
Friday, April 14, 2017

Lake Of Sins: Hangman's Army by L.S. O’Dea - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway!

Hey lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host L.S. O’Dea and her new book, “Lake Of Sins: Hangman's Army”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a Kindle Paperwhite!!  Also, come back daily to interact with L.S. and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Lake Of Sins: Hangman's Army
by L.S. O’Dea


GENRE: YA, Dystopian Fantasy



A rebellion is brewing in the world of the Lake of Sins while Hugh Truent sits in prison days away from his execution.

After taking his findings about the genetic similarities between the classes to the Supreme Almighty and the Council, Hugh had been arrested for treason and all his evidence had vanished as if made from smoke.

To protect his family, he cut off all contact with the outside world while he sat in prison for over four years waiting for his execution. He has no idea that some of his reports were leaked to the other classes and that civil war looms on the horizon.

Trinity and her friends have no hope of winning the war unless they can unite the classes. In order to do that, they need someone everyone will follow. They need the one person all the classes trust and believe in. They need Hugh.

That means they have to break him out of a maximum security prison and convince him to lead their army, but that won’t be easy because Hugh wants revenge and he’s not going to let anything get in his way especially mouthy, attractive, know-it-all Trinity.




As soon as they were all together, she headed toward the Mile of Fire.  It grew hotter with every step and the air became acrid, burning her nose and throat.  Sweat no longer trickled down her back; it was a full-blown downpour. 

“Are you sure the rocks are cold?” asked Jackson.

“I never said cold.  I said they shouldn’t burn us to crisps.”

“I’m pretty sure you said they wouldn’t burn us at all,” said Hugh.  “I don’t recall the clarification of to a crisp.”

“Stop whining.  You’re out of jail.  You should be happy.”  He was going to drive her crazy.  The sooner he and Dad separated from them the better.

“I’ve been beaten, accused of treason and sentenced to execution without complaint but I’m whining because I don’t want to be burnt to something just a little less than crispy?”

“Yeah.  You don’t hear anyone else complaining.  Do you?”  Good thing she had her back to him because she couldn’t keep the half-smile off her face.  He had the irritating gift of being funny and annoying at the same time.  She slowed down.  She wasn’t ready for this, but here it was. 

The Mile of Fire loomed ahead.  Its shimmering waves of heat almost unbearable.  The five of them were drenched in sweat, although the closer they got to the rocks the quicker the sweat was drying.  Small puffs of steam were coming off her clothes.  It was the same for the others.  If they didn’t stop sweating they were going to be basted in their own juices.  Of course, if they did stop sweating they’d be dried like old fruit left in the sun.  They had to move fast.



Five Reasons You Should Read This Book

The first reason you should read not just Hangman’s Army but the entire Lake of Sins series is because it’s unique.  There’s nothing else like it out there.  This isn’t your typical vampire or shifter story and it’s not your typical paranormal romance either but there are elements of all your favorites weaved throughout the books.  Ninety-four percent of the people who’ve read Escape (book 1) and left reviews on US Amazon gave the book either four or five stars and the next book is even better.  Unlike most series, book one isn’t the best.  It’s probably the slowest due to world building.  Everyone who read and reviewed Secrets In Blood (book 2) and Hangman’s Army (book 3) on US Amazon gave the books four or five stars.  Like I said the series gets better as it goes along and that alone is pretty unique.

The second reason you should read the Lake of Sins series is that I create an entire new set of genre characters that you’ve never seen before (you can check out my website for some illustrations  Think about the first time you saw Star Wars and there was Chewbacca a Wookiee.  That had never before existed and now he’s a part of our culture.  My characters aren’t Wookiees but they’ve never existed in fiction before the Lake of Sins.  The closet creations to them are from the Island of Dr. Moreau.  Some of the creatures in Lake of Sins are human-animal hybrids (but they don’t know that).  Others are genetic modifications that haven’t quite gone as planned and these creatures are living and hunting in the forest.  There are the River-Men, Brush-Men, Cold Creepers and many others (I have illustrations of all but the Brush-Men on my website).

Another reason to read the series is that it appeals on multiple levels.  You can read it as just a jolly romp through a dark, fantasy world or, especially if you have any background in animal rights, you may recognize that theme as it threads throughout the series.  A friend of mine told me that after reading the first book, she had a hard time with our culture’s treatment of animals.  Her daughter also read the book and didn’t pick up on that at all.  The books aren’t preachy, but the theme is there.

The series is also a lot of fun.  It’s dark and gory and exciting but the interactions between the characters are real.  The characters are extremely life-like.  I’ve had readers contact me about them, saying that they expect to see my characters walking down the street.  That’s how real they seem.  Of course, if that would ever happen, I’d probably run because a lot of my characters are predators and I’d be easy prey.

The final reason you should give the series a try is that you can get book one for FREE with no obligations (no signing up for my mailing list).  You can download Lake of Sins: Escape on Amazon ( or any other major ebook retailer (

You can also get the second book FREE (Secrets In Blood) if you sign up for my newsletter.



L. S. O’Dea grew up the youngest of seven in a family that uses teasing and tricks as an indication of love (or at least that’s what she tells herself).  Being five years younger than her closest sibling often made her the unwilling entertainment for her brothers and sisters.

Before she started kindergarten her brothers taught her how to spell her first and middle name—Linda Sue.  She was so proud she ran into the kitchen to tell her mother.  She stood tall and recited the letters of her name:  L-E-M-O-N   H-E-A-D.

She’s pretty sure she has her siblings to thank for the demons that lurk in her mind, whispering dark and demented stories.







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Join Readers’ Group and Get the First Two Books in the Lake of Sins Series for FREE:



**This book is the third in the series--and the series should be read in order.  The first two books in the series are FREE!!**

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L.S. will be awarding a Kindle Paperwhite to a randomly drawn winner (International winner) during the tour.

Enter here:

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. L.S. ~ It is great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! :)

  2. Thanks for hosting and thanks for the welcome and well wishes. So far the tour is going great! Not as many comments as I'd like but lots of visits to my website and the giveaway (of course) :)
