
Monday, November 14, 2016

The Siren Wakes by J.A. Hayman - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host J.A. Hayman and his new book, “The Siren Wakes”!  For other stops on his Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $50 Amazon or Barnes & Noble Gift Card.  Also, come back daily to interact with J.A. and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in these exciting giveaways!

The Siren Wakes
by J.A. Hayman


GENRE:  Science Fiction/Thriller



Alex Nicholls wakes in a field with no recollection of how he got there. With his identity pulled into question he is forced on the run from the corrupt government who believes he is sick. He is led on a journey to discover the truth behind his identity and the truth behind the sickness which haunts him.



In the corner of my eye I spotted something behind Terry. There was a man. A man walking by. He looked just like me. It was like looking in a mirror, and my mind struggled to comprehend how this could be possible. He glanced at me before scurrying off into the stairwell. I stood up in a daze and walked to the corridor. Terry protested, but I just ignored him. I reached the empty stairwell perplexed.

Feeling inexplicably drawn to the man, I ran out into the stairwell. I felt like I had to find out why he looked just like me; was this some sort of bizarre prank? The man was gone. I looked down the middle of the staircase, but he wasn’t there. I sprinted up the stairs toward the roof, leaving Terry floundering in the stairwell entrance, unsure what to do. My footsteps thudded as I paced upward, anticipating what could be happening, but when I threw open the roof door, I found the roof to be empty. There was no way the man could have gone anywhere else, but he simply wasn’t there.  Terry caught up to me. “You...okay there, man?” he said, panting. He wasn’t the most interesting man I knew; however, he was kind, which meant he was decent friend material, not to say I wouldn’t ditch him if someone else swooped into my desolate life. I was confused. I was sure I had seen someone a moment ago, but no one was out on the roof. I gave a nervous laugh, scratching at my palm. “I thought I saw something.” Giving him a meek look, I returned to the stairwell. Maybe I was just tired and seeing things. Could have I fallen asleep for a moment and dreamed it? It’s hard to determine a dream from reality; in a dream everything seems to make sense, only upon waking do you realize the absurdity of it all.



Five Reasons You Should Read "The Siren Wakes"

1.     I wanted to explore a narrative where I could really draw in the reader to the characters journey. In ‘The Siren Wakes’ you as the reader experience the story as Alex Nicholls experiences it, he wakes to this new world confused and unsure of himself as the reader is also confused and unsure... as Alex learns more about this world you as the reader also get to go on this journey of discovery with him. You as the reader want to know what is happening as much as Alex himself wants to know. This unity between the reader and the main character creates a really compelling connection to the story- and its one you won’t want to put down!

2.     ‘The Siren Wakes’ is at its heart a mystery; a labyrinth of a story beneath the story itself. For anyone who enjoys solving a puzzle this is the book for you, there are hidden clues throughout the novel for you to figure out the story. I am always eager to hear fan theories about what the novel really means! ‘The Siren Wakes’ is my debuting novel and is almost like a manual for understanding my future stories, not all of my novels will be a mystery like ‘The Siren Wakes’ but it brings forward the idea of a story within a story and these hidden clues you can bring out to get a deeper meaning from the novel!

3.     Perspective was very important to me while writing ‘The Siren Wakes’. I wanted to create a story that felt real, every person is the protagonist of their own story and I wanted to bring that feeling to my novel. If you look at the novel from the perspectives of different characters it completely changes who the heroes would be and who the villains would be; for instance the primary antagonist- Eric sees himself as the hero and sees the actions of Alex and the rest of the group as the villainous actions during the story. I am hoping through my novel it can give the reader a fresh way to look at other stories, consider the perspectives of all the different characters and it can show those novels in a different light.

4.     ‘The Siren Wakes’ is just the first instalment in a long planned series! It introduces you into this interesting and chaotic world from the perspective of someone new to the world. As the novels go on you will learn more about the world as the characters do. This is your chance to get into the series right at the beginning! Any feedback I get at this early point will help the development of the whole series!

5.     As a new author what is really important to me is getting feedback from readers! That way I can improve my writing for the future and bring better work for you! I really appreciate everyone who gives my novel a read and helps me out with feedback. Thank you for reading this top 5 reasons why to read ‘The Siren Wakes’ and I hope you will stick around with me for my future stories!



Native to the UK, I was born in the Garden of England in the early 90s.

I was creative from a young age, always wrapped up in my own world and fantasies. I was a big reader from a young age, reading Les Miserables and Lord of the Rings while I was still in primary school.

I was fortunate enough to be able to travel a lot in my youth, from Hong Kong to Houston I experienced the world and gained a greater perspective of the world outside my small woodland village I grew up in.

In secondary school I was told I was too cynical to be a writer and was put off writing for many years. Instead I pursued a degree in Physical Geography, gaining my Masters degree in late 2015. University gave me time to really discover myself as a person. Allowing me to pursue my passions and dreams to their fullest. I want to share my stories and ideas with the world. As a child I hungrily devoured fiction and now I will help feed the minds of others.






Goodreads Author Page:

Goodreads Book Page:



Amazon US:
Barnes and Noble:





J.A. Hayman will be awarding a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. I just love the book cover, it’s amazing!

  2. Enjoyed reading today's guest post.

  3. Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  4. I am really enjoying following this tour, thank you for all the great blog posts and excerpts!

  5. Enjoyed the post. The book sounds good.

  6. I like your reviews. Thank you for the giveaway.

  7. Sounds like an interesting plot. I like the cover also.

  8. Convincing list :D..I'll be sure to leave a review after I read it :)
