
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Barrier by D.C. Renfroe - Book Tour - Guest Post - Character Summaries - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hey lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host D.C. Renfroe and her new book, “Barrier”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $10 Amazon or Barnes & Noble Gift Card.  Also, come back daily to interact with D.C. and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this exciting giveaway!

by D.C. Renfroe


GENRE: Romance Thriller



When Claire Luna is kidnapped and taken to a remote island, her predictable life is torn to shreds. She thought she understood grief, loss and loneliness. But nothing prepared her for the island.

Tucker Knight had his world turned upside down when he was a young teen. He’d known love, security and normality. But things changed, and somehow he lost his innocence along the way.

Barrier takes you on a compelling, thrilling and sometimes brutal journey of Claire and Tucker, who in a bid to control their destiny, must learn about trust and submission. And also about love.

The island is under the control of Dr. Stephen Bell, a scientist obsessed with the secrets of humanity through genetic engineering. Claire is part of his obsession, and quickly comprehends Bell’s twisted intentions. She is forced to decide between submission and life-altering consequences. In her desperate attempt to survive, Claire surprises Bell and Tucker with her strength to fight.

But, can she trust Tucker? Is he her enemy or her savior? Claire understands that to surrender means to survive, but can she endure? Tucker can’t help but be enamored by the spirited and determined Claire, but to survive, he must face and overcome his haunting past. Up until Claire’s arrival on the island, he had never thought himself capable, or deserving, but perhaps this was his chance to finally do the right thing.



I’m stubborn, strong to a fault, and fiercely independent, especially when I shouldn’t be. I’ve had to learn my way around this world sooner than most. Circumstance made sure of that. It’s true my life has been burdened with difficulty. I’m not complaining, though. It has made me the person I am. It made me courageous in ways superman wouldn’t understand. Mostly, it has taught me to never give up. Even when the water was rising and it seemed I would drown, I fought, and survived.

My eyes eased open. The yellow light flooded my pupils and made them tiny, needle-sized, black dots. The ground shifted under me like the waves of the ocean. Gently, my body waved back and forth. Was I drugged?

Since my eyes were useless, I tried to use my other senses to assess my surroundings.

A ticking clock, somewhere on a wall, clicked the seconds away. Over me, I could hear a distant hum from the lights. I had a latent awareness of danger. My nerves danced and twitched. I struggled to discern the reason from my muddled brain.

The sound of fabric rubbing against something hard triggered my head to whip around, which also made the swaying worse. My eyes struggled to focus through the blinding light.

Someone else was in the room, draped across an uncomfortable-looking, gray chair. Blonde hair, almost white, fell across the girl’s face. Her head hung off the arm of the chair in an uncomfortable way. One of her arms hung lifelessly off the edge and jerked slightly.

This was not my small apartment. It was unfamiliar, definitely not a room I had ever been in before.



Describe Your Inspiration for the Island

When I was a teenager, I went on a high school trip for Marine Biology. We went camping on a secluded island called Caya Costa, which is a small island off the coast of Fort Myers, Florida. I remember it being one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It was beautiful. I fell in love with the ocean and the sand...and a boy.

The seclusion of an island gives Dr. Bell privacy to do what he does without attracting attention. It also makes escape more difficult, kind of like Alcatraz.



Claire Luna:

Orphaned at a young age, Claire was forced to grow up and take care of herself. She is fiercely independent, and speaks her mind, even when she shouldn’t. Claire is stubborn to a fault, which creates more struggles in her life than necessary. She refuses to stand quietly while Bell attempts to force her into submission. She stands tall and proud, even in unbearable circumstances.

Tucker Knight:

has spent most of his life under Bell’s thumb. He has enormous guilt for the things he has done while on the island. As a result, his most desperate act is to prevent someone else’s death. He has seen horrible things done by Bell, and understands consequence all too well. He struggles with the yearning to give Claire what she wants most, freedom. And keeping her safe from the horrible things Bell will do to her.

 In an attempt to protect Claire, he keeps secrets. Secrets that prevent Claire from trusting him. They also prevent him from trusting himself.



I began writing many years ago and put it aside to raise a family. I put myself through college working toward a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication, which I have almost completed. I took every writing class that was offered and finally put pen to paper after dreaming of completing a novel for almost twenty years. In the meantime, I worked as a freelance journalist for a local newspaper briefly and wrote a personal blog while living in south Florida. I currently work as an Instructional Designer based in Austin, Texas. I am a mother of four and truly believe they are my greatest creation! Two of my children inherited my love of writing and I encourage them to write every chance they get!








**This book will be $0.99 during the tour!!**





The author will be awarding $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.