
Thursday, April 6, 2017

Regenerate by Sarita Leone - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host Sarita Leone and her new book, “Regenerate”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!  Also, come back daily to interact with Sarita and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

by Sarita Leone


GENRE: Paranormal Romantic Suspense



The Octopus isn't an urban myth—and its agents are anything but ordinary. The intelligence bureau is so well-hidden most doubt its existence. A handful know its location. And fewer walk the halls in the subterranean compound.

Benjamin Sinclair didn't ask to be a scientific miracle but every mission has its risks and one perfectly-placed bullet ended his life—for a brief moment in time.

Nicole Anima battles demons every day. Life as a paranormal resources operative gives her tortured mind a rest—and keeps her from contemplating her own death.

When Anima and Sinclair partner on a globe-trotting race to eliminate the threat about to cripple humanity, all hell breaks loose. Leaping from planes, crashing into continents, dealing with voodoo priestesses, and running through jungles with zombies hot on their trail doesn't leave much time for romance, but this duo somehow manages to sizzle.

Two agents. Telepathic mind paired with regenerated commando. One world—and a mission to save it.



Even perspiration couldn’t keep the hair on the nape of her neck from bristling at the sound of Sinclair’s deep voice. Rising to his bait wouldn’t get her anywhere. Neither would angering him, but on that score she didn’t care.

“I won’t do it.” She forced her parched throat to swallow. Straightening, she fisted a hand on her left hip and spread her legs. The shooting pose came naturally. “I refuse. I don’t work for you—and I won’t work with you. Never again.”

“Never doesn’t scare me.”

“Why would it? The never concept only works for humans.”

Her blood pressure felt higher than it had when she’d been running full out.

“Now, don’t get yourself all worked up. It won’t do you any good, and somewhere deep inside that gorgeous body of yours, you know it.” He paused, then chuckled again. “I can help with that, you know.”

The sudden turn in their conversation brought her guard down.

“Help with what?”

“Satisfaction. I can satisfy you…if you’ll let me. Jagger makes a good song but he sure can’t give you what you want.”

Facts ran in her head like a movie on high speed, reminding her of crucial bits of information about the man on the other end of the phone. Practical ones like how he took his coffee. Black, no sugar. Emotional facts, regarding his family. He didn’t have any. All killed in a horrific airplane crash in the Ecuadorean jungle. Logical details about his illogical existence.

So many things, yet she’d forgotten one of the most basic. His scientifically enhanced mind. Three minutes, and already he’d snared her in his web.



Regenerate Character Interviews

There are points in everyone’s life where roads fork, visions change, or goals shift. Those are the times when we may do something we’ve dreamed of doing but haven’t attempted.

REGENERATE is the result of a focus change in my life. I’ve written a number of Regency and contemporary romances but have always wanted to try my hand at something edgier. Something with some heart-stopping action in it. Something paranormal. So when I got the idea for this book, I ran with it and never looked behind me. Better to run without seeing what’s chasing you, don’t you think?

Anyhow, this move from contemporary and historical romances to paranormal romantic thrillers seems a perfect fit. I loved writing this book—Nicole Anima and Benjamin Sinclair are fearless. Their struggle to keep the world safe from evil feels relevant.

Benjamin Sinclair is the world’s first regenerated human—that is, a sniper’s bullet killed this commando but science and stem cell technology brought him back to life. He’s invincible and immortal which makes him the ideal choice for battling a zombie army or stopping an assassin’s bullet.

Stem cell research is something close to my heart. I’ve had a profound, life-changing brush with stem cells and the possibilities they hold for saving lives. While they don’t, sadly, cure everyone who needs their medical miracle, they do have potential—and save some. So Sinclair is my way of saving a hero and letting him live to save others.

Anima and Sinclair work for an elite, super covert government intelligence agency called The Octopus. The Octopus houses the nation’s finest tactical military minds. They keep evil from taking over the world, without anyone ever realizing they’ve even been saved.

Nicole is badass beautiful, a woman whose psychic ability has had her to the brink of madness more than once. She’s found her stride, though, working as an agent but spending time with Sinclair might just push her over the edge. You see, she and Sinclair have a past. And, whether she likes it or not, he still holds her heart.

REGENERATE is a story of redemption, rebirth, and the restoration of order from chaos. Forgiving Sinclair for breaking her heart is a bigger challenge for Anima than jumping from a plane or crashing into a continent but that’s what she faces. Living after catastrophe is a burden on Sinclair’s wide shoulders. And a world gone mad…well, anyone alive today has seen that happen. Our nightly news from around the globe shows the atrocities humans inflict upon each other. This story, and the others that follow in the series, show that even when we’re faced with what seems insurmountable, we’ve got it in us to overcome. We can shift focus, find a new goal, or take a fork in the road…

Thanks for inviting me to visit today. It’s been fun—please feel free to drop me an email through my website or visit my Facebook page! I love hearing from readers!



Sarita Leone is an award-winning author who has written romance in many forms including Regency, paranormal, and contemporary. She loves happily-ever-afters in any setting!

When she’s not writing, Ms. Leone spends her time hiking, learning languages, and traveling. She loves adventure and can pack a suitcase, grab her passport, and hit the road in less time than it takes to peel an apple!





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Sarita will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Sarita ~ It is great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! :)

  2. Good Afternoon! Not such nice weather today in Michigan. Hoping spring is here for good soon. Have a great day and thanks for the chance at winning.

  3. Sounds like a book I'll enjoy reading!

  4. Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  5. Thank you for the chance at winning! Have a great day!

  6. Good Morning! I appreciate the opportunity to win, thanks so much!
