
Thursday, August 3, 2017

Spooning Daisy by Maggie McConnell - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hey lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host Maggie McConnell and her new book, “Spooning Daisy”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win exciting prizes like a Nordstrom "Daisy" vegan leather clutch, a Nordstrom turtle pin Rebecca Minkoff star pendant/necklace!!  There will be THREE lucky winners, each winning one of the previous listed items.  See below for more details.  Also, come back daily to interact with Maggie and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Please note that the three giveaway prize items listed above is only available to US residents.  Sorry INTL!  You are still allowed to enter this giveaway, but an Amazon Gift Card will be awarded instead, if winner is INTL.

Spooning Daisy
by Maggie McConnell


GENRE: Contemporary Romance (Romantic Comedy)



Her mango chutney is exquisite; her blueberry sauce to die for. But Chef de Cuisine Daisy Moon is a woman without a kitchen after a "bit of trouble" at her last job. Now blacklisted from Seattle to San Francisco, Daisy's sole job offer is from Wild Man Lodge in Otter Bite, Alaska, where the end of the road is just her beginning.



"I had apple strudel. I never have apple strudel. It's not my usual."

"You came here to tell me you had apple strudel?"

"The thing is...I liked it. For a change, I mean. Once. Not every day, of course."


"The truth is..." He stepped toward her. "The truth is...I feel bad about giving you such a hard time at breakfast."

"Ohhhh. This is an apology."

"No, absolutely not." Max retracted the step he'd just taken. "This is absolutely NOT an apology."

Daisy huffed. Normally, she'd take great satisfaction in Max's guilt and take equal pleasure in the banter that would surely follow. However, she was a woman on a mission, and she didn't have the time, not with Otter Bite hanging by a manila envelope. "Fine. Thank you for coming here NOT to apologize and for that apple strudel thing. And--" She momentarily softened. "--the money. But I just don't have the time for whatever this is."

Once again he stepped toward her. "You're making this extremely difficult."

"This? This what? What am I making--"

"This." The word melted into her mouth.

The two hundreds floated from her hand to the floor. Then, her arms wrapped Max's neck, his body pressed hers, and Daisy was lost in a kiss she never expected to own.



Seven Good Reasons to Read Spooning Daisy

7.  You’ll learn how to have a proper garage sale, with sheet-draped plywood tables and potpourri.  Avoid Craigslist and the serial killers you might encounter there. Don’t bother listing on ebay with its long auctions and bothersome packing/shipping. Nothing beats an old-fashioned garage sale for quickly converting unwanted items into cash. Plus, you might meet the hunk (or hunkess) of your dreams there.

6.  You’ll visit the most wonderful place on earth—Alaska—with a tour guide who lived there 23 years and knows her stuff. (That would be me.) Inspired by the very real village of Seldovia, where I spent summers, Otter Bite combines the best of Alaska—scenery, wildlife, and intriguing people. Spend a little time in Otter Bite and you’ll understand why Alaskans say, “the odds are good, but the goods are odd.” This is romcom, after all. Interested in learning more? Check out 

5.  Your purchase of Spooning Daisy will help support my no-kill ranch and wildlife sanctuary.  My Arizona ranch provides a safe haven for any animal who passes through or chooses to make its home here, from snakes to skunks, owls to coyotes, bunnies to horses, and everything in between. You don’t have to read the book to buy it, but if you do (buy it) might as well read it for the cheap fun it provides.

4. You’ll prove that your mom was right when she said don’t judge a book by its cover. Ironically, she probably wasn’t talking about books (mine was talking about a geeky senior boy who’d asked sophomore me to a high school dance), but it works for books, too. As one reviewer said of Spooning Daisy: The sweet-simple front cover of this book hardly does justice to the multi-faceted characters, setting, and plot that intertwine on its pages.

3.  You’ll learn about Roman emperors, enthralling family and friends with your knowledge. Watch their jaw-dropping awe when you tell them what the name Caligula really means. No wonder this emperor went wacky with his sword.   

2.  You’ll learn what NOT to choose when ordering from a French menu.  (Hint: stay away from
médaillons de cheval.)   Parlant de français, Bébé, you’ll pick up a few bedroom phrases, as well.  In fact, with all the fun learning you’ll be doing as you read Spooning Daisy, you can probably deduct the price of this book as an education expense on your tax return!

1.  CHEAP FUN. The best reason for doing anything! At less than a penny a page, Spooning Daisy will provide many hours of fun without causing weight gain or a hangover. Still not convinced? Take a gander at the reviews. Here’s a 5-star sample.

Blogger Sascha Darlington: From the pun in the title to the fast-paced dialogue to the different and compelling storytelling, I was captured and captivated.

Romance Novel Giveaways (Lauren): The storyline of Spooning Daisy is so unique, which was an awesomely refreshing treat for a jaded book-blogger such as myself ;) Parts of it just sucked me right in and, before I knew it, an hour had passed and I wasn't ready to put the book down!

Jersey Girl Book Reviews: With a quirky cast of characters, witty dialogue and humorous / dramatic interactions, and a richly vivid description of Otter Bite, Alaska, Spooning Daisy is a witty tale that is full of sass and charm, its tongue-in-cheek humor will keep the reader in stitches, thoroughly engaged, and smiling to the very end.



Golden Heart nominee Maggie McConnell spent her childhood overseas as the daughter of US diplomats. Attending college in Illinois, she earned a BA in Art and an MBA while working at the local humane shelter. At 26, she packed her dog and cat into a Ford truck and drove the Alcan Highway to Alaska, where she spent 23 years exploring The Last Frontier in a single-engine Cessna. A vegan and animal rights advocate, Maggie provides a sanctuary on her Arizona ranch for all creatures great and small, but her immediate family includes dog Molly, cat Sara, horses Quinn and Teena, and an ever-growing dynasty of chipmunks. Every year, like the Gray Whale, Maggie returns to Alaska.






Goodreads Author Page:

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Maggie will be offering 1) Nordstrom "Daisy" vegan leather clutch, 2) Nordstrom turtle pin, or 3) Rebecca Minkoff star pendant/necklace to 3 randomly drawn winners (US only; international winners will receive a $25 Amazon/BN GC).

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  2. Thank you, Ally, for this FABULOUS and enthusiastic presentation of Spooning Daisy, and the opportunity to write about the reasons for reading the book. I never thought about it before! What fun. Good luck to all in the giveaway!

  3. Spooning Miss Daisy sounds like a very good time!

  4. I enjoyed reading your post, thanks for sharing!

  5. I really enjoyed reading the guest post, thank you!

  6. I've always wanted to visit Alaska.

  7. Thanks for a chance in your contest. Sounds like a wonderful read.

  8. Does the author have the next book in mind yet? If so what is it about?

  9. What's your favorite genre of books to read?
