
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Meadows Shore Series by Eva Charles - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host Eva Charles and her new book series, “Meadows Shore Series”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $75 Amazon or Barnes & Noble Gift Card.  Also, come back daily to interact with Eva and to increase your chances of winning! 

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this exciting giveaway!


Meadows Shore Series
by Eva Charles


GENRE: Contemporary Romance



Prepare to fall in love with the Claytons and Harringtons and their rich Portuguese heritage. A Wedding at Meadows Shore is the first book in the series. In it, you’ll meet the family and visit their beloved Meadows Shore nestled along the moody Atlantic in the charming seaside town of Fair Harbor.

It all begins with Sophie’s story, where she discards the past and learns to trust herself and others. The series follows the lives of her sisters and cousins while they, too, sort through their baggage and fall in love. Travel with them on their romantic journeys, stopping in rural Minnesota, New Orleans, and other enchanted places along the way.

They are wealthy and powerful, but suffer pain and loss much like the rest of us. Even great privilege can't shield them from those experiences. But despite their wealth and power, I think you'll find them approachable and down-to-earth—or as Cole Harrington would say: “We put our pants on one leg at a time, same as everybody else.”

There's an old Portuguese adage, "the rooster crows loudly, but it’s the hen who’s in charge.” And so it is with the Claytons and Harringtons: strong women, alpha males, and of course, Avó Angelina, the family matriarch who keeps them all on their best behavior.

Bem vindo à família, Welcome to the family!



A Wedding at Meadows Shore:

His voice took on a husky, seductive quality. “The women I date aren’t interested in my body, Sophie. What interests them is how I pleasure their bodies.”

She stared deep into his icy blue eyes and snickered.

Max never missed even the smallest of details. They were often the difference between success and getting your hat handed to you. Tonight, he noticed Sophie’s eyes betray her, even as she mocked him. Her pupils were dilated, the rich, whiskey-colored irises nearly overtaken by black. I have her attention.

Embolden by her body’s reaction, he took a step closer. He was so close that if she’d been breathing, her breath would’ve warmed his skin. “I can bring much more to your bed than my father does. So…much…more…” He drew out the words, emphasizing each in a voice that oozed sex. “And though I’m not an easy man to impress, I’m sure you’d have no trouble persuading me to finance your agency. None at all,” he drawled.

Neither of them spoke for a long moment, maybe two. The air was charged. The silence dangled between them like a ripe peach, fragrant and swollen, tempting the weakest among them to reach for it first.

“What do you think?” he asked softly, ending the silence.

While waiting for her response, a calculated kind of wait, he resisted the urge to lift his hand and run his fingers through the strands of hair that’d come loose, softly framing her face.

“I think you really are an ass.”

With that, she turned and walked away. Leaving him to gape at her magnificent back.     



Romancing the Writer: How to Make Readers Fall in Love With Your Characters

A thin plot, too many flowery adjectives, even a misplaced comma or two, readers are often willing to look past flaws in a novel if they fall in love with the characters. But how does an author create loveable, believable characters?

I write contemporary romance with a hero and a heroine, and while there is always a central love story, family, friends, and co-workers play an important role in all my books, too. There are some who would prefer me to spend more of my words on the main characters and their budding relationship, and fewer on the supporting cast. And maybe I should, but I can’t seem to.

Just as in real life, supporting characters help create multi-dimensional heroes and heroines, adding layers of yummy filling and nuance to their stories. They also allow us a glimpse of how a main character behaves out in the world, which is often a bit different than how they behave in private with their newfound love. This broad perspective, I believe, brings characters to life and sows the seeds for an intimate relationship with readers.

Think of how uninspired your own life story would be if you were perfect, and spent all your time hidden away with only your equally perfect significant-other for company. Yes, it’s Aunt Martha, reminding you yet again, that you need to stop being so picky about the men you date, and your sister who never gets off her butt when there’s work to do, that make your life richer. Try to keep this tidbit in mind if you spend the holidays with family, it’ll save you from refilling your wine glass too often.

In the novel I’m currently writing, the hero, Gabe, not only has family and friends to help us get to know him better, but he also has a dog. Gabe does a very, very bad thing in the story—so bad, that he might be the top contender this year for the Men Behaving Badly annual award. About a third of the way through the novel, I suspect readers will suddenly hate him (no, he doesn’t cheat on the heroine)—though I don’t want them to hate with a vengeance. What I want is for readers to see him as he is, as we all are, flawed, but with many redeeming qualities.

