
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Ghost in Exile by Jamie Marchant - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hello lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host Jamie Marchant and her new book, “The Ghost in Exile”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!  Also, come back daily to interact with Jamie and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

The Ghost in Exile
by Jamie Marchant


GENRE: High Fantasy



The Ghost is going to hell. Not even the goddess can forgive his sins: assassin, oath-breaker, traitor (an affair with the queen earned him that title). No one can ever learn the princess is his daughter. To keep this secret, he flees to the land that turned him from a simple stable groom into an infamous killer.

His mission now? To find evildoers and take them to hell with him. But when an impulsive act of heroism saddles him with a damsel who refuses to be distressed, her resilience forces him to questions why he really ran from his daughter.



“I think you’ve done enough, you rutting swine,” a harsh voice commanded. “Stand up and turn around. Slowly.” Certain he was about to die, Ahearn eased himself out of the queen and stood.

He turned to find Lord Caedmon holding the sword on him. Behind Caedmon, Duke Connor, the king’s chancellor, approached, accompanied by two vicious dogs. “You should have let him finish, son,” Duke Connor said. “It isn’t good for a man’s health to be left in that condition.”

“His health is of little concern now that he’s completed his service to his country,” Caedmon grunted.

Ahearn didn’t understand what they were talking about. He wanted to fall to his knees and beg for mercy. But why humiliate himself when he had no hope for leniency? He licked his lips and looked at Fenella, who’d wrapped the blanket around herself. She looked far more angry than frightened. Maybe she didn’t understand the consequences of what they’d just been caught doing. “Don’t hurt her, please,” he whispered.

Duke Connor laughed. “Hurt Her Majesty? I wouldn’t think of it. She is carrying Korthlundia’s future—His Majesty’s long-awaited heir.”

“Like hell I am.” Fenella jumped to her feet. “Solar is a wrinkled old man. He hasn’t been able to do it in months. This baby,”—she touched her stomach, still smooth and flat—“isn’t his.”



Who Inspired My Love for Books

I grew up in a house full of books. The den had floor to ceiling bookcases on two walls, jammed packed with books. The hall had cabinets full of yet more books, and so that we never ran short of reading material my mother took us to the library every two weeks. We came home laden with books. I can’t count the times that I entered my parents’ bedroom to find them side by side in bed, both with books in their hands. I come from a large family, and some of my happiest memories involve all of us children sprawled out in the living room while my mother read us a story. My mother taught me to read for myself before I started kindergarten. Because of my parents, my mother especially, books were, and still are, magical things in which you can travel to any land and have all sorts of adventures.

My sister who is ten years older than me furthered my love of stories. She told me fairy tales as bedtime stories--“Midas and his Golden Touch,” “Three Little Men in the Woods,” and my favorite “The Princess and the Glass Hill.” Being surrounded with stories, I don’t remember a time when I didn’t want to be a writer, and it was for my sister that I wrote my first one, which involved the Man from Mars coming to earth to try a peach. She loved the story, or at least convinced me that she did, and encouraged me to write more. For her, I wrote dozens of adventures involving this Man from Mars. As I grew, my sister continued to be my writing mentor and cheerleader. Throughout high school, I took my stories to her. She’d read them and gave me guidance on how to improve them.

Of course, I learned that making a living as a writer is extremely difficult, and it was my father that helped me find a career path that indulged my love of books and would ultimately give me time to write them. On his advice, I pursed a bachelor’s and, ultimately, a PhD in literature. For homework, I got to read books that covered the history of much of the world, and in class, we talked about these books. I could imagine no better career than getting paid to talk to students about books. I didn’t think about the grading papers part of the job at the time, but even with this inconvenience, I can’t imagine a job, with the exception of being a full time writer, I’d like more than teaching others my love of books.

When my son was born, it was only natural that I read to him. I started doing so when he was an infant in my arms and could understand nothing more than the soothing sound of his mother’s voice. As he grew older, he learned the one sure fire way to get mom’s attention was to ask me to read to him. I almost never said no to this request because I loved it as much as he did. We graduated quickly from picture books into chapter books. We used the magical tree house to travel throughout time together, morphed into various animals with the animoprhs, and spend a magically long time at Hogwarts. I dreaded the day when he would no longer want me to read to him, but that day was long in coming. I began to read my own stories to him, and when he reached high school, we traded Harry Potter for Harry Dresden. Although the frequency of our readings decreased over time, it wasn’t until he left for college that they stopped completely.

Books, enjoyed by myself and with others, have been such a fundamental part of my life that I have difficulty understanding someone who doesn’t like to read. It’s almost as bizarre as someone saying they don’t like to eat. In writing my own books, I hope to give others some of the joy that other authors have given me. I can imagine no greater gift to the world than a story well told.



Jamie Marchant is the author of the epic fantasy series, The Kronicles of Korthlundia. Her novels include The Goddess's Choice, The Soul Stone, and The Ghost in Exile. Her short fiction has been published in the anthologies--Urban Fantasy and Of Dragons & Magic: Tales of the Lost Worlds—and in Bards & Sages, The World of Myth, A Writer’s Haven, and She lives in Auburn, Alabama, with her husband and four cats, which (or so she’s been told) officially makes her a cat lady. She teaches writing and literature at Auburn University. She is the mother of a grown son.








Goodreads Author Page:

Goodreads Book Page:

Amazon Author Page:



Amazon Kindle:

Amazon Paperback:



Jamie will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Jamie ~ It is great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! :)

  2. Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win

  3. Thanks for having me. I'd love to answer any questions your readers may have. I'll be checking back throughout the day so let me have it.

  4. Really liked your interview. This book sounds great.

  5. Thanks for the excerpt and giveaway as well.

  6. Happy Friday!!!! Have a good one and thanks again for the opportunity to win.

  7. Has been a beautiful day here in Michigan. Hope it was the same for you. Thanks for all the great giveaways you bring to us.

  8. Good Evening! Hope you enjoy your Sunday and thanks so much for the chance at winning.

  9. Good Monday Afternoon! Another weekend that went by too quickly. Have a good day and thanks for the opportunity to win.

  10. Have a terrific Wednesday and thanks again for the chance at winning.

  11. Good Morning! I appreciate the opportunity to win, thanks so much!

  12. Good Friday Afternoon! Have a great day and thanks for all you do for us.
