
Saturday, July 8, 2017

Backyard Wins Giveaway Hop - Lots of Prizes! - Enter Daily!

Welcome to the Backyard Wins Giveaway Hop brought to you by The Hopping Bloggers!
Each giveaway has a value of a minimum of $15, however some are worth much more. Be sure to enter to win all of them because there is no limit to how many you can win. GOOD LUCK!

Hey lovelies!  FAB is finally partaking in a giveaway hop!  I have teamed up with some fabulous bloggers and we want to shower you with lots of exciting prizes!!! 

My giveaway is for a Brand-New Amazon Kindle Fire!!  It has a retail value of $49.99!!

I know this giveaway theme is Backyard Wins, and a Kindle Fire might not seem like the most obvious prize choice…  But, I recently got my own Kindle Fire and this thing has been like glued to my hands!!  I use it for everything!!  From reading ebooks, shopping on Amazon, paying the cable bill, watching movies, checking my emails, ordering a pizza, playing games, taking pictures, and of course, blogging.  I seriously love it!!  And I think you will too!!  Now, I want to get you hooked and send you your very own Kindle Fire!!

So enter to win below.  There are LOTS of daily entry points, so be sure to come back DAILY to claim all these extra entries!

Also, like I mentioned this is a GIVEAWAY HOP – so be sure to check out the other blog’s listed below to WIN BIG!!!  There is no limit to how many stops you can win at!! 

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Please note that this giveaway is only open to USA residents.  Sorry INTL – please check out other giveaways on this blog!

Sorry, but Dolce and beach décor are not included in prize lol 😊

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you’re a blogger looking to connect with brands: Join The Hopping Bloggers database and get started today! If you’re a brand looking to work with a network of professional bloggers: Check out the creative campaigns The Hopping Bloggers has to offer!


  1. I am a mother of 3 boys, step mother of twin boys and have five grandsons!

    1. Hi Kim ~ Oh wow! Sounds like a nice big, happy family and that life is never dull in your house lol! Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. I have been married for 43 years to my best friend. He is the love of my life. We have 2 wonderful children and 2 beautiful grandsons.

    1. Hi Polly ~ Awwww that is soooo sweet! I'm so happy you were able to find someone so amazing! Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. I have two boys and just recently took up woodworking with my husband!

    1. Hi mommy2luke2008 ~ That sounds like so much fun and some great father/sons bonding time! Thanks for stopping by :)

  4. I love listening to Bruce Springsteen! Thanks for the fun hop!

    1. Hi Judy ~ Absolutely! Great music choice! What's your favorite song? Thanks for stopping by :)

  5. I like to read too, so I can understand why the Kindle has been glued to your hands! Glad you joined a blog hop, feel free to join the ones at my blog too. We'd love to have you!

    1. Hi Dianna ~ Thanks, it has been so much fun! I am also a fan of your blog and would love to collaborate! I will check out your upcoming events :) Thanks for stopping by :)

  6. I am a single, stay at home mom of a special needs child. We love to read. The Kindle would be awesome to win! Thank you for the chance!

    1. Hi Julie ~ Wow! I would like to commend you on being a single parent and taking care of a special needs child! I'm sure that's not easy! I was raised by a single mom so I totally appreciate and recognize all the hard work that goes into raising a child on your own. Thank you for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  7. I'm looking forward to a trip to Alaska in a couple of weeks!

    1. Hi Jeanine ~ That sounds like so much fun! Have you been to Alaska before? I live in Oregon so Alaska is only like a 3 hour flight away. I haven't been yet, but it's on my bucket list, so one day lol. Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  8. My hobbies are reading, gardening, decorating my home, fashion, beauty...I also like to enter giveaways.

    1. Hi Jen ~ Fabulous hobbies! I definitely share quite a few of those with you! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  9. thanks for the giveaway and thanks for being friends on social media. I am from Texas, living in Oklahoma and have been doing blog giveaways for years.

    1. Hi Joni ~ Absolutely! I lived in Texas when I was a kid. I don't remember much except it was hot all the time and there were really big bugs lol! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  10. Replies
    1. Hi Julie ~ Lol! Love it! You gotta have those kicked back, relaxing, lazy days or everyone would go mad lol... Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  11. There is a new baby coming this week - Lord willing! The first baby girl in our family!

