
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Man Down by Tracy Tappan - Book Tour - Review - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hello lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host Tracy Tappan and her new book, “Man Down”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a fabulous prize pack!  See below for more details.  Also, come back daily to interact with Tracy and to increase your chances of winning!

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Man Down
by Tracy Tappan


GENRE: Military Romantic Suspense



Book 3 in Wings of Gold (Standalone Novel):

After being shot down by the Taliban on a Special Operations mission, a Navy pilot and Navy SEAL rescue a beautiful humanitarian doctor. While the three of them evade capture in a race for their lives across northern Pakistan, the two former boyhood friends heal a 10-year breach, and the pilot and doctor find a way to let go of their painful pasts to find love.

Content guidelines: Contains profanity and adult situations. Sensitive readers might find a scene depicting the death of a pet upsetting.



Jason planted a boot on the bed and hoisted himself up level with one of a string of windows lining the upper wall of the post-op ward. He hadn’t really expected to see anything when he shoved aside the curtain to verify the security of the front gate, but—

The gate was wide open, and through it was pouring a boatload of men!

“Taliban!” Jason snarled over his shoulder at Shane. “About fifty or sixty men, incoming.”

“Shit!” Shane bit out. “We need to set up a firing position. Pick off squirters as they arrive.” He tried to heft himself to a sitting position but didn’t make it.

“With you still seeing cross-eyed? Negative.” Jason jumped off the bed. “Besides, there are too many tangoes.” Who would cover the space between the front gate and this medical tent in about three minutes. “We need to hide, then get the hell out of here.” As soon as fifty backs are turned.

He scanned the room for hiding places. His vision fell on a six-foot-tall cabinet pushed against the wall at the end of one row of beds and set next to a crude nurse’s station. He raced to the cabinet and wrenched open the double doors. Shelves on one side and—yes!—closet space for white lab coats on the other. Hurrying over to Shane, he grabbed two fistfuls of the man’s hospital gown, yanking so hard to get him up, the ties snapped off the back of the gown and the material tore away. Jason stumbled backward, the hospital gown in his hands, leaving a naked and pissed-looking Shane on the gurney.

If Jason had been a woman, he would’ve been impressed. Your friend is packed with solid muscle, Farrin had said. But a quick check of her showed her still pale and distracted.

He charged back over. “Come on!” Looping one of Shane’s arms over his neck, he hauled him off the gurney.

Shane’s IV bag tumbled down to his knees, bobbing on its rubber line.

Jason ripped the needle out of Shane’s wrist while Farrin observed in horror. Sorry, but I don’t have time to follow AMA nursing standards right now. He hustled Shane over to the cabinet and maneuvered him into the coat side. “If it’s me, I’ll knock.” He thrust the H&K 416 rifle into Shane’s hands. “Anybody else opens this door, start firing. And don’t,” he ordered sharply, “pass out while you’re in there.” Sweat beads as big as matchstick heads were already standing out on Shane’s brow.

Jason shut the door, then grabbed his own rifle and the two packs out from under the gurney.

Foreign voices drawing close…



Wow!  This book is jam packed full of explosive action and entertainment!

There is so much going on in this book that I was completely engaged and couldn’t put the book down!

This book is about two hot Navy SEALS, Jason “Casanova,” and Shane “Mad Dog,” who survive a helicopter crash in Pakistan after a mission goes terribly wrong.  They then go searching for medical assistance as Shane is injured and they come across Dr. Farrin Barr.  Dr. Farrin Barr happens to be the only doctor on site as the rest of the staff had been evacuated.  It isn’t long before these three are bonded together in ways they never imagined.  The chase is on as they are being hunted down by a terrorist.  Jason, Shane, and Farrin must work together to make it out alive and escape the terrorist that is chasing them across the country.  When the stakes are high and emotions are all over the place it isn’t too crazy that something like fear would turn into romance.

This book has action, suspense, mystery, intrigue, romance, comedy, and so much more!

This book touches on love, romance, friendship, courage, bravery, overcoming obstacles, second chances, and new beginnings.

I really liked the main characters, Jason, Shane, and Farrin.  They were well developed, likable, and relatable.

Both Jason and Farrin bring some heavy baggage to the relationship.  However, I think it brings them closer together instead of causing drama that could tear them apart.

