
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

UPDATE: RE: Wrong Giveaway Link in Murder on the Aloha Express - Giveaway #2

Good morning lovelies!  Wahoo – it’s Wednesday!  We’re halfway through the week – and can you believe we’re already halfway through August!?!?  I don’t know about you, but this month has just flown by!!!

Anywho, I just wanted to say a quick hi and update on you a post mishap.  By now most of you have seen the book tour post for “Murder on the Aloha Express.”  This exciting post has two fabulous giveaways!!  Unfortunately, there was a miscommunication about the second giveaway’s website link – there was a missing “n” in the link.  So most of you probably saw a page error when you tried to visit the website.  The correct link for the author’s homepage and second giveaway is: - the corresponding post has also been updated with this correct link.  

Although upon further investigation it looks like the authors, Sally and Jean are using their Facebook page to run the giveaway and you can enter HERE by leaving a comment on this Facebook post.  

As a reminder this second giveaway is only valid for US residents.  

Wishing you all good luck in the giveaways!

I apologize for the mishap and hope you will come back and enter this second giveaway.

Have a fabulous day lovelies!! <3

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