    1. Hi M Wag ~ Yay! Congrats! So exciting! Wishing your family a healthy and happy baby girl! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  12. I'm going to Cincinnati in a few weeks! I can't wait!

    1. Hi Sarah ~ Fun! That sounds so exciting! Have you been to Cincinnati before? Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  13. I'm planning a road trip to the beach later this summer.

    1. Hi clc408 ~ Awesome! I love the beach! Although the Oregon beach is mostly cold year-round so my beach love is more toward Southern Cali lol. Have fun at the beach! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  14. Replies
    1. Hi hawaiijack ~ That sounds like fun! Hope you have a great trip! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  15. No summer plans just work work work. hoping to go somewhere in October/November timeframe.

    1. Hi Cindy ~ I totally understand that, same here! It's hard to get away... Hopefully you will be able to get some much needed time off and enjoy a relaxing vacation soon! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway! :)

  16. I love winning giveaways and enter them often! We have no plans for this summer. Just staying cool and enjoying the fresh air.

    1. Hi Kathy ~ Same thing here! I love entering giveaways too, and of course winning them lol. I used to enter the big company giveaways and then stumbled upon the blogger giveaway world. Much better odds here lol. No trips to Paris, but still lots of awesome prizes! Stay cool out there, thanks for stopping by, and good luck in the giveaway :)

  17. I really enjoy playing volleyball with a bunch of friends from work.

    1. Hi James ~ That sounds a lot of like fun! Great summer activity! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  18. I love taking bike rides on our new bike trail in our town.

    1. Hi Linda ~ That sounds like so much fun! And awesome that your town built a new bike trail! Sounds like a great summer activity! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  19. I enjoy recycling. I don't do it as much as I could (probably) but I try. Every little bit helps!

    1. Hi Kathy ~ That's awesome! We recycle cans and cardboard and bring our own reusable grocery bags. Oregon is huge on green living so we try to do as much as we can, but yes, every bit helps make a difference! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  20. I like entering giveaways and watching The Game of Thrones series.

    1. Hi Sweeter the berry ~ Awesome! I love entering giveaways too! And of course hosting them :) I haven't seen The Game of Thrones, but I hear it's ahhhmazing! I will definitely have to check it out! Bet you are stoked the new season just started :) Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway!

  21. We're impatiently waiting the birth of our first granddaughter! But I'm trying to keep up with my entering in the meanwhile.

    1. Hi M Wag! Great to have you here again! I hope she comes soon! So exciting! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  22. I like to coupon, blog and read. Thanks for the blog hop!

    1. Hi Cindy! Absolutely! Thanks for stopping by again :) I also love to coupon, blog, and read! Great hobbies! Good luck in the giveaway :)

  23. The house I bought with my dad use to be an OLD small hospital 150 years ago. I have so much work ahead of me It was 80% gutted,

    1. Hi James ~ Wow! Very interesting! Sounds like quite a fun, but challenging project! Thanks for stopping by again and good luck in the giveaway - and the remodel :)

  24. Your book reviews on Amazon are phenomenal. Very very well written and appealing (as someone who reads a lot and is always looking for the next good book.) Wow!

    1. Hi Rusthawk ~ Wow! Thank you soooo much! I truly appreciate that! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  25. We are big readers around here, wouldn't a Kindle be wonderful

    1. Hi AnnaZed ~ That's wonderful! And yes, this Kindle Fire is perfect to reading and so much more! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  26. I really love to camp with my family. My boys are teenagers so they don't like it nearly as much anymore but it's great family time.

    1. Hi Michaela ~ Fun! I love camping too! My mom totally hates camping so I always tagged along with my friends and their family lol... Such a great summer activity and so many wonderful memories! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  27. Thanks for the giveaway. Would love to win a Kindle Fire. I enjoy blogging, entering giveaways, tent camping, and hanging with friends. I've worked almost 13 years as a 9-1-1 Dispatcher. Thanks.