To accomplish this precarious balance, I spent the first third of the novel making him a likable character, and I gave him an adorable rescue dog that he cares a lot about. Gabe’s relationship with his dog, Virgil, puts his humanity on full display. It lets us see a complex man, one who’s a nurturer, unselfish, and loving. I hope that this is enough for readers to eventually forgive him.

Because I’m more of a pantser than a plotter, I allow my characters a great deal of freedom, and I never know exactly where they’re going to take the story. Sometimes they behave predictably, following familiar patterns, and at other times, they surprise me. But as long as they show me who they really are, warts and all, I fall in love with them over and over, and I hope you will too.



Eva Charles is the author of the multi-titled Meadows Shore Series chronicling the lives and loves of the Clayton-Harrington family. She invites you to visit their beloved Meadows Shore, nestled in the charming seaside town of Fair Harbor, where you’ll enjoy love, laughter, loyalty, and an abundance of mouth-watering food, Portuguese style.

After being a confirmed city-girl for more than thirty-five years, Eva moved to beautiful western Massachusetts in 2014. There, she found herself living in the woods with no job, no friends (unless you count the turkeys, deer, and coyotes roaming the backyard), and no children underfoot, wondering what on earth she’d been thinking. But as it turned out, it was the perfect setting to take all those yarns spinning in her head and weave them into a romantic tale.

When she’s not writing, trying to squeeze information out of her tight-lipped sons or playing with the two cutest dogs you’ve ever seen, Eva’s creating chapters in her own love story.




Amazon Author Page: 





A Wedding at Meadows Shore: Sophie’s Story 
(Meadows Shore Book 1):

My Sweetest Sasha: Cole’s Story 
(Meadows Shore Book 2):

Petite Madeleine: Drew’s Story 
(Meadows Shore Book 3):



Eva Charles will be awarding a $75 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. This book series is just "my cup of tea", looking forward to reading it!

  2. congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  3. Thank you for your awesome guest post! I know I enjoy "the best friend" character in books I read. Sometimes they're the only person who can knock some sense into the hero or heroine when they're acting stupid... LOL. :D

    1. Hello Clojo, It's true, the "best friend" can play many roles in a book (just like in real life), and authors often use them to move a story forward.

  4. Hello! Thank you for hosting the Meadows Shore series today. I'll be popping in during the day to answer questions from readers. I hope everyone enjoys the guest post!

  5. Thanks so much for the excerpt and giveaway.

    1. Hello James, The excerpt and the giveaway are my pleasure! Good luck!

  6. Enjoyed the guest post, sounds like a great series!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hello Rita, Thank you, I'm so glad you enjoyed the excerpt!

  9. Fantastic guest post!! :) Thank you for the share.

    1. Thanks, Melissa, I'm glad you enjoyed the guest post! I had fun writing it.

  10. Sounds like a really great series - thanks for sharing!

  11. Ally, Thank you for letting me hang-out on your blog today! Have a wonderful week!

  12. You sure offer us some great giveaways and I sure appreciate them. Thanks again!

  13. Hi Eva,
    My question is - What are the hardest scenes to write?

    Betul E.

  14. Hello Betul, For me, sex scenes are the hardest to write. Physical intimacy is such a personal thing--Talk about getting inside your characters head! It is becoming easier though.

  15. Shared on G+ to help spread the word, have a great day!

  16. Friday!!!! The day so many look forward to and the start of a big work weekend for me. Thanks again for the chance at winning

  17. Have a fun Saturday and thank you for the opportunity to win

  18. Shared on Facebook to get the word out as much as posible! :)

  19. Have a Blessed Sunday and thank you for all you do for all of us.

  20. Happy Monday! We'll make it a good one even if it is Monday. Thanks for the opportunity to win this giveaway.

  21. Thank you for sharing this interesting guest post!

  22. Enjoy your Friday and prayers for all those going through Hurricane Matthew. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  23. I am off to work soon so stopping by, wishing you a great Saturday and saying thanks for the giveaway.

