
Monday, September 5, 2016

The Dark Eve: A New Recruit by TK Thompson - Virtual Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host TK Thompson and her new book, “The Dark Eve: A New Recruit”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $30 Amazon or Barnes & Noble Gift Card.  Also, come back daily to interact with TK and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this exciting giveaway!

The Dark Eve: A New Recruit
by TK Thompson


GENRE:   Fantasy



Young Audim Basile hates life dominated by his cold, controlling father. But his dreams of fortune and adventure are turned upside down when he runs off to weigh anchor with the toughest, most barbaric band of pirates the criminal underworld has ever known.

Together with their dark, mysterious female captain, Acantha – who’ll run her sword through anyone who looks at her the wrong way – Basile and his fellow swashbuckling bandits sail the globe, fighting hordes of terrifying supernatural creatures that would make even the hardiest buccaneer quake with fear.

Together with his newfound crew mates, Basile must help with finding Acantha’s sister – who’s been missing for over a year – while being consumed with trying to solve the mystery of Acantha’s illusive past – before the evil Wraith King sends all of them to a premature watery grave.

Will Basile survive the fiercest test of his young life? Will Acantha sacrifice her own ship and crew (including young Basile) just to save her sister? Will young Basile come to terms with the price of the high-seas way of life and fortune?

In her stunning debut novel, T.K. Thompson launches readers on the most exhilarating ocean journey since Pirates of the Caribbean. Only time will tell if Acantha, Basile, and their hardy shipmates will live to tell this heart-stopping tale and fight another day.



“She walked into town with only the clothes on her back. She changed everything. I’m not saying she was responsible for everything. No person can have that much power. But she was a force of nature, only eighteen, more beautiful than any one person should be. With so much authority in her that she could take whatever came at her. Wild, impulsive, untamable like an animal that had been caged its entire life and had just been granted freedom. She had so much life in her. Her smile…” he paused as he remembered it with an affectionate yet devastating look upon his face, “she was the only person I could have ever loved.”

He said it with finality. Basile tried to imagine the place he spoke of, Dagan as a young man running around with the captain, going swimming, being in love, but there was no reality in which he could imagine that. The person he knew was not the person that Dagan portrayed. The captain was dark, stern, and intolerant. He had never imagined he would see a smile on her face. Until now, he recalled her smile. It was beautiful, perfect, and what made it even more picturesque as he remembered it, was that it was genuine. Feelings for this old man had to exist inside her for her to visit him every year. Everything inside Basile screamed that he shouldn’t believe this story, but there was a small hint of skeptical possibility. What else did he have to believe?  



Why I wouldn’t finish my first book.
Taking accountability.

It took me four years to write my first book and when it came to finishing it I stopped. It is because I knew once I finished it I would be accountable for it. I knew I couldn’t just let it sit on the shelf in a folder. It took me six months to come to terms with this. Most of the time we have so many fears, reservations, and voices of doubt that we do not follow through with our dreams and ideas. I have never been the type of person to allow my fears to overcome me.  At that time, I was afraid of what friends and family would say and think. What if I got rejected? What if I sent it to a professional editor and they told me I was no good? It all came down to one boiling moment when I stated that I didn’t care. The ability to grow means facing failure at some point and choosing to rise above it. Anyone that has what they want has failed at some point or another to get it. They have experienced the hard road to achieve it. There are too many excuses to keep you from your goals and most of them start with the lie you tell yourself that you can’t. Not enough time, where would I even start, what’s the point in trying? It all starts one day when you decided to write down all your ideas and believe in yourself. There is only one step, believe in yourself. It will take you down better roads then any doubt will. I now have four books. The rest took me less than six months to finish and am on the greatest journey in accomplishing my dreams.



I was born in Provo, UT and raised in copper mining towns in-between Arizona and New Mexico.  I can be compared to a lizard. The warm weather makes a great home, but I have always had a love for the rain and overcast skies, extremely contradictory from my given habitat. That’s how I see myself sometimes, a lover of opposites. I would consider my childhood to be groundless when it came to my imagination.  I was trapped inside my own mind and I believe I learned the world in small harsh but necessary truths, like a slow awakening.  My little stories had their encompassing place along with underdeveloped drawing skills.  But rationality whispered in my ears through my upbringing. I sought out what I felt to be important, the events of graduating high school, Silver City, NM 1999.  I went to a safe community college in Thatcher, AZ.  They say that college is a large defining time in a young person’s life. It’s where they start to wonder about who they are, what they know as truth, and far away from those that defined it for them.  I was of course set with innate knowledge and experience and given power with irrational brain resources.  My heart had plenty of stitches and I gave many to others. But I could not find peace in a single person. My ideas of life, love, and the world that I wanted to exist in felt unattainable. Having the whole picture felt like an impossible task. I went on a mission for my church in Washington, where I happily got my rain and clouds. Spending eighteen months dedicated to serving others and not yourself is a mind-opening task.  It set me up to find the true roots within and be ready to insult my future husband Dustin Thompson when he walked through the door. I am as plain as I want to be.  I have three crazy children to help fuel my life and since have received my Bachelors Degree in business management, UOP.  But most of all I have tapped back into my imagination, pushed aside all rationality, and finished one of my best thoughts so far. Every day I continue to face my vulnerabilities.









Produced by Fat Lemon Media:



**The Dark Eve will be $0.99 during the tour.** 

**The sequel to this book series is also available. The second book is called "The Dark Eve: A Witch's Curse".**



TK Thompson will be awarding $30 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  2. Are the characters in your book based (or partially based) on anyone you know in your real life?

    1. Some of them are, YES! In the excerpt above Dagan's personality is one of my best friends from HS.

  3. this book sounds awesome! thanks for the book tour!!

  4. Thank you for the book tour and great giveaway as well.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks! It was hard to choose, but this part is the most exciting to me. If you get the book let me know what you think.

  6. Thanks for the giveaway; I like the excerpt. :)

  7. Sounds like a great book - thanks for sharing :)

  8. Happy to be a part of this tour, thank you for sharing!

  9. I just want to thank Fabulous and Brunette for the tour!!!! If anyone has any questions about the book let me know!

  10. Thank you for taking the time and offering us this great giveaway. I appreciate the work you did to bring this to us.

  11. Because of all of you awesome authors and bloggers, I have won both my sisters some books and swag they love. I have also won a few gift cards and being a single dad raising 5 kids, has helped me out a lot. I just want to thank you all for your hard work bringing these terrific giveaways to us.

  12. Been a busy morning for me getting shopping done. Hope you're having a relaxing Sunday. Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. Happy Monday! Make it a great one and thanks for the great giveaway

  14. Congratulations on your new book and thanks so much for sharing your words with us!

  15. Thank you for the opportunity to win, greatly appreciated

  16. Happy Friday! Enjoy your day and thanks for the giveaway!

  17. Good guest post - I think fear holds most of us back from something - I need to remember to just force myself to take a risk. I like the sound of this book a lot - sounds like something I would enjoy reading