    1. Hi Terra ~ Absolutely! Totally love your hobbies too! Wow, a 9-1-1 Dispatcher?! That sounds like such a challenging and demanding job! Thank you for all you do! I appreciate all your hard work and dedication! I used to be an Emergency Preparedness Coordinator so I totally understand the stressful emergency world lol. Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  28. I have been doing all things garden. I just love my summer garden, and now as things start to mature, I am getting to canning and freezing of the harvest. I just love it.

    1. Hi Kelly ~ That is so awesome! I've never really gardened before, but I hear it's really relaxing and fulfilling. What are you growing? Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  29. we arem oving this weekend... so stressful but exciting.

    1. Hi Molli ~ Hope the move is going well! I am actually kind of a professional mover lol... My mom's job had us moving every 6-9 months when I was a kid... I went to over 20+ schools! We have gotten so good at moving it's like down to a science lol! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  30. I am a huge animal lover. Bunch of cats dogs and birds. Most all are rescue animals. It's a zoo. Lol

    1. Hi Brandy ~ I love that! I am also a huge animal lover! If I had the space I would totally have a bunch of cats and dogs running all around the place lol... But sadly in my tiny, little apartment there's not much room for more than me and Dolce right now... Plus the occasional visits from my "niece" and "nephew" puppies lol... Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway! Also, thanks for being a rescue mom! All of cats have always been rescue babies :)

  31. I like reading too, and coffee. I also like giveaways...can you tell? Thanks for hosting!

    1. Hi Jae ~ Haha yes! Great hobbies too! What's your favorite coffee drink? Since it's summer and hot out, I am drinking mostly Coffee Frap Lights and Iced Caramel Macchiatos. Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  32. funny thing I started doing/entering giveaways/sweepstakes 2 months ago to win a kindle so I could start reading books again I enter everything now and it takes me roughly 15 hrs a day everyday to do it too I have won 4 things and have received 2 of them

    1. Hi Robert ~ Yes, this giveaway world can be quite addicting! I also enter giveaways and there are many weeks that I don't win anything, but then all of a sudden, boom I won like five things... Then back to nothing for a while and so on... It really just depends on the odds, how many people enter, if there are daily entries which give you a better chance of winning, how long the giveaway lasts, and how well promoted the event is. I've seen hundreds of people enter to win a $5 GC in a giveaway that lasted a month and I've seen less than ten people enter to win a $50 GC in a giveaway that only lasted a day. But I have learned that blogger giveaways have wayyyy better odds of winning than big company giveaways that have thousands and thousands of entries... No trips to Paris here, but still awesome prizes, and a more likely chance to win. Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  33. Not too much to tell - have 3 crazy cats that like to keep me up at night and get me up early in the morn. Love meeting people and going places. Wish I had a pilot license but I am too busy to get one. Wish I could read faster

    1. Hi joyven ~ I totally know what that's like! Sometimes my furbabies didn't quite get the memo on sleeping in on days off... I also found out the hard way to never feed a cat wet food in the morning or they will always wake you up wanting to eat lol... A pilot license? That sounds like a fun goal and hobby! Hope you are able to find the time and make it happen! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  34. I love entering giveaways and spening time with my grand kids :)

    1. Hi Kathy ~ Awesome! Such fabulous and fun hobbies! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  35. Cooking is my major hobby.watching my grandkids get excited to watch our produce growing they are hoping our pumpkins will grow a lot of fun.i love giveaways not to lucky tho

    1. Hi Debbie ~ Fun! I like cooking! I'm not very good at it lol... Let's just say there's been a few small fires and quite a bit of burnt food lol... But, I'm learning and it's fun! What's your favorite thing to cook? Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  36. Reading and developing recipes are my hobbies.

    1. Hi Angela ~ Excellent hobbies! I am a fan of both! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  37. I have been retired since I was 48 and I thank my husbands good planning for that.. I read, listen to music and cook when I am not at the beach.. Grateful for all I have in my life.....

    1. Hi Michele ~ Wow, that was nice of him! Sounds like a nice, relaxing life :) Great hobbies! I love the beach! Although, I live in Oregon so beach time here is like sweater, jacket, coat, scarf, earmuffs - no swimsuits here lol! But I try to make it down to a real beach like in So Cal at least once a year... Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway! :)

  38. I'm a lot happier than I appear to be.

    1. Hi Sandy ~ That's great! It's important to be happy and celebrate the little things - remember the glass IS half FULL :) Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  39. What I enjoy...fresh flowers in my yard, Dahlberg Daisies to be exact! I love all flowers, but these are special to me! I love 'em!!

