
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Second Man by Emelle Gamble - Book Tour - Review - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hello lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host Emelle Gamble and her new book, “The Second Man”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $25 Amazon or Barnes & Noble Gift Card.  Also, come back daily to interact with Emelle and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this exciting giveaway!

The Second Man
by Emelle Gamble


GENRE: Romantic Suspense



Jill Farrell’s college reunion is coming up, but she wants no part of it. The man she once loved, Swedish exchange student Max Kallstrom, is rumored to be attending, but that doesn’t tempt her as Max disappeared from her life the night before the graduation, and has never been heard from since.

When her ex-husband, Andrew Denton, knocks on her door and announces he wants to make nice, and, “oh, by the way, one of their class alumni might be a murderer”, Jill’s resolve to avoid the event hardens.

Jill shuts Andrew’s efforts to reconnect down, and tries to put Max out of her mind.

And that’s that, until a second man knocks on her door, and the emotions of a time long ago overtakes her. Max Kallstrom tells Jill she’s the reason he has come to California. He asks her to please let him explain why she hasn’t heard from him for fifteen long years.

She’s willing to listen to what he has to say, but immediately realizes that her memories must guide her through a wrenching and dangerous few days. While her heart remembers a handsome young lover, she and her classmates are all different people now, and the reality of a murdered friend proves she can’t trust everyone.

What’s not so clear is if she should trust anyone . . . especially Max Kallstrom.



Was that a noise in the garage?

The sound of muted rustling did not fit the normal night sounds. She took a step closer to the garage exit opposite the front door. Slowly she leaned forward to listen, but all was quiet.

Tell me I didn’t forget to close the garage again. She visualized coming in from errands earlier, but could not remember if she had hit the button before she stepped inside.

She set her laptop and paperwork on the kitchen table, turned on the teakettle, and headed resolutely back to the foyer. I’ll open it a crack, confirm everything is closed properly, and then sit down and get to work.

She turned the knob and pushed the door open, and flipped the light switch. Her car was parked, and the garage was closed. But there was a cardboard box sitting on car’s passenger side trunk.

The top was open and several books were piled next to it.

“What the devil?” She stepped down onto the concrete and headed for the box.

“Hello, Jill,” the killer said.

She yelped and grabbed her throat.

A man rose from the crouch he was in beside the washing machine. He grabbed Jill with one hand, and aimed a gun at her head with his other. “Stand still and be quiet. I won’t hurt you unless you scream.”

Shock and bitter anger nearly brought her to her knees as she registered who he was, and what a massive betrayal he had pulled off. Furious, she slapped at the gun and twisted out of the man’s grasp, and turned to run.

Before she completely filled her lungs with air to scream, his pistol cracked against her skull and knocked her to her knees.

There was black, and then nothing.



Wow!  I am a total crime solver and it is very rare when I incorrectly guess the killer and this book is one of those few times that left me stumped and shocked all the way through the last page!  I hate to admit that; especially since I pride myself on being such a crime solver lol – but this book definitely kept me guessing!

After hosting Emelle on the blog earlier this month and reading her guest post about the one that got away – I knew this was a must read book and I couldn't wait to check it out!  

This book is about the main character, Jill Farrell who is dealing with some major life ups and downs – everything from her mother suffering from Alzheimer’s and getting her comfortable into a nursing home, to having her best friend, Carly talk her into attending their college reunion, to running into her college crush – the guy who got away – and then add in drama, love, oh and murder! 

There is so much more to this simple romantic, mystery read!  I really liked the characters as they are relatable and complex.  Jill is easy to love and if you’re like me you will definitely find yourself rooting for her and her happiness. 

The pace of the book is steady, but full of excitement and suspense.  This book is well written with lots of detail, well thought out and constructive plots, filled with twists and unexpected turns!  This book will keep you guessing to the very last page and wanting more!

I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone interested in reading an exciting, suspenseful, edgy, and romantic book filled with love, murder, mystery, plot twists, second chances, and so much more!

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.**

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Emelle Gamble became a writer at an early age. At six years old, she was bursting with the requisite childhood stories of introspection, and this itch to tell tales evolved into bad teen poetry and tortured short works that, thankfully, never saw the light of day, or an editor’s red pen.

She took her first stab at writing a novel in an adult education class in Mobile, Alabama when her kids were in bed for the night. As ‘M.L. Gamble,’ she published several romantic suspense novels with Harlequin Intrigue. She now publishes novels of Ordinary Women in Extraordinary Situations with SoulMate Publishing and Posh Publishing …works ranging from women’s fiction to thrillers and romantic suspense.

Always intrigued by the words ‘what if’, Gamble’s books feature an ordinary woman confronted with an extraordinary situation. Emelle celebrates the adventurous spirit of readers, and hopes each will enjoy the exciting and surprising journeys her characters take.

Emelle lives in suburban Washington D.C. with her hero of thirty years, Philip, and two orange cats, Lucy and Bella. Like all good villains, the cats claim to have their reasons for misbehaving. Her children are happily launched on their own and are both contributing great things to society, their mother’s fondest wish.

Emelle welcomes any reader interested in emailing her at and hopes they will visit her website, or her Author Emelle Gamble FaceBook page.



Amazon Author Page:






Molly & Cruz


Secret Sister


Dating Cary Grant



Emelle Gamble will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Thank you for your honest review, it's much appreciated!

  2. Thanks for checking it out, Nikolina. I agree. What a lovely review - and no spoilers. Great job Ally!

  3. Awesome review! Sounds like a book I'll enjoy :)

  4. I really enjoyed reading your review. I think the best part of reading suspense/mystery/thriller books is that I'm kept guessing until the end and quite often saying 'I didn't see that coming' at the end.

  5. This book sounds like something I would love to read.
