
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Soulless by Jacinta Maree - Virtual Book Tour & Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hello lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host Jacinta Maree and her new book, “Soulless!”  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $50 Amazon or Barnes & Noble Gift Card.  Also, come back daily to interact with Jacinta and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this exciting giveaway!

by Jacinta Maree


GENRE: Dystopian New Adult



Welcome to Soulless.
We are the generation that laughs at death.

Reincarnation; what was once considered a gift of immortality has become an eternity of nightmares.

Nadia Richards lives in a world plagued by reincarnation, a system of recycling souls where all past memories, personalities and traumatic events are relived daily in disjointed sequences. Trapped within their own warped realities, not even the richest and most powerful are saved from their own minds unraveling. Madness is the new human nature, and civilizations are crumpling beneath themselves trying to outrun it.

Within a society that ignores death, Nadia appears to be the one exception to the reincarnation trap. Born without any reincarnated memories and with printless eyes, the hot tempered 19 year old quickly becomes the ultimate prize to all those wishing to end the vicious cycle, or for some, to ensure they could evade death forever.

Readers discretion: Adult language, violence and some adult scenes. For mature audiences only.



The world had turned to waste; immortality was never meant for man and it drove humanity to the edge of destruction. There had been plenty of stories about how the human race would end. Unlike the movies from Hollywood, there was no big bang caused by a sun exploding; there was no catastrophic moment where our world was flipped upside down like in a nuclear war or zombie virus outbreak. It was gradual, like a seeping virus that withered everything within its path until it ground us down into brittle, hollowed out cores. It wasn’t out to destroy our bodies; it destroyed everything we once treasured. Hope, love, compassion, joy… even our mortality. It was all gone. And now it mocked us with a peace we could never achieve: death.

I kept my hand behind me, ensuring Annie was safe before slowly creeping out. The steady thump of the Sweepers had almost gone silent as they walked further away down the block, but it was Annie’s sudden scream that spun me around. A dark shadow stepped up behind us just as a snap of red crossed my vision.
No! Before I had time to jerk my head away, the Sweeper lurched forward and snared me by the shoulder. My body seized underneath its grip as it hoisted me up from the ground.

“Run, Annie! Run!”

Annie squealed and pressed herself up against the building. “Nadia?”

“Just run!” I screamed as the robot reached over and took the shotgun from my hand. It crushed the barrel easily before finding the pistol in my back pocket. It smashed that one, too.

In its inhuman static voice, the machine said, “Corrupted identification code detected. Blacklisted threat. You are under arrest.”

“I’m not one of them!” I screamed as I wrestled in its grip. “Let me go. I’m not one of them!”



Born in Melbourne Australia, Jacinta Maree considers herself a chocoholic with an obsession with dragons, video gaming and Japan. She writes a variety of genres including YA paranormal, steampunk, horror, new adult, dystopian and fantasy. Winner of 2014 Horror of the year and bestselling author, Jacinta writes to bring enjoyment to others while fulfilling her own need to explore the weird and the impossible.







One randomly chosen winner via Rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. I really enjoyed reading the entire post today. This is a new author for so thank you for the reveal!

    1. I am beyond pleased to hear you enjoyed it. Ally really did a great job.

  2. Hey Ally,

    Thank you SO much for being a part of the tour and helping me out with Soulless, I really, really appreciate the time and effort spent into this post.

    :D You have a rocking blog, keep up the fantastic work.

    xoxo Jacinta Maree.

  3. What was your inspiration (or muse) to write this novel?

    1. Thanks for the awesome question, I guess I have a fascination with the afterlife and the idea of a soul. I will admit I am a believer in reincarnation and that we are energy that can return.

      I started exploring the ideas of a human race infected with reincarnation, therefore, immortality. It was fascinating watching just how dark and how quickly the idea of never truly dying can warp the human mind. Also, losing your sense of identity once race and sex was taken off the table. From spending hours and months building this dystopian world eventually created The Immortal Gene.

    2. Thank you for your answer! I am intrigued by the idea of reincarnation. I love to hear other people's views on the subject! :)

  4. The story sounds very intriguing.

  5. I love this cover and I enjoyed reading the excerpt! Sounds like a great book, thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thank you very much, the cover actually won Cover of the Year 2015 with Ausrom and the artist is a Sydney, Australian girl called Thander Lin. She is absolutely amazingly talented.

      And thank you, I really appreciate your compliment. If you do end up giving it a shot, I hope you enjoy the intensity of it. I know I did writing it, haha.

    2. You're welcome! I will leave a review after I read it :)

    3. Omgosh that would be absolutely fantastic! Thank you, reviews are so important! I look forward to it!!

  6. Good luck with the book tour, Jacinta!

    1. Thank you very much Nikolina! :D It's always exciting being a part of these tours.

  7. It sounds very intriguing!


  8. It sounds very intriguing!

