
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Chaos Stories by Charles O'Keefe - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host Charles O’Keefe and his new book, “The Chaos Stories”!  For other stops on his Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Charles and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

The Chaos Stories
by Charles O'Keefe


GENRE: Supernatural/Fantasy/Sci-Fi



Here you'll find nine new short-stories, some which have been from my life, or things that could have happened. One is inspired from the many games of Dungeons and Dragons I've played over twenty years while another is from the Call of Cthulhu role-playing game. Some are even some from other authors, who kindly contributed to my collection.

As a treat for fans of my series, I have included six deleted chapters, two from each of the three Newfoundland Vampire novels, which have been all cleaned up and have been made better than ever for your reading pleasure.

I have also included not one, but two chapters from the upcoming fourth book in the Newfoundland Vampire series, War of the Fangs. I've filled this collection with tales that will make you laugh, or will scare you, and will hopefully make you think a little about the world around us and the people in it.



When he opened his eyes   he noticed a red glow to her spine.  WTF!  Steve was too stunned to speak.  The red glow faded as he almost fell off the bed.  Angela kissed his neck, snuggling beside him, not noticing his dismay or wide open mouth.  Finally he summoned the courage to speak.

“Your spine glowed red.  Is there something I need to know about you?”

“Oh come now, you didn't know?  Why do you think I loved your Battlestar shirt so much?  Didn't you notice I look just like Cylon Number Six?  Sure you did.  Disney wanted to test me out on one of its tech geeks.  You got lucky.  So, I was good?”

“You're a Cylon?  Does that mean we're starting a whole new race?”

“No silly,” answered Angela, slapping Steve playfully.  “It means the bosses finally granted you a promotion.  You'll be featured as the main exhibit at the new Disney theme park.  It's quite an honor being bestowed upon you.  I hope you fully appreciate the confidence Disney has in your work. “

Realizing the full extent of his situation, Steve made a break for the door.  Too late.  Angela was on him, wielding handcuffs as she slammed him to the floor.

“This is kinky,” commented Angela as she slapped on the bracelets.

Angela dragged Steve by his hair, still naked, to a waiting van outside, where Daffy Duck and Pluto robots drove him away to his new Disney adventure.



5 Reasons You Should Read My New Book

First off, thanks for having me on your blog and being a part of my tour. I hope your readers will enjoy my post and will consider picking up “The Chaos Stories:Tales of Magic, Terror, Passion and Blood

1.     “The Chaos Stories” has a good variety of stories. I’ve put in science fiction, fantasy, horror, fiction and even a poem. It’s the most unique thing I’ve written so far. The book is a treat for fans of my “Newfoundland Vampire” series, as it contains six deleted chapters and two preview chapters from the upcoming fourth book. Those are like deleted scenes from three movies (as they are from three books). My stories range from a dark humor tale of Disney taking over the world to a realistic account of a car accident that I was really in, to a chilling hunt for bigfoot and a amusing tale or taking your love for a car a little too far.

2.     References to current people and companies.  I have a story on Disney (which I love but couldn't resist poking fun of) and to show I'm not bias my feelings on a certain Canadian pop star (that I'm not found of.) I also have a cautionary tale about the dangers of drunk driving.  While those are the (mostly) serious ones I also have lots of fun references to Star Wars, The X-Files, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica and even Spider-man.

3.     I love to make people laugh, I've read the first short-story "Robots" before a crowd and it got lots of laughs. It's also a story I wrote 3 years ago and had previously published at the end of the sci-fi novel. It's been well polished and even updated earlier this year.

4.     I'm a huge fan of role-playing games. One story is based on a character I play in "Dungeons and Dragons" and two others from another character I played in a horror game called "Call of Cthulhu" (based on H.P. Lovecraft's stories). As Vin Disiel said its "the training ground for imagination" and I'm sure these stories never would have been written if I never got into role-playing. If you're unsure what at RPG is, here's a good (and short) explanation.

5.     I make a clear stance on homosexuals in two of my stories, it's not a big deal. Gay, straight, bi-sexual, who cares? If you're happy and you're not hurting anyone I say live and let live.

To sum up I think writing is not just about entertainment. Sure I want people to enjoy my stories, have a laugh, care about the characters, get a scare, get excited during an action scene but I also use them to express my ideas. To remind people we are in a deeply flawed world, that if you can do just one little thing to make the world better, than hopefully that could make a difference. It doesn't matter how small, all we can do is try and hope for that someone will pay it forward.



Charles O’Keefe lives in the beautiful province of Newfoundland, Canada, with his wife and two feline ‘children,’ Jude and Eleanor. He is a part-owner of a beauty wholesale business. He enjoys many hobbies and activities that include reading, gaming, poker, Pilates, Dungeons and Dragons, and of course, fantasizing about vampires. Charles is the author of three books in the Newfoundland Vampire series, but this is his first collection of short-stories. Look for the fourth Newfoundland Vampire book sometime in the near future.

To find out more about Charles or his other books, go to Twitter and Facebook or visit his web site at






Goodreads Author Page:

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Charles will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Charles ~ It is great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! :)

    1. Hi Ally,

      Thanks so much for being a part of my tour. Thanks! It's great to be here =) Have a great day and I'll talk to you soon.

  2. congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Thanks for your comment. Thanks! I hope you win =)

  3. Shared on G+ to help spread the word, good luck with the book tour!

    1. Hi Nikolina,

      Thanks for sharing it and for your comment. Thanks again and have a great day! :)

  4. Hi James,

    Thanks for your comment, you're welcome, best of luck!

  5. Hi Victoria,

    You’re welcome, thanks for the comment and have a great night :)

  6. I liked the guest post, thank you.

    1. Hi Rita,

      Thanks for your comment, glad you enjoyed it :) You're welcome, have a good one!

  7. What inspired you to pursue a career in writing? Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie W BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

    1. Hi Joseph,

      Thanks for your comment and question. Well to be honest I work full in a wholesale business with my brother. I'd love to write full time but I'm not there yet.

      I was inspired by a friend of mine who put out a book in 2006, I helped him edit it and after seeing my name in print I felt I could do more, I wanted my name on the cover! After a lot more writing, editing and other activities my first book finally came out in 2012.

      I hope you win too! :)

  8. I was wondering what you are working on next?

  9. Where did you get your ideas for this book-- characters, plot, and setting?

  10. What's your writing process/routine like?

  11. Do you ever get writer's block, what do you do to overcome it?

  12. What's on your to read shelf these days?

  13. If you could meet any author alive or dead, who would it be and why?

  14. Do you write other genres too or focus on one?

  15. What type of genres do you typically read?

  16. How long did you submit your work before you were published?

  17. Congrats on your new book and thanks so much for the guest post and excerpt. I enjoyed reading.

  18. Whose your favorite literary character and why?

  19. How long did it take you to write and edit your book?

  20. What are you hoping is under your Christmas Tree this year?

  21. HOw did you come up with the title for this book?

  22. Whose you favorite character you have ever created in a book or story?