  24. I missed you yesterday but back again today to say thanks for all you do bringing us these great giveaways.

  25. Finally, I am back I keep messing up but here today to say thank you for this giveaway

  26. Have a terrific day and I want you to know I DO appreciate you bringing us these great giveaways, thank you.

  27. Stopping by to say Good Morning on this fine Friday. Hope it's a great one for you and thank you for this giveaway.

  28. Hope your Saturday is filled with fun and thanks for all you do for us offering us these giveaways

  29. Off to work soon for me but hope you have one awesome Sunday! Thanks for the opportunity at winning.

  30. I have missed you lately, my appologies but back to say thank you for the chance at winning.

  31. Thanks so much for the great giveaway and opportunity to win.

  32. Have a great Saturday and thanks for the chance at winning this giveaway

  33. Wishing you a wonderful Sunday and thank you for the opportunity to win.

  34. Happy Halloween! Hope it's a great one for you and thanks for the giveaway

  35. Hello! Stopping by again to thank you for the chance at winning.

  36. Hello! Stopping by again to thank you for the chance at winning.

  37. Happy Thursday! Hope it's a great one for you and thanks for the giveaway.

  38. The day so many look forward to, Happy Friday! Have a good one and thank you for the chance at winning

  39. Off to work for me soon but hope your Saturday is a terrific fun one. Thanks for the chance at winning

  40. Good Morning and Happy Sunday! Thanks for the opportunity to win this giveaway

  41. Stopping by to say thank you for the chance at winning and enjoy your day!

  42. Hello! I am watching our elections here and enjoying the day. Hope you are as well. Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. Congrats to our new President Elect and I am here to thank you once again for the opportunity to win this great giveaway.

  44. I am back to thank you once again for the opportunity to win this giveaway. Have a great day!

  45. Happy Friday!!!! Hope it's a great one and have a fun weekend. Thank you for the giveaway

  46. Hoping you have a relaxing and fun Sunday! Thanks for the chance at winning this giveaway

  47. Happy Monday! Hope it's a good start of the week for you and thank you for the giveaway.

  48. Hope your day was a little more relaxing than mine. I appreciate all you do, thank you!

  49. Hello! Having a coffee and visiting some of my favorite blogs. Thanks for all you do and the giveaways as well.

    1. Awwww thanks for stopping by and considering FAB one of your favorite blogs!! Truly appreciate it!! Good luck in the drawing :)

  50. Hello! I am back again. Hope you don't get tired of hearing from me. Thanks for the giveaway and enjoy your Saturday.

  51. Happy Sunday! Enjoy your day and thanks for this opportunity at winning.

  52. I'm back to thank you once again for the hard work you put into these giveaways you offer us,

  53. Shared on G+ to help spread the word, have a great day! :)

    1. Thank you sooooo much for sharing Nikolina!! Happy Thanksgiving!! :)

  54. Hey!! Just me back again saying hello and thanking you for the giveaway.

  55. Hello! Before I bake some pies for the kids for our Thanksgiving dinner, I wanted to drop by and say thank you once again for the giveaway. Anyone celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving!

  56. To everyone in The USA, Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you once again for this giveaway

  57. My days are all messed up now but Happy Friday! Thanks so much for working so hard to bring us amazing giveaways.

  58. Hope your Saturday is a fun one. I usually work but am off today so watching some football. Thanks again for the chance at work

  59. Wishing you an awesome Blessed Sunday. Thank you so much for the opportunity at winning.

  60. My brother is at work so I am here helping him out and want to thank you for giving him and others the chance to win.

  61. It's me again! Hope this day is going well for you. I want to thank you again for the chance at winning and let you know I appreciate it.

  62. Hello! Back again today and thanking you one more time for the chance at winning.

  63. Hello and happy Friday! Hope your weekend is great and thank you for the giveaway.

  64. Hope you're having fun this Saturday. Thanks for all you do bringing us such great giveaways. You're awesome!

  65. Hello to all you beautiful people on this awesome Sunday. I am back giving thanks to you for the giveaway. Hope your Sunday is fantastic!

  66. Back to it being Monday already? Hope your weekend was a fun one. Thanks for hosting this great giveaway.

  67. How this little messages find you doing great. I am back saying thank you again. Please don't get tired of seeing me.

  68. Happy Hump Day! Have a great one and thank you once again.

  69. Good afternoon to all you beautiful people. Hope your day is going great. Thanks again for the giveaway.

  70. We made it, finally Friday even though I will work for most of it. I will ask my sister to help me out on here. Thanks again for this opportunity to win and have a great day!

  71. Finally I am back to see y'all. Thanks again for all you do and the chance at winning amazing giveaways.

  72. I sure have been messing up this week with my visits to you. Sorry about that! I am back tonight to say thanks again for the chance at winning and have a great Friday evening.

  73. How's your Saturday going? Hoping it's a good one for you and thanks for the giveaway.

  74. The advice is useful (and funny)!

