for a time was staying home with the kids, and doing what fulfilled them. That was, at various times and for each of them, owning and operating a store and working in the management ranks of a major Canadian telecommunications company.

In our parents’ day, it was expected and common to have a single employer, if not a single career. Today, not so much.

About 15 years ago, a person could expect to have five careers in his or her lifetime. Today?

In Canada, more people were self-employed in 2016 (nearly 2.8 million) than at any time in the previous 30 years. The OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development) reports self-employment rates from 2015 as a percentage of total employment as follows:

The United States 6.5% Canada 8.6%
Australia 10.3% Germany 10.8%
Japan 11.1%
United Kingdom 14.9%
European Union (28 countries) 16.1% Italy 24.7%

Entrepreneurs ask questions, challenge the status quo, compete successfully against “traditional” companies and come up with new processes and products that drive innovation.



Five Reasons You Should Read My Book

1.   You hate being told what to do.

Uh-huh. Us too. That’s why we’re in business for ourselves and we live on a sailboat. So we can do whatever the *#4& we want. Which is how we learned a ton of great stuff about starting a business.

Now we’re passing that great stuff on to you.

Some people pay thousands of dollars to attend business school. Nothing wrong with that, but it isn’t for everyone. Our book is for people who have recently started – or are planning to start – a business. It’s also for those who work independently, which could include freelancing or not necessarily for a single employer. In our experience, that means you’re at least a little bit similar to us in wanting to sort things out for yourself. No boss!

2.   You’re a just-want-to-get-started kind of person.

OMG yes. Who has time to sit around and wait until they’ve “learned” everything? We like to figure it out along the way. And in every chapter, we give you what you need to get-started-now and Rock Your Business!

It’s not all fun and games. But it is all real. Real life, that is.

We share stories of what we’ve done. Even if it ain’t pretty. Some lessons are just messy, right? We also interviewed nearly two dozen other business startup rock stars and we share their wisdom with you too.

3.   You like to enjoy what you read, even when it’s a how-to book.

I brought my journalism skills, of course, both to interviewing more than two dozen other small business rock stars and in turning the information into usable, practical information every startup entrepreneur, small business owner, freelancer or independent professional can use. John has been running his own businesses all his life and his experiences are well represented here too.

4.   You secretly learn from others who have ‘been there, done that’.

My co-author (and husband)and I have started and built business both together and separately, and we’ve also worked directly with other business owners helping them build. So we’ve been there, done that. And we’ve written the book to help you achieve this vaulted status too :-0

We’re Canadians, but we live and work aboard our 40’ sailboat, Ingenium, currently off the Pacific coast of Mexico in the Sea of Cortez. We’re members of that revolutionary geographically independent group of free spirited professionals who leverage technology and work wherever we happen to be in the world. I started doing research on the statistics, and looking for other books out there that spoke to this audience, and other than Timothy Ferriss’s 4-Hour Work Week, there wasn’t much to speak of.

So, we wrote Rock Your Business!

5.   You’re looking for real substance about the things you need to manage when starting, running, and growing your business.

Yes! Here’s a little snapshot of what you’ll find out about:

•       Curious about defining your purpose? Check.

•       Want to explore options for your business structure? Check.

•       Wonder why people are always telling you to consult a lawyer for that? Check.

•       Think intellectual property is the sprawling estate of Bill Gates? We’ll set you straight.

•       Want to know how soon you can start hiring other people to do the stuff you hate? Check.

•       What exactly is all the fuss about cash flow? Check chapter 11.

•       Oh, and what about ditching the customers that drive you crazy? You go right ahead. We’ll walk you through it.



Boni Wagner-Stafford is a full-time writer, ghostwriter, editor, and author. Boni's writing has helped other authors, business leaders and coaches thrive.

For more than 10 years Boni was with the Ontario government. She held a number of senior communications and management roles. She worked on 5 consecutive Ontario budget documents. Most noteworthy is the 2008 Ontario Budget for which Boni was managing editor. She also played key editorial management roles in government reports such as Ontario’s Action Plan for Seniors. While in senior management Boni led teams that managed strategic communications for files such as securities regulation, auto insurance, tax reform, credit union and real estate legislative reform and tourism industry modernization.

Boni also worked for 15 years as a television reporter. She was also a news anchor and a producer. As a journalist, she worked under the names Boni Fox and Boni Fox Gray (Globe and Mail story about the names here). Boni’s stories spanned politics, government, crime, health, environmental and social issues. Her work won several awards.






Goodreads Author Page:

Goodreads Book Page:

Amazon Author Page:



Amazon Kindle:

Amazon Paperback:



Boni will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Boni ~ It is great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! :)

  2. congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  3. I was just wondering what the author has planned next?

  4. What do you do to overcome writer's block?

  5. What's your writing process/routine like?

  6. How long did it take you to write and edit this book?

  7. Do you write different types of books or focus on the one type?

  8. Boni wears so many hats, I'm impressed by her background. What area does she mainly focus on?
