
Monday, August 15, 2016

Murder on the Aloha Express by Sally J. Smith & Jean Steffens - Blurb Blitz - TWO Giveaways!! - Enter Daily!!

Hello lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host Sally J. Smith and Jean Steffens and their new book, “Murder on the Aloha Express!”  For other stops on their Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images on this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $25 Amazon or Barnes & Noble Gift Card.  Not only is there this fabulous giveaway, but there is a SECOND fabulous giveaway!!  One lucky winner will win an exciting prize pack filled with LOTS of goodies!!  See below for more details.  Unfortunately, this second giveaway is only available to US residents.  But INTL – don’t fear.  Check out Giveaway #1 on this post and the many other giveaways on this blog.

Also, come back daily to interact with Sally and Jean and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this exciting giveaway!

Murder on the Aloha Express
by Sally J. Smith & Jean Steffens


GENRE: Mystery



Travel agent Gabby LeClair, a divorced big-city transplant trying to find some aloha spirit in her soul, prides herself on working hard to give the Aloha Lagoon Resort guests a once-in-a-lifetime experience. But that turns out to be more than anyone bargained for when the body of a client is found dead during one of Gabby's island tours. The victim is a lawyer who’s escorted a small group to Aloha Lagoon for distribution of a deceased billionaire’s estate...but it looks like someone believes the only good lawyer is a dead lawyer. Between the bad press causing her phone to go silent and the police working on "island time," it's up to Gabby it find the killer before her business goes belly up. With the help of her good friends, and a hot helicopter pilot with a flirtatious streak, Gabby turns sleuth to figure out just which member of the lawyer's party had it in for him. But before long it’s clear there’s way more at stake than her livelihood, and if Gabby isn’t careful, she and her friends may find themselves on an island getaway to death.



The twang of a steel guitar broke into the post-dinner chatter, followed by drums, and the MC announced the Aloha Lagoon Ahi Fire Dancers. I had to say this was my favorite part of the show, and I turned away from my amateur sleuthing to give my full attention to those muscular young men in their loincloths. It was an intense blend of pounding music and visual conflagration. Anyone who wasn't mesmerized by it was probably dead asleep.

One who was obviously wide-awake was Nina Wesley who leapt up, ran to the stage, and nearly incinerated herself and one poor dancer by scooting up beside him and shaking her personality at him.

"Oh, man." TJ rose and headed for the stage.

Her gyrations brought resort security, and between TJ and two security guards, Aunt Nina was carted off the stage and away from the luau, singing at the top of her lungs.

As they passed by our table, she called out, "Rick! Room 270." She made a phone with her thumb and little finger then blew a kiss.
Rick covered his face with both hands and shook his head.

"You've created a monster," I said softly in his ear.



Sally J. Smith and Jean Steffens, are partners in crime – crime writing, that is. They live in the Valley of the Sun in Arizona, awesome for eight months out of the year, an inferno the other four. They write bloody murder, flirty romance, and wicked humor all in one package.






**Murder on the Aloha Express will be $0.99 during the tour.**



Sally J. Smith & Jean Steffens will be awarding $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

And because why have one giveaway when you can have TWO!!  Yep – that’s right!!  There is a SECOND Giveaway!!



Sally & Jean will also have a giveaway through their Website: – consisting of a beach towel, coffee mug, and signed copy of Murder on the Aloha Express.  

Check out Sally & Jean's Facebook page HERE for direct entry into this giveaway.

This second giveaway is only available to US residents.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prizes.


  1. Congrats on the blog tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  2. Happy Monday and thank you once again for a terrific giveaway.

  3. Wow, two giveaways for the price of one! Thanks ladies :) What's going on in your neck of the woods?

    1. It's summer in Arizona where we live, and hot as blazes. To compensate, we're working on our Christmas book, A Mystic Mistletoe Murder. Thanks for asking. Good luck in the drawings and enjoy Murder on the Aloha Express. Sally & Jean

    2. Oh man! At least keeping the cold in mind may help alleviate the heat! I've got to do that here in DC where I'm practically swimming in the humidity! bleh! Christmas can't come soon enough!!

  4. Okay, Ally, so you really are "brunette and fabulous," and your page is just fab too. Thanks for hosting us. Jean and Sally

  5. What do you find to be the hardest part of writing?

    1. Hi, Peggy, We've gotta say the hardest (for us anyway) are those doggone revisions.
      Sally & Jean

    2. That's what so many authors tell me!

  6. Thanks for this lovely giveaway. Congratulations and best wishes. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  7. Sounds terrific! Thankyou for the opportunity! Jill Broussard,

    Just wanted to let you know that it's very difficult to read the purple writing on the beautiful backround.


  8. Great post, sounds like an awesome book. Thanks for sharing :)

  9. Thanks for the chance to win. Congrats on your new release.
    Carol Smith

  10. I love books set in Hawaii. It makes me just want to pack up and go.

  11. This book series is the closest I can get to Hawaii...for now! :D

  12. Looking forward to reading this series.

  13. This looks like a good book and I absolutely love the cover! Who is the designer?

  14. Thanks for the giveaway; I like the excerpt. :)

  15. The excerpts sound great!! Thanks for sharing!!

  16. Do you write every day? Do you have a word goal for each day you write?

    1. We write on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9-2 side by side. Now word goal. :-)

  17. Rainy morning here in Michigan. Hope your day is bright and sunny! Thanks again for a great giveaway

  18. Thanks again for hosting us. We really are grateful.

    Jean & Sally

  19. The book sounds very intriguing, thank you for the reveal!

  20. Who are some of your favorite authors; what strikes you about their work?

  21. When you start a new book, do you have all the characters in place and an ending planned, or does it come to you as you write?

  22. Have a great day and thank you for the great giveaway

  23. Thanks for the giveaway. Have a great day.

  24. Happy Friday and stopping by to say thank you for giving us this opportunity to win

  25. Thanks again for the chance to win and have a great weekend!

  26. Enjoy this beautiful Sunday morning and thank you for the opportunity to win this giveaway.

  27. Thank you for the terrific giveaway. I appreciate the chance at winning.

  28. Good Morning! Enjoy your Tuesday (thought all morning it was Wednesday) and thank you for this opportunity to win

  29. Good morning. Thank you for the terrific giveaway.

  30. Good Afternoon! Stopping by to once again thank you for the great giveaway.

  31. Great excerpt - looks like a fun read.

  32. Thank you for the giveaway and chance to win.

  33. You're awesome and I do appreciate you bringing us this great giveaway. Thanks for all you do!

  34. Happy Friday and thank you once again for a terrific giveaway.

  35. Happy FRIDAY!!! Have a good one and thanks for the chance at winning.

  36. Aloha! Thanks so much for sharing your words with us and Best Of Luck with your book!
