
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

K&Company Die-Cut Cardstock, Kelly Panacci Blossom for Scrapbooking - Amazon Product Review

Hi lovelies!  Come check out my latest review on this exciting, new product I have fallen in love with!

K&Company Die-Cut Cardstock, Kelly Panacci Blossom for Scrapbooking

Available on Amazon:



This product comes with 90 pieces!

This product sort of comes with duplicate pieces.  There is two of each design (45 total unique designs), however, one set is with glitter and the other is without.

I love having a second copy of these cut-outs.  Most people would probably be annoyed of having multiple copies of the same image.  However, I am glad to have a second copy in case a cut-out gets bent, ripped, lost, or such.

There are so many beautiful designs that are perfect for what I want to use them for!

I love all things with glitter and sparkles, so that set is my favorite, but I know I will still use both sets.

These cut-outs are a little bit thinner than most of the other cut-outs I’ve worked with – but not the absolute thinnest!  However, it is best to carefully handle and store these cut-outs.

Some of the cut-outs like the “hello,” butterfly, leaves, and swirls, have such complex shapes and are even thinner.  This makes for them even harder to work with since it wouldn’t take much for the butterfly to lose the bottom of its wing or the “o” to break off from the “hello” cut-out.  Then you would be out those cut-outs.  Here’s where you’ll be thrilled there is a duplicate!

Some of the other cut-outs, like the “Just a note to say thanks,” “I pick you,” “Beautiful,” “Friend,” and “This is True Happiness,” cut-outs are thicker and are more stable to work with.

I really like the beautiful girly colors and the more feminine shapes like the flowers, swirls, birds, and butterflies.

My favorite cut-outs are, “Beautiful,” “Happy,” “You are my Sunshine,” “Cuteness,” and the pink bird with a flower on a tree.

My least favorite cut-outs are, “friend,” and “just a note to say thanks.”  However, these two cut-outs are super cute – they are just not fitting for what I want to do with these.

I would absolutely recommend these cut-outs!  Please note these particular cut-outs are very girly and feminine.  I think you would be disappointed if you planned to use for a more general boy/girl family craft projects.

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What do you think of these Cut-outs?  Would they be something you’d have a use for?

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1 comment:

  1. I love these products but I haven't purchased any in awhile. Now my daughter is having her first baby and wants to create her own memory book for the baby, which basically means I'll be making it. I want it to be all that she hopes for since she is my first baby and this will be my first grandchild. It's a girl!!
