
Monday, October 31, 2016

Dare to Love a Spy by Debra Elizabeth - Book Tour - Review - Book Sale - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host Debra Elizabeth and her new book, “Dare to Love a Spy”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $20 Amazon or Barnes & Noble Gift Card.  Also, come back daily to interact with Debra and to increase your chances of winning! 

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this exciting giveaway!

Dare to Love a Spy
by Debra Elizabeth


GENRE:  Regency Romance



Miss Hannah Richardson is enjoying a Season in London. She's not looking for a husband, at least not this Season. She wants to enjoy herself before settling down to married life. All that changes, however, when she sees the Duke of Wetherby. He's tall, dark and impossibly handsome and someone Hannah wants to get to know better.

Camden Darkin, the Duke of Wetherby, is not fond of attending soirees, dinners or balls, but his latest mission for the Crown demands he mingle with the ton. He has vowed never to marry because of his dangerous work and the constant bevy of beauties anxious mothers throw into his path is not tempting him in the least. That is, until he meets Hannah Richardson, a young woman unlike any other he's ever met. Can he learn to love or will his hardened heart rob him of the very thing he needs the most.



Seventeen-year-old Hannah Richardson curtsied to her partner before leaving the dance floor. Her cheeks were flushed, and the ringlets of her rich brown hair that had escaped their pins lay wet against her neck. She made her way to the double doors leading to the balcony overlooking her aunt’s gardens and stepped through. She looked around to make sure there were no gentlemen in the vicinity so as to not compromise her reputation. She was hot from dancing and a few moments outside on the balcony couldn’t possibly cause a scandal. She inhaled deeply of the cool night air. Goosebumps rose on her arms from the chill, but she ignored them. She was happy to be out of the stuffy ballroom, if only for a moment or two. Aunt Mary’s gardens were one of her favorite places to visit, and she felt at home and comfortable here. It was her own private sanctuary, and she relished the beauty and peacefulness of the place. A few goose bumps were well worth it for such a sanctuary.

“It’s so lovely here,” she murmured as she stepped off the balcony and wandered down the path while breathing in the exotic smells of the gardens. Her aunt had hired the best and most experienced gardener in London, and no other gardens rivaled the Tisbury Gardens, especially with its many varieties of roses. Hannah bent over one of the more fragrant roses and breathed deeply. When she straightened, she thought she heard voices scattered on the breeze. She looked farther down the path, but the shadows were deep and no one was in sight.

“Who’s there?” she whispered. Perhaps it was a couple seeking privacy. She knew she shouldn’t go snooping, but the thought of seeing who was meeting in secret spurred her down the path.

She looked left and right, but there was no one around. She sighed. There would be no spying on illicit love tonight and it was time to return to the ballroom before her own reputation was compromised. Before she could take another step, an arm circled around her waist and a hand tightened around her throat as she was tugged back against a broad, hard chest.

“Oh!” she cried out in surprise as her heart hammered in fright. A cold, quiet terror unfurled in her chest. She had never been handled so roughly in her life. Who would dare do such a thing, and especially in her aunt’s gardens? What was the meaning of this?

“You must be careful not to walk alone at night, Miss Richardson,” a deep, husky voice whispered in her ear.

“What do you want? Unhand me at once,” she demanded, her rising indignation overtaking her original scare.

“To pass along a warning, that is all. Heed my advice,” he said, his hot breath on her neck sending unexpected shivers down her spine.

“How dare you put your hands upon my person?” she asked, trying to dislodge the arm around her waist.

In an instant, the pressure was gone, and she almost felt adrift with the mystery man gone. Hannah whirled around to confront the scoundrel who had accosted her, but there was no one there.



This book was such a fun, exciting, but super short read!  In just 200 pages you get love, adventure, excitement, mystery, and intrigue!  This book is book three in the Age of Innocence book series.  Although, I haven’t read either book one or book two in this series, this book was still easy to read and understand.  So you don’t have to read them to be able to follow along, but as you will probably find this book to be enjoyable you will also most likely want to check them out too!

The main female character, Hannah Richardson is not interested in finding a husband or settling down anytime soon.  Hannah is looking to have a good time and enjoy life day by day. 

The main male character, Camden Darkin, is super handsome, tall, dark, and oh yea he’s a Duke, and a spy!  He, like Hannah is also not interested in marrying or getting tied down.  Even though many women seem to be throwing themselves at him, but he is none the least impressed or interested in something long term.

However, everything completely changes when these two meet.  It is quite funny that the two people who are totally set on not getting into a relationship actually want everything they say they didn’t – with each other.

Although, this story isn’t a totally new concept, I did find this book to be extremely entertaining and a joy to read! 

Besides the strong love story plot there is also a murder mystery plot.  I love a good love story, but a murder mystery just added another level and dimension to the story – plus an extra star in this review.  The crazy dangerous adventure scenes made the passion between the two main characters even more intense and on fire.

There is something to be said when you meet that special someone and everything changes.  Things you may not know you wanted or things you never thought were possible until you find that “one.”  I think most people will be able to understand and relate to this.

This book is a true love story that shows you often find love when you are least looking for it.

I think some people will be able to relate to Hannah and others, like me, will totally develop crushes on Camden.  Yes, he has totally been added to my list of book boyfriend’s lol!

All in all, I definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a short, but fun, fast-paced, and entertaining read!  I know I will also be looking into the other books in this book series and other books by Debra!

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.**

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Debra Elizabeth is the romance pen name for fantasy author Debra L. Martin. She has been writing stories since her teens and decided to finally publish her romance stories under a pen name so as not to confuse her fantasy fans. She publishes epic and urban fantasy under her true name with her co-author and brother, David W. Small. A full list of all of her books can be found at her blog, Two Ends of the Pen.






Amazon Author Page:



**Dare to Love a Spy will be $0.99 during the tour.**



Debra Elizabeth will be awarding $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Congrats on the tour, the book looks great and thanks for the chance to win :)

    1. Hi Lisa, thanks for stopping by. Good luck with the raffle!

  2. I don't think my first comment posted, but I wanted to thank you so much for such an awesome review and for posting it to amazon. I'm so very pleased you enjoyed the book.
