
Monday, August 21, 2017

Behind The Door by A. Gavazzoni - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host A. Gavazzoni and her new book, “Behind The Door”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with A. Gavazzoni and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Behind The Door
by A. Gavazzoni


GENRE: Psychological and Erotic Thriller



When Lara dies at the hands of a Manhattan lawyer during a sex game, his defense attorney, Carl, hires Simone, a psychiatrist, professor and author of books on sexual behavior to help him buttress his argument that Lara’s death was accidental. To help his defense, Carl’s client has written a detailed account of his steamy, year-long relationship with Lara. Carl gives the text to Simone for analysis. While evaluating the presumed killer’s writing, Simone continues to receive psychiatric patients with sexual disorders and unusual fantasies, and to research strange sexual behavior for her next book. Meanwhile, Simone’s clinical partner, friend and research colleague, Edward, is working with the police to capture a serial killer who is torturing and killing women. From hot and unusual sex and interesting psychiatric patients, to the swing houses of New York and Paris, this fast-paced page-turner is a blend of mystery, suspense, humor, romance and erotica.



“Yes indeed, my friend. I’ve seen a lot in my short life. I’ve bent over backward to please. I’ve been a puppet. That wasn’t for me, so one day I decided to stop.”

More than a hint of pain showed in her eyes…unsettling to find in such a young and beautiful woman. Who could have hurt her so much that she’d come to behave as she did?

“I know how it is,” I said. “It’s like apnea. What’s pleasurable at the start of relationships doesn’t last because it’s not real. You’ve decided to be real, once and for all.”


I’d finally said something that had surprised her.

“Yes. I like to go diving. Sometimes I dive without air tanks. I hold my breath. It’s called apnea and you can do it for only so long. At the beginning of relationships, people hold their breath. When they can’t do it anymore, they go back to being who they are and relationships end.”

“I adore that description.”



Five Reasons You Should Read My Book

It’s hard to brag about my own work, but I believe there are some good reasons readers would like my books

1)     My books are like roller coasters – there are emotional ups and downs all the time, the readers won’t have a monotonous reading experience, and like riding a roller coaster, they are going to experience highs and lows as they hate, love, cry, and laugh with my characters.

2)     To have fun – The psychiatric patients in my novels are fun, they have their own language, and their medical conditions provide for some funny scenes.

3)     Learn about having compassion and not judging – my books are about different behaviors, people judged “not normal” by society. All of them have complicated lives or traumatic pasts that play a role in their behavior, and this (hopefully) shows the reader you can judge a person for what you see, but you have to know her deeply to pass sentence on her.

4)     Readers are going to know places they don’t dare to go in real life—places I don’t go, either! Swing houses and orgy parties and nightclubs have their doors opened to the readers.

5)     Be surprised every step of the way – As a former FBI agent who endorsed my second novel said: “You are going to feel like the special agent trying to decipher the crimes.”



Gavazzoni is a Brazilian author. She just won The Golden Book Award 2017- Readers Choice for her first novel Behind The Door and also an honorable mention at Paris Book Festval 2017

Adriana is a lawyer, a former professor of law and a writer of novels and legal books, but she is also a voracious reader.

She speaks four languages: English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. When she is not practicing law or writing, she enjoys many interests and is a very active person. She loves to dance (Tango) and workout.

She loves to travel, loves good wine, and has been studying astrology for fifteen years. She paints and loves to cook.

She has two poodles -Gaia and Juno -and loves all animals. She is an aunt of four nieces who enjoy to paint and cook alongside their aunt. She lives in Brazil and is in the process of writing her next novel.









Goodreads Author Page:

Goodreads Book Page:

Amazon Author Page:



Amazon Kindle:

Amazon Paperback:



A. Gavazzoni will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  2. A. Gavazzoni ~ It is great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks a lot Ally for having me in your Blog! The book tour certainly will be great as it started in a great Blog like yours. All the best!

  3. Many thanks for Fabulous and Brunette for having me! It´s a pleasure to be here today and I hope to answer all the questions!
    As you know I´m also a lawyer, with a tight schedule, but I promisse to be as present as possible!

  4. Thank you James for taking part!!!!!good luck!

  5. This one sounds amazing!! I can't wait to read it, thanks for sharing :)

    1. I hope you enjoy what you will find Behind The Door...

  6. Thanks for the giveaway; I like the excerpt. :)

  7. Replies
    1. give the novel a chance and you will be surprised...

    2. I hope you enjoy the series, dare to open the door...

  8. Love the excerpt and thanks for hosting and the chance to win

    1. Thank you for taking part of this Book Tour! Good Luck!

  9. The excerpt sounds amazing. This will be a great read!

    1. I believe you are going to like it...tell me after you do

  10. Have a Terrific Tuesday and thanks for the opportunity to win.

  11. What is the best book that you have read recently? Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie W BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

    1. Hello Joseph...try mine...I bet you will add it to your list of best books....Good Luck!

  12. Good Luck Madonna, I hope you like the novel

  13. Thanks so much for taking the time to bring us this great giveaway. I know I do appreciate it!

  14. Good Morning! Enjoy your Friday and thank you once again for the opportunity to win this giveaway.

  15. Thank you for taking time to offer us a great giveaway to win. You're terrific! Enjoy your Saturday

  16. Hello, stopping by to thank you for giving me the chance at winning this giveaway. Enjoy your Sunday!

  17. Here we are, back to another Monday so quickly. Make it a good one and thanks for the chance to win.

  18. Here I am again, back to say thanks for the chance at winning.Have a great day!

  19. Happy Hump Day! I sure appreciate you offering us such great giveaways to win. Thanks for all you do!

  20. Another week going by so quickly. Enjoy your day, make it special and thank you for the giveaway.

  21. TGIF, have yourself an awesome day! Thanks again for the giveaway and opportunity to win it.

  22. Hello and Happy Saturday. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this giveaway.

  23. Have a fun and relaxing Sunday and thanks for bringing us this giveaway.

  24. Was wondering if the author has the next book in mind and if so what is it about?

  25. What's your favorite genre of books to read?

  26. What's your favorite book/author/movie/show?

  27. Do you ever have writer's block? Do you have a method of getting past it?

  28. What's your writing process like, write as you feel it or do you write a certain number of hours per day?

  29. What's your ultimate writing goal/dream?

  30. Have you ever met anyone famous before?

  31. Is there a book you've been meaning to read but haven't tackled it yet because it's a little intimidating?

  32. If someone makes you made do you ever create a character like them just so you can kill them off or make them miserable at least?

  33. What's on your to read book shelf these days?

  34. Do you have any authors you recommend?

  35. If your book was made into a movie who would you want to star in it?

  36. Is there a favorite book out there you wish they would turn into a movie?

  37. Are you part of any book club/groups?

  38. if you could meet any author past or present who would it be and why?

  39. Happy Friday! I hope that your enjoying your book tour. Have a great weekend!

  40. How long did it take for you to be published?

  41. Have a sensational Saturday and thanks for the chance at winning.

  42. Enjoy this beautiful Sunday and thank you again for the giveaway/

  43. Are you part of any book clubs or forums?

  44. If you can choose an author to meet past or present, who would it be and why?

  45. What's on your TBR shelf these days?
