
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The 12 Nights of Jeremy Sunson by MH Snowy - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hello lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host MH Snowy and her new book, “The 12 Nights of Jeremy Sunson”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $20 Amazon or Barnes & Noble Gift Card.  Also, come back daily to interact with MH and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this exciting giveaway!

The 12 Nights of Jeremy Sunson
by MH Snowy


GENRE:  Science fiction



Hidden inside the most unlikely person can be the most extraordinary hero…

Jeremy Sunson is surrounded by crazy. Mrs. Abercrombie, upstairs, is widowed because her husband glued feathers to his arms, jumped off the building and tried to fly. His neighbour, Stuart, has gone mad since his wife died in a freak car accident— his only thread to reality the doomsday machine he’s building and his daughter… and, of course, there’s spacemen in Jeremy’s living room.

Every night, in glorious Technicolor, there’s a battle royal between two high tech assassins who continually blast Jeremy’s apartment to shreds. Each man has one mission: Red wants to kill Jeremy, Blue wants to save him!

Though his therapist insists he’s just having bad dreams—Jeremy knows better. It’s time to fight. He’s sick and tired of being sick, scared and tired! Armed with rare confidence and a baseball bat, this night, Jeremy fights like the crazy man he isn’t!

But how can he ever imagine when he’s won the battle, the war is only just beginning… over and over and over again?

The 12 Nights of Jeremy Sunson – ride a wave of laughter, fun and sci-fi fantasy all the way to Armageddon!



Jeremy practiced for the rest of the day. He swung the baseball bat with vigour, ducked out of the way and weaved behind the furniture. Even pulled out an unused pair of sneakers after he stubbed his toe on the couch and hopped around howling in pain. Jeremy discovered that kicks were much more effective using the heel instead of the toe, and especially so when you didn't wear slippers. He certainly taught that couch a lesson!

After his foot became stuck in the couch with a well-placed heel strike, he decided he needed something a little less expensive and more durable to use as an enemy. Jeremy propped a mattress against the wall and used it for target practice with the bat, only missing once or twice. After several hours non-stop practice when he'd swung, kicked, rolled and shouted like never before, Mrs Abercrombie knocked on the door and asked if everything was all right.

"Fine, thank you, Mrs Abercrombie." Jeremy wiped his cheeks, certain the unaccustomed moisture more than just tears, though his shin still ached from where the mattress repulsed a furious attack from the bat a moment ago. "I'm just trying to prepare. You know, get in shape."

Mrs Abercrombie didn't seem to know, but she nodded with that patient gleam in her eye when she talked of her late husband—who woke that last day after eighty-two years deciding he could fly. Jeremy didn't know why she gave him that look now: he had no intention of gluing feathers to his arms and finding, after he jumped off a six storey building, that he could not in fact fly. But Mrs Abercrombie nodded with a sad smile once more, asked him to keep the shouting to a minimum, and let him know she would be upstairs if he needed anyone to talk to.



Why so serious?

I'm in the middle of reading one of my favourite YA fantasies. Again. I'll do that sometimes. And every time I do it, I'm reminded why they are my favourites. Yes, they have surprise twists, action and suspense—but, after re-reading once or twice, I remember all of that. Even the best plot couldn't hold enough interest to be read for the umpteenth time. So why do I read these stories so many times? First, there's no grittiness that I have to look past. No characters that are offensive. And a distinct lack of subversive themes that the author is attempting to jam down my throat. But none of that is the most important. This is: Fun. The stories that become my favourites are full of fun and laughter. Yes, the hero suffers and struggles to survive verbal slings and arrows, not to mention death itself. But, in between, moments of happiness and humour sparkle; predicaments that make me cackle or even laugh out loud.


These books remind me why I want to write: with nothing more than a pen, I can bring joy to a reader. And the first reader is always me. Because of this, while I may not write for myself, I always write what I enjoy. Jeremy, in The 12 Nights of Jeremy Sunson, the most unlikely hero, struggles with life itself, not to mention assassins and Armageddon. Montague the magician-trickster might be a tad sarcastic, but can't help having fun in his search for the truth that is In Harm's Way. Life can be hard. We don't have to take it. Laugh at the world—laugh at your troubles—and the world is an easier place to survive. A better place. So pick up your favourite, or let Jeremy and Montague help you settle back and have fun. You'll find yourself wondering how you can ever be so serious!


Melindra Hattfield Snowy, a part-time writer and full-time dreamer, who of course prefers to be known as MH. She is the author of In Harm's Way, the first novella in Harm's story published by Pygaso Productions, described as epic fantasy meets The Truman Show.
MH has also penned several short stories including We Three Laws of Robotics Are and The Secret Invasion of George Kranskii which explains how road rage is result the result of an alien invasion.
When not writing or occupied with her dual-identity, MH walks through the mountains with her partner or tries to unravel the secrets of her great-grandmother, an adventuress who disembarked from the French steamer Laos in 1931 seeking to uncover rumours of Mayan temples deep in the heart of the Amazon jungle, and disappeared, never to be heard of again.



Goodreads: Goodreads





MH Snowy will be awarding $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Thanks Lisa. The tour is going great so far!

  2. Hi, thanks for hosting Jeremy's story. I'm happy to answer any questions, though I'm afraid my time zone is quite out of sync. I'm just about to cook dinner. So please bear with me until I can check back in the morning (twelve hours from now). Thanks everyone!

  3. Sounds like a book I'll enjoy reading..thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Victoria, that's great! I'm working on the next episode for you right now.

  4. Hi Peggy, a hard question to answer concisely. In no particular order: Asimov, Tolkein, Conan Doyle, Harry Potter (but not any of Rowling's other writing), Chesterton, Narnia and so on. I've given a few points that strike me in the post above, but above all they're fun!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Nicole! I put in a lot of effort. So glad you liked reading my hard work.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Rita! That's really great to hear, because there's a lot more where that came from.
