
Friday, September 16, 2016

The Last Ten Pounds by Lina Sage - Virtual Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host Lina Sage and her new book, “The Last Ten Pounds”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $20 Amazon or Barnes & Noble Gift Card.  Also, come back daily to interact with Lina and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this exciting giveaway!

The Last Ten Pounds: One Woman's Journey to Love (by shedding Fear, Anger, Hatred...and Everything In-Between)
by Lina Sage


GENRE: Memoir



Shortly after I was born, my family left Vietnam’s strict Communist regime by escaping on a tiny fishing boat in the middle of the night.

Luckily, Canada accepted us as refugees and we were excited for a new beginning. However, any hopes of a brighter future vanished before an abusive alcoholic father who’s repeated physical violence against my mom left me screaming for any stability. Sexual, physical and emotional abuse clouded my childhood years leaving me so damaged that it changed who I was meant to grow up to be.

In my early twenties, I bought a house and converted it into a full blown marijuana grow op.

Soon after, I entered into the world of elite call girls and became one of the most sought after girls in my agency. By my late twenties, I was on top of the world and the proud owner of a multi-million-dollar luxury day spa.

Just when I thought I had it all, I made the ultimate mistake that ended in me losing everything and hitting rock bottom.

I was spiritually broken and in desperate need of healing. I had no choice but to reconcile with my past. This decision brought me down a miraculous journey that opened me up to consciousness and enabled me to exist in the space I do today; that of uninhibited peace.

The Last 10 Pounds: One Woman’s Journey to Love (by shedding Fear, Anger, Hatred…and Everything In-Between) is my personal journey and a testament that it is possible to heal and transform. To be the person you were born to be.



“Uncle Quinn… please stop. Please stop Uncle Quinn! Stop it you’re hurting me!” I wailed loudly.

“Shhh… I’m just playing with you,” he replied with a sly look on his face, as he continued to grope me with both hands.

This had happened many times before, the constant touching and fondling of my private parts every time Uncle Quinn saw me. See the thing is, I didn’t make it easy for him because of my feisty nature. Usually I would be able to run away before he could really get a hold of me and on the times that I couldn’t get away, his inappropriateness would only last a few minutes until I would squirm so hard that he would finally release me from his grasp.

But today was different and I felt it immediately. His huge hand pinned down both my tiny wrists and with his other hand he proceeded to maliciously rip off my summer jumpsuit. His weight crushed my petite frame to the floor so much so that I couldn’t move. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t create enough wiggle space to escape his 6’2 lanky stature. With his free hand he pushed his fingers inside me with such ferocity that a loud scream escaped my mouth before I could even discern what was happening.



Putting Yourself on a Page: What it's Like to Share Your Personal Tragedies with the World

My memoir, The Last Ten Pounds, started off as a personal project to help me process, deal with and heal from the emotional traumas from my past. It originally started off as nothing more than scribbled notes in my journal. Before long, it had filled an entire book. That’s when I realized that my personal project was so much more than journal entries. It was meant to be shared with the world and maybe along the way help to inspire people in their own personal struggles.

However, my journey to getting the book published was not an easy one.  It was met with a lot of fear and anxiety over how I would be perceived and judged. At times, when I felt strong, I would retaliate against my fear and question why I even cared what other’s would think when the worst and unimaginable had already happened to me. In my weak moments, thoughts of shelving the manuscript was logical. That way, all my personal tragedies and secrets would be nicely locked up and shoved in the back of my closet for no one to discover.

The manuscript sat idle in my office for an entire year. In that year, I did more soul searching and tried to go deeper within myself to find the answers that only I could know. In the end I realized that if I choose not to publish than the shame that had been gripping me all these years would forever have a hold on me. To release myself from the shame is to release my story to the world, knowing that I am free of the past and I have nothing to feel shameful over. In saying that I would like to share with you an excerpt from my book:

I needed to shed my last ten pounds of emotional weight. I like to compare the process to that of losing physical weight. We all know that the first twenty or thirty pounds are the easiest to lose. But it’s the last ten pounds that are the most challenging. It’s that last bit that’s ridiculously stubborn and will hang on for dear life. Unless you’re willing to dig deep and push yourself to the next level, that last ten pounds will continue to store itself in you. 

Emotional weight is very much the same because our bodies are comprised of trillions of cells that consume space. Each of these cells stores some form of emotional weight. And whether you believe it or not, how can one explain the perception of feeling much lighter when you release yourself of the emotional burdens that you’ve carried around your whole life? Because our emotional stresses do have weight to them and, like physical weight, the last ten pounds is the hardest to shed!

The easy part was writing the memoir. The hardest part was welcoming the vulnerability that came alongside the decision to share my story to the world. My story is a story that has happened to many of us. Unfortunately, most of us choose to silence it. I am at peace sharing my story knowing that if it can give one person the hope they need to transform their lives, then this all would have been worth it.



Lina Sage is a writer, speaker, producer and entrepreneur. She is the creator and founder of Chic Spirituality; a movement whose philosophy is to live your life with heightened awareness by surrounding yourself with things you deem beautiful. Lina believes balance of mind, body and soul, is the key to unlocking all things beautiful. Therefore, she enjoys physical activity to maintain a strong body and meditation to calm the mind. But she especially cherishes time spent with her beloved husband and dog because they are what brings her soul the greatest joy. Lina also likes to surround herself with great food and exotic travels around the world.








Amazon Author Page:






Lina will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

    1. Hi Lisa. Thank you for continuing to follow my tour.

  2. Is there a routine you stick to when you start writing a story?

    1. Hi Mai. There is no routine when it comes to me writing. I like to write in silence and let my inner voice guide me in whichever direction. I feel like routine would stunt your creative process. That being said, every writer's process is different and you just have to do what feels right to you.

  3. Hi Ally. Thank you so much for hosting me today and I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the review tour.

  4. sounds like a really good book! thanks for sharing the excerpt with us!!

    1. Hi Danie. Thank you for reading the excerpt. I promise that the book won't disappoint. You can pre-order it on Amazon for $2.99. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

  5. Great post, sounds like a book I'll enjoy reading. Thanks for sharing :)