Both Jason and Farrin are very stubborn and have a hard time trusting and letting people in.  This common ground helps them relate, but their walls aren’t easy to drop.

This book was well researched and very realistic.  It is clear Ms. Tappan is familiar with military procedures, jargon, and the Middle East.  Ms. Tappan does state that she toned down the jargon, but it is a military book and they use a lot of code and acronyms.  To help the reader not get lost or confused a glossary was included at the back of the book.  I thought this was a great idea as it allowed for the reader to easily obtain the translation or a more in-depth understanding at their own discretion.

I am a huge animal lover and former dog trainer for Guide Dogs for the Blind.  So I was very hesitant on reading this book as there is a horrific scene depicting the execution of a pet.  I knew this scene was coming, but I wasn’t sure how I would handle it.  My beloved cat very recently died and I am still struggling with this heartache every day.  With that said, as I reached said scene I decided to just skip over it – I couldn’t bring myself to read those passages.  So I can’t tell you if they were written respectively or to what level or degree they reached.  However, the rest of the book was well written and tasteful that I’d imagine the author was considerate and courteous during those disturbing scenes as well.

This book is book three in the Wings of Gold book series.  Although the characters seem to intertwine throughout the series, it seems each book can be read on it's own.  But why would you want to?  We're talking about hot military romance books that are also provide action, suspense, and intrigue!  This is the first book I've read in the series and from this author, but I will definitely be looking into the rest of the series and perhaps even other works from Ms. Tappan.

All in all, I enjoyed reading this book and would absolutely recommend it to anyone interested in an exciting and intriguing military romance book.

Please note that this book does contain profanity and adult situations that may not be appropriate for younger readers or those that would be offended by those actions.  Also, as previously mentioned, this book contains that gruesome scene that depicts the death of a pet.

If this book didn’t contain that horrific scene I would have not been able to give this book anything less than five stars.  Unfortunately, the animal lover in me thinks this scene could have been omitted or changed and still been effective in getting the point across.  Without providing too much detail, maybe it wouldn’t have been as strong of a message without this scene.  However, I must admit that I was impressed with the character’s reaction and how they handled the situation, it showed true character.  Regardless, the overall story was very intriguing, kept me entertained, and was a fun and exciting read!

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book and have voluntarily provided an honest, and unbiased review in accordance with FTC regulations.**

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Tracy is the bestselling and award-winning author of gritty romance, her books spanning genres across paranormal (The Community Series), military romantic suspense (The Wings of Gold Series), and medieval historical (The Baron’s War Trilogy). She is married to a former Navy helicopter pilot who served his country for thirty years. During their tours of duty, they lived all over the United States and in Europe, enjoying seven years overseas in the diplomatic community, first in Rome then in Madrid, before settling back in San Diego. She has a master’s degree in Marriage, Family, Child Counseling (MFCC), volunteers for the USO and Wounded Warrior program, and raised Guide Dog puppies.

She loves to play tennis, enjoys a great glass of wine, and talks to her two Labradors like they are humans (admittedly, the wine drinking and the dog talking probably go together). Her website is a fount of information and sexy fun.




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Tracy awarding one *authentic* military "LCDR Jason 'Casanova' Vanderby" coffee mug, one scented sachet (for the panty drawer) with MAN DOWN cover, one Hershey's chocolate bar, and one Wings of Gold bookmark to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour (US ONLY).

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Tracy ~ It is great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! I really enjoyed reading and reviewing your book, thanks for providing the copy! :)

  2. I am in awe that you raised Guide Dog puppies!

  3. Thanks for hosting, Ally, and for your detailed review. I used to raise Guide Dog puppies, too...! In fact, we adopted one back into our home. I have two Labs now, a chocolate and yellow, and am an animal lover too. The pet scene in MAN DOWN was difficult to write...especially since it is based on a true story from my therapy days. But it was ultimately decided between my editors and I that it was the most effective way to destroy the hero, and I wanted to bring him back from a very devastated place. Since I am an animal lover, I did not linger and glorify the scene, but, yes, it is *very* emotional. I can understand you not being in the right place for it now. I have a cat, as well, and I'm so sorry for your recent loss. Keep on readin' and reviewin'--you're obviously good at it! :o)

  4. I have enjoyed the tour. Sounds like a great read.
