
Monday, September 5, 2016

Victoria at Sea by M. Kate Quinn - Virtual Book Tour - Interview - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hello lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host M. Kate Quinn and her new book, “Victoria at Sea”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $50 Amazon or Barnes & Noble Gift Card.  Also, come back daily to interact with M. Kate and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this exciting giveaway!

Victoria at Sea
by M. Kate Quinn


GENRE: Contemporary Romance



Why has no place in what the heart knows for sure.

On the eve of their wedding Victoria Gliden and fiancé Owen Walker call it quits. He accuses her of not being able to get over her deadbeat father’s vanishing act when she was a child and she and her cold feet run and don’t look back.

An interior designer, Victoria, has an important meeting on Cancun that could garner her a promotion and the plan was to incorporate her presentation with the honeymoon cruise that’s journeying to the island. Since she’s sure Owen is on his way to Portland to escape the aftermath of their ruined wedding, Victoria takes the honeymoon cruise anyway. Only Owen has the same idea and they’re stuck with each other for six days, five nights.

Tony Gliden, Victoria’s father, dies in a freak accident and is sent back to earth disguised as a crotchety old man with the mission to convince his daughter to believe in love. So, he, too boards the ship.

At sea, destiny takes a detour when Victoria befriends the quirky old man with kind eyes and together they join forces with a quartet of unabashed women in their fifties who drink pink martinis and flirt with the wait staff but are wiser than they look. While trying to dodge Owen, Victoria’s new acquaintances help her face old wounds and confront new fears.

Most of all, Victoria and Owen both realize it all boils down to one word—why?

By journey’s end will two broken hearts get their answer?



Words spilled from Owen’s lips before he had the chance to think. “I don’t know, Vic, maybe on some level I was meant to be here on this ship.”

She didn’t respond, kept her tooth locked down on that lip. But, her eyes were windows to some distant place he longed for. So, he and his glass of vodka let more words tumble free. “Sometimes I still can’t believe you really did this.” He gulped his drink in an effort to shut himself up, but it was fuel to his fire. “That you did this to us.”

“Don’t.” Victoria grabbed the fancy clutch that she’d squeezed into a misshapen blob of sparkly fabric.

“You know what?” He couldn’t stop and suddenly he didn’t want to. “It’s just too bad you’re so ridiculously afraid of veering off that rigid path you’ve carved out for yourself. That’s got to be a tough trek, Victoria. You must be exhausted.”

She stood up from the bar stool, chin held high, eyes swimming.

“You’re leaving.” It wasn’t a question. Owen knew the answer too well.

“Um, yes, I uh, promised my friends that I’d meet them.”

“Well, I guess I’ll see you back at the suite then, huh?” Pent-up energy raced around in him banishing every urge he had to stroke her hair, pull her to him, make them right again. His tone was caustic and it felt good and lousy both.

For each millisecond that he held her gaze, Victoria squirmed, her hands wringing that now pretty ugly evening bag, that tooth all but drawing blood as it pressed the pink flesh of her lower lip. She broke the stare and darted away as though she were being chased.

Owen’s heart squeezed like a fist had wrapped itself around the muscle. A tear pricked his eye. Victoria could run all she wanted, but for the first time in almost two days something finally made sense. She loves me.



What is your favorite ice cream flavor? 
Rocky Road, and here’s why:  Years ago before my father passed away (I was a daddy’s girl…he got me, you know?) we were at a family dinner party.  My father had already exhibited signs of Alzheimer’s disease and it was a scary and sad time for all of us.  He was turning into a silent bystander of life which was in direct contradiction to the vibrant, charismatic man he’d been.  So, when it was time for dessert at this dinner party the choice was vanilla ice cream or cake.  I leaned over to my dad and said, “Daddy, do I seem like a vanilla person to you?” And a flash of his old self came into his blue eyes and he said, “Huh, more like Rocky Road.” 

Which mythological creature are you most like? 
I’d like to say a siren.  I’d like to say that I have a way of pulling someone toward me with just a look.  My husband, when we were dating, said I have what he termed “the look.”  He said it “got him.”