    A few years back, I discovered some Dahlberg Daisies (Thymophylla tenuiloba) at my local nursery, and it was love at first sight... I mean with their feathery foliage and cheerful yellow flowers, whats not to love? They give me a "happy-place" feeling!

    I planted them as a border in my front yard because it super sunny out there, and they did very well until wet summer weather set it, and they all died back. I thought for sure they would all die... but no it wasn’t the end of these little plants, – each spring, after a bit of winter rain, seedlings of Dahlberg Daisies pop up around my front yard, thriving with absolutely no attention from me at all until summer sets in once again.

    1. Hi Tammy ~ So I totally googled Dahlberg Daisies, and you are absolutely right - they are very cheerful and pretty! Those bright and bold yellow hues, but with soft and delicate looking petals! Definitely a great choice for your yard! And that's so cool that they keep coming back each year! I love flowers, but I do not have a green thumb lol... I end up killing plants... Even killed a cactus lol... Yesterday I received a Celosia flower in a zero maintenance flower terrarium that is supposed to be pretty much impossible for me to kill lol! So we'll see... It's for a product review and I am excited to have this pretty flower on my desk that will hopefully survive my black thumb lol! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway! :)

  40. In less than one month we are on our way to a epic 10 day road trip hitting at least 10 states!

    1. Hi Clair ~ Wow! That is so cool and sounds like so much fun! I don't think I've ever taken a long haul road trip like that... I sometimes get car sick so I would totally have to drive lol... But all the cool places you'll see and all the wonderful memories you'll make! Sounds like a great summer vacation! Hope you have a fun, but safe trip! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway! :)

  41. We have no summer plans. I like to enter giveaways and read.

    1. Hi Kathy ~ Great to see you here again :) Excellent hobbies! I am right there with you lol! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  42. I am looking forward to our upcoming trip to the Tennessee Mountains.

    1. Hi Jay ~ That sounds like so much fun! I haven't been to Tennessee before, but it is on my bucket list... So one day lol... Is this your first trip up there? Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  43. I am looking forward to 2 girls trips! Next month NYC and Sept. a sister's week in the Bahamas!

    1. Hi Renee ~ Okay wow I am so jealous lol! Those are two of my dream trips on my bucket list! I am so excited for you! I hope you have some fun and fabulous, but safe trips! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  44. like watching lots of movies

    1. Hi Daniel ~ I LOVE movies! I am a huge movie fan! What is your favorite movie? Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway :)

  45. I am looking forward to a few days off

    1. Hi joyven ~ Great to see you here again! Any special plans for your days off? Hope you are able to catch some R & R :) Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway!

  46. I love spending time with my cats.

    1. Hi Lisa ~ Awwww! Sooooo sweet! Love that response :) How many furbabies do you have? Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway! :)

  47. My plans are to go to the beach and enjoy an afternoon to make my summer day the perfect one.

    1. Hi Jerry ~ That sure sounds like fun! Hope you have a great time at the beach - don't forget the sunscreen lol! Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway! :)

  48. I read at least one book every week and usually more than that.

    1. Hi Betty ~ That is so awesome! I usually get one book read every week or every other week... Depends on my workload... What's your favorite genre? Thanks for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway! :)

  49. Hi lovelies! Thank you all for stopping by and sharing! I really enjoyed reading your comments and getting to know you all better! Wish I could just give you all each a Kindle Fire... Perhaps if I were to win the lottery lol! This was my first giveaway hop and it has beyond exceeded my expectations! It has been so much fun and I will kicking off another giveaway hop tomorrow night! So be sure to keep coming back daily for lots of fabulous posts, giveaways, and events! And of course, stay tuned for the winner of this blogging hop! I will be verifying entries and picking a winner on Monday, July 24th so be sure to check your email, because you only have 72 hours to respond. Thanks again! Hope you all are having a fabulous weekend! <3
