
Friday, July 21, 2017

The End of Ordinary by Edward Ashton - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host Edward Ashton and his new book, “The End of Ordinary”!  For other stops on his Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a 14 Ounce Nalgene—filled with candy corn and one VeryFit Smart Band!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Edward and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Please note that this giveaway is only open to USA residents.  Sorry INTL – please check out other giveaways on this blog!

The End of Ordinary
by Edward Ashton


GENRE: Science Fiction



Drew Bergen is an Engineer. He builds living things, one gene at a time. He's also kind of a doofus. Six years after the Stupid War -- a bloody, inconclusive clash between the Engineered and the UnAltered -- that's a dangerous combination. Hannah is Drew's greatest project, modified in utero to be just a bit better at running than most humans. She’s also his daughter. Her plan for high school is simple: lay low and run fast. Unfortunately for Hannah, her cross-country team has other plans.

Jordan is just an ordinary Homo-Sap. But don’t let that fool you -- he’s also one of the richest kids at Briarwood, and even though there isn’t a single part of him that’s been engineered, someone has it out for him.

Drew thinks he’s working to develop a spiffy new strain of corn, but Hannah and her classmates disagree. They think he's cooking up the end of the world. When one of Drew's team members disappears, he begins to suspect that they might be right. Soon they're all in far over their heads, with corporate goons and government operatives hunting them, and millions of lives in the balance.



“Seriously?” Micah said. “This is the lair?”

“I told you,” Marta said. “It’s not a lair. It’s a juice bar.”

We were on the second floor, at the end of what seemed at the time like miles of corridors and columns and arches and lots and lots of locked doors. The door in front of us, though, was unlocked, and slightly ajar.

“You’re sure he’s here?” Micah asked. “I mean, shouldn’t he be in a darkened study or something?”

Marta pressed her fingers to her eyes.

“Right. With his henchmen. Should he be smoking a cigar?”

“Do you have a cat?”

They both turned to look at me.

“A cat?”

“Yeah,” I said. “That’s better than a cigar. He should be sitting in a big, leather easy chair, petting a cat.”

“No,” Marta said. “We do not have a cat. We also don’t have any leather easy chairs, as far as I know. Dad’s probably sitting at the bar, reading some crappy sci-fi novel on his tablet and drinking a smoothie.”

Micah shook his head.

“That’s not gonna work for me.”

Marta turned to look at him.

“Not gonna work for you?”

“Right,” Micah said. “I can’t beat a guy up while he’s drinking a smoothie.”

“No beating,” I said. “I thought we were clear on that.”

“Right. Right.”

“Look,” Marta said. “We’re just…”


We all turned to look at the door.

“Yes, Daddy?”

“Would you like to introduce me to your friends?”



Five Reasons You Should Read The End of Ordinary

1. The End of Ordinary is a fast, fun read. It’s set in the near future, which in this book is not entirely a spooky dystopia. Things are actually mostly okay in late twenty-first century upstate New York, despite the occasional super-plague or near-apocalyptic civil war. Drew Bergen works for Bioteka, a custom genetic engineering shop. His daughter Hannah is a fourteen-year-old running phenom who got her awesome lung capacity from Bioteka, and her questionable social skills from her dad.

Hannah doesn’t have a ton of friends, so when she meets Devon Morgan at a high school cross-country meet, she’s willing to overlook a few minor flaws—including that Devon’s family is on a government watch list, she’s palling around with what is proba-bly an illegal A.I., and she’s convinced that Hannah’s dad is caught up in a scheme to end the simmering hostility toward the genetically modified elite by wiping the world clean of the unmodified. Hannah and Devon set out to learn whether there's more to Drew’s work than blight-resistant corn, and hilarity ensues.

2. The End of Ordinary is set in the same world as my first novel, Three Days in April, but it is not a sequel. So, while there are some fun Easter eggs in there for you if you’ve read the earlier book, The End of Ordinary is a stand-alone story. That means that while you definitely should buy both books (as many copies of each as your bookshelves will hold, honestly) you don’t need to have read Three Days to enjoy The End of Ordinary.

3. The End of Ordinary contains the phrase “Slutty Zombie Apocalypse.” You really can't go wrong with that.

4. The End of Ordinary is set in the future, but it’s not rayguns-and-rocketships sci-fi. It deals with serious topics, but it doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s funny, but it’s not farcical. Also, by the time you get to the end of The End of Ordinary, you’ll know how a retrovirus works. How many novels can say that?

5. The End of Ordinary is an integral part of my plan to not end my days eating beans and rice cooked over a garbage fire. Wouldn’t you like to help move that plan along?



Edward Ashton lives with his adorably mopey dog, his inordinately patient wife, and a steadily diminishing number of daughters in Rochester, New York, where he studies new cancer therapies by day, and writes about the awful things his research may lead to by night. He is the author of Three Days in April, as well as several dozen short stories which have appeared in venues ranging from the newsletter of an Italian sausage company to Louisiana Literature and Escape Pod.







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Edward will be awarding a 14 Ounce Nalgene—filled with candy corn! & 1 VeryFit Smart Band (US only) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Edward ~ It is great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! :)

  2. Thanks so much for having me over today!

  3. uhhhh, candy corn and fit band...aren't those things that go comletely against each other... I mean if you eat the candy corn you are for sure gonna need to use those fitness bands

  4. I have to admit, the cover mad me smile. :) My husband is a farmer & plants corn. Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. The End of Ordinary sounds like a great conspiracy science fiction read, or maybe it borders on reality with that modified corn going on. Either way, it sounds like a great read! Added to my wish list!