What is the first book you remember making an indelible impression on you? 
Oh, I love this question!  When I was very young I read a tween romance called, The Tender Time, by Denise Cass Brookman.  I fell in love with romance then.  I kept that copy of the book all my life and then after a move it was somehow gone.  I was devastated.  Then, on Mother’s Day that year my savvy daughter had gone on the internet and found a copy of the book and gave it to me as my gift.  

How do you develop your plot and characters? 
It begins with my characters, first.  My heroine will come to mind, what she’s about, what makes her tick, what she looks like, where she’s come from, what she wants.  Then the hero will come into play.  What’s his deal?  What’s keeping them apart?  Where does this all take place?  What’s the place like?  It’s world building and I love it.

Describe your writing space.
I love this question, as well!  I have a small (trust me, small) study in my house.  It is my room to create and I am madly in love with it.  I have a large bookcase on the back wall and my writing desk positioned caddy-corner in front of it by the double windows.  I can look out on my backyard and see birds feeding at my birdfeeder.  Just last week twin fawns slept side-by-side on the mulch in the yard.  I’ve framed and hung some writing awards I’ve received.  I put a stencil on one wall that says, “A true love story never ends.”  I am here now in this space that I love.



Born to a feisty Italian mother and a gentle blue-eyed Irishman, I was given the name “Marykate,” inspired by Maureen O’Hara’s character in the movie, The Quiet Man, an old-time favorite love story that co-starred John Wayne. With a grandmother Catherine and an Aunt Mary the name was an obvious choice.

I've been writing stories all my life. There's an old Macy’s box in my attic filled with my writings from childhood, now smudgy-looking pages produced on my portable Olivetti Underwood typewriter, an eighth-grade gift from my Grandmother Catherine.

I am a recent First Place winner of a short story contest sponsored by Reader’s Digest Magazine and write a column entitled “Boomer Humor” that appears monthly in my neighborhood newspaper.

My husband and I are our own love story. We have a slap-happy middle-aged second marriage with a combined total of six grown children, one delightful granddaughter, another precious little baby on the way and one ridiculously spoiled, amazingly handsome cat named Sammy.






Amazon Author Page:






One randomly chosen winner via Rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  2. I loved the excerpt, especially the last paragraph. Thanks for sharing the interview as well! :)

  3. Who are some of your favorite authors; what strikes you about their work?

  4. I can't wait to read this, it sounds good! thanks for sharing with us!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Congrats and best of luck on your new release

  7. Thanks for the giveaway; I like the excerpt. :)

  8. Greeeaat name for a leading lady ;).. and I love the cover! Thanks for sharing :)

  9. You go MK! Looking forward to reading it! xoxo Deb

  10. Happy Friday! Have a good one and thanks for the giveaway!

  11. Because of all of you awesome authors and bloggers, I have won both my sisters some books and swag they love. I have also won a few gift cards and being a single dad raising 5 kids, has helped me out a lot. I just want to thank you all for your hard work bringing these terrific giveaways to us.

  12. Good luck with the release!


  13. Happy Monday! Make it a great one and thanks for the great giveaway

  14. Good Morning! Stopping by once again to thank you for offering us this giveaway

  15. Good Afternoon! Hope your day is great and thanking you for the giveaway as well.

  16. Happy Friday! Enjoy your day and thanks for the giveaway!

  17. Rainy morning so far here in Michigan. Hope you have a sunny and fun weekend.

  18. Happy Sunday and hope it's an excellent one for you and your family. Thank you once again for your hard work you put into bringing us such amazing giveaways.

  19. I sure do appreciate all the work you put into bringing us great giveaways like this. Thank you so much!

  20. I appreciate the opportunity you have given us to win. Thank you for everything!

  21. Hello! Back again to thanks for all the amazing giveaways given to us and I certainly appreciate all the work you put into this to bring us these giveaway. Y'all are amazing!

  22. I missed yesterday, too many things going on but glad to be back again today. Thanks once again for the opportunity to win your great giveaways.

  23. You're awesome and I sure appreciate all the work you do daily to bring us these great giveaways. Thanks so much!

  24. Sure hope your not tired of hearing from me again but want you to know I appreciate the opportunity to win. Thank you!

  25. Friday!!!! The day so many look forward to and the start of a big work weekend for me. Thanks again for the chance at winning
