
Thursday, September 7, 2017

She's Like a Rainbow by Eileen Colucci - Book Tour - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host Eileen Colucci and her new book, “She’s Like a Rainbow”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Eileen and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

She's Like a Rainbow
by Eileen Colucci


GENRE: Young Adult Magical Realism



“The summer I turned ten, my life took a fairy tale turn.”

So begins Reema Ben Ghazi’s tale set in Morocco. Reema awakes one morning to find her skin has changed from whipped cream to dark chocolate. From then on, every few years she undergoes another metamorphosis, her color changing successively to red, yellow and ultimately brown. What is the cause of this strange condition and is there a cure? Does the legend of the White Buffalo have anything to do with it?  As Reema struggles to find answers to these questions, she confronts the reactions of the people around her, including her strict and unsympathetic mother, Lalla Jamila; her timid younger sister, Zakia; and her two best friends, Batoul and Khalil. At the same time, she must deal with the trials of adolescence even as her friendship with Khalil turns to first love. One day, in her search for answers, Reema discovers a shocking secret – she may have been adopted at birth. As a result, Reema embarks on a quest to find her birth mother that takes her from twentieth-century Rabat to post-9/11 New York.

Reema’s humanity shines through her story, reminding us of all we have in common regardless of our particular cultural heritage. SHE’S LIKE A RAINBOW, which will appeal to teens as well as adults, raises intriguing questions about identity and ethnicity.



Author's Note:

It is my hope that SHE’S LIKE A RAINBOW will promote peace and understanding among people of different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. My aim is to stimulate discussion on everything we have in common as human beings regardless of our particular heritage. We are all connected.



We were not very strict Muslims. We did not pray five times a day, nor did we go to Mosque every Friday (though we did attend on all the Aids or Holy Days, to celebrate the Sacrifice of Abraham, the end of Ramadan, and such). Zakia and I emulated Mother and did not cover our heads. As she got older, Mother took to praying and began to wear a head scarf whenever she went out, removing it at home, leaving it on in her shop. She did not insist that we begin wearing one however. Since Zakia and I went to the French Mission schools, we did not receive religious instruction as part of the regular curriculum like our cousins who went to Moroccan schools did. To fill this gap, Mother hired a tutor who came once a week to teach us the Koran and to supplement the mediocre Arabic lessons provided at school.

Mother had several copies of the Koran. There was one, wrapped in gift paper that she kept in her room. I had come upon the sealed package one day when I was about seven and, not knowing what was inside, I had torn the golden wrapping to have a peek. Afterward, when I’d asked Mother why she kept an old Koran that was falling apart, she had scolded me severely and boxed my ears. She told me that Father had brought the holy book back from the Haj and had carefully wrapped it in order to preserve it.

Needless to say, we did not use this book for our lessons. Instead, Haj Brahim (he was addressed as “Haj” because he, like Father, had made the pilgrimage to Mecca) would take down the large, heavy Koran from the top shelf in the book case and try to help us understand the verses. When this failed, he would settle for having us memorize them.

Not content to just recite the words without understanding their meaning, I had convinced Mother to buy a version that had the Arabic on the left side with the French translation on the right. This was the book that I used for my private prayers and to search for an explanation for my multiple transformations.

I was not having much success however and decided I must talk to Haj Brahim about it. I didn’t want to ask him in front of Zakia, so I would have to choose my moment carefully.

One afternoon, Haj Brahim showed up a little early for our lesson. Mother showed him into the sitting room and asked Naima to make some tea. Zakia was having a shower because she had participated in a race at school that day (that she’d lost, of course). Seizing the opportunity, I slipped into the room and gently closed the door.

Haj Brahim was a portly man, in his sixties and decidedly bald. He was an old acquaintance of Father’s who had helped Mother settle the inheritance after Father died. Mother was in a predicament as a widow with only daughters. In the absence of a male heir, Father’s three brothers had tried to wrest as much as they could, but Haj, who was an expert in Islamic law and connected to one of the Mosques in Rabat, had made sure that Mother’s rights, however limited, were protected. (Those rights would have been even more limited had Father not already taken several precautions while still alive, such as putting many of the deeds and wealth in Mother’s name.)

I cleared my throat and Haj, who sat leaning back on the sofa with his hands folded in his lap, looked over at me and smiled. As always, he wore a little white skull cap that he only removed now. I began hesitatingly to describe my problem. Haj must have been aware of my transformations as he’d been giving us lessons since I was nine and still “Reema, The Palest One of All.” He had never mentioned anything about my “condition” though. He listened carefully as I timidly described my tormenters at school, mother’s failure to sympathize, and my personal doubts as to God’s role in all this. I stopped abruptly when Naima brought the tea and placed the tray in front of me.

Using the knitted mitt, I grasped the silver teapot and poured some tea into one of the crystal glasses. Then, I poured the tea back in the pot and served us both. I glanced at the clock. Zakia would be coming in any minute and my chance would be lost. Haj nodded subtly, as if he understood my urgency, and went to get the Koran from the shelf. He put on his reading glasses, then took them off and wiped them with the cloth napkin that Naima had given him.

He paused before putting them on again and recited to me, “’Endure with patience, for your endurance is not without the help of God.’ God presents us all with different challenges, Reema. You must have patience and His wisdom will be revealed to you. All in good time.”

“But, why Haj? Why is God doing this? Making my skin change color all the time like I’m some kind of freak. What have I done wrong?”

Without answering, he opened the book to the very end and read me a verse:
As time passes,
Everyone suffers loss
Except those who believe
and do good deeds and urge one another to be true
and to bear with courage the trials that befall them.

I could hear Zakia coming down the stairs. I quickly noted the page so that I could go back to it later.

Haj closed the book and said softly to me, “You are young, Reema. What seems like a great ‘trial’ today may not seem so terrible later on. You are a good girl. Just be brave – and patient.”

He patted me lightly on my hand. Somehow, it did not feel patronizing or dismissive. The butterfly touch of his fingers gave me hope.



A native New Yorker, Eileen Colucci has been living in Rabat with her Moroccan husband for the past thirty-plus years. She is a former teacher and recently retired after twenty-eight years as a translator with the U.S. Embassy, Rabat. Her articles and short stories have appeared in various publications and ezines including Fodor's Morocco, Parents' Press, The New Dominion and Expat Women. SHE'S LIKE A RAINBOW, which was recently published, is her second novel.

Colucci holds a BA in French and English from the University at Albany and an MA in Education from Framingham State University.

When not writing, Colucci enjoys practicing yoga, taking long walks and playing with her chocolate Labrador Retriever, Phoebo. Now that she and her husband have four grandchildren, they spend as much time as possible in Virginia with their two sons and their families.




Goodreads Author Page:

Goodreads Book Page:

Amazon Author Page:



Amazon Kindle:

Amazon Paperback:

Barnes and Noble:



Eileen will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Eileen ~ It is great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! :)

    1. Ally, thanks for your good wishes and again for hosting me. I truly appreciate your kind support!

  2. congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  3. Thanks so much for the excerpt and giveaway as well and congrats on the tour.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks for your encouragement, Rita. Hope you enjoy the book!

  5. Replies
    1. And thanks for reading, Victoria. So glad you enjoyed it.

  6. So glad you enjoyed the excerpt, James. Thanks for your good wishes and good luck in the giveaway!

  7. Do you have your next writing project in mind yet?

    1. Cindy, I think that inspiration has finally struck. I am considering writing a novel based on my late mom's younger days. It will definitely be fiction though so my imagination will come into play a lot. Thanks for your interest!

    2. That sounds really interesting and something I would like to read, good luck!

  8. Thanks for sharing :-) The book sounds very interesting.

    1. Thanks for reading, Coline. Hope you enjoy the book!

  9. What's your favorite genre of books to read?

  10. I like most types of fiction except for Horror. I won't read anything dark or twisted. If a book I'm reading starts getting too disturbing, I put it down. What about you?

  11. Happy Friday! Have a good one and thanks for the chance at winning.

  12. Hope you have a fun Saturday and anyone in the path of Irma, please be safe. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  13. Have a great weekend, Robert, and good luck in the giveaway. My thoughts and prayers are also with those braving the storm.

  14. What's your favorite book/author/movie/show?

    1. My favorite book and author are Catcher in the Rye and JD Salinger. If you follow my tour, you can read more about my thoughts on both the book and the writer.

  15. Have an awesome Tuesday and thank you for the chance at winning. You're the best!

    1. Thanks for your interest, James. Hope you enjoy the book!

  16. Have a great Wednesday and thanks once again for the chance to win this giveaway.

  17. Do you have an author whose work you greatly admire?

    1. I love Khalil Gibran's book The Prophet. It's a constant source of inspiration and comfort to me.

  18. Maybe it's just me but this week sure seems to be flying by. Have a fun Thursday and thank you for working so hard to bring us this great giveaway.

    1. Only a week to go in the Giveaway... Hope you'll follow the rest of the tour!

  19. What's your writing process like? Write as it comes to you, # of hours per day?

  20. It's Saturday! Have fun and enjoy it and thanks for the giveaway.

  21. Do you have any advice for those who want to be published?

  22. Have you ever met anyone famous before?

  23. What specifically inspired you to write this book?
