
Monday, June 6, 2016

The Sheik's Desires by Elizabeth Lennox & Leslie North - Book Blast & Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host Leslie North and Elizabeth Lennox and their new book, “The Sheik’s Desires!”  For other stops on their Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above.

The Sheik’s Desires
by Leslie North & Elizabeth Lennox

GENRE: Contemporary Romance



Get four breath-taking sheik romances from two of your favorite authors - all in the same boxset!

The Sheik’s Challenge by Elizabeth Lennox

When she sings, she sounds like a cat in heat…but Ana, a brilliant mathematician, stuns and surprises Najid del Sabur, Sheik of Safir. Her bright eyes defy him and her smiles sooth him, while her body makes him lust for her. But can he catch her? Can he convince her that her past won’t hurt their future?

The Prince’s Challenge by Elizabeth Lennox

She can’t sit still. She’s beaten every nurse and doctor on her floor at cards. And she’s achingly beautiful. But is she friend or foe? Having been caught in the line of fire by a bullet meant for his brother, Prince Jual del Sabur, Minister of Defense for Safir can’t decide if the lovely Sonya was part of the assassination attempt or innocent and just caught by bad timing. All he knows is that he is definitely caught by her startling eyes and her soft sighs as he explores that question.

The Sheikh's Untraditional Lover by Leslie North

Ultra-traditional and devastatingly handsome Prince Zafar Tadros thinks a business/sports complex is not what is needed for his country—but he believes in helping his family. With the region increasingly doing more business with Western companies, his father Sheikh Ahmadi has ordered this new business/sports complex to be a mix between West and East cultures.

Zafar has decided he will work to integrate as much traditional elements as possible, but Belle Mooney, an innovative American architect has taken her direction from Zafar's father and is going for innovations. The two clash over designs—and only one can win.

The Sheikh's Stubborn Partner by Leslie North

With the deadline fast approaching, playboy Prince Adyan Tadros must supervise the only construction company that will take on the job of building the business/sports center in less than six months. The meticulous Edna Abbey has taken over her father's construction company while he recovers from a stroke, and the last thing she wants to do is rush the project. But with attraction between her and the Prince growing everyday, she may be glad for the distraction...



EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT FROM: The Sheik's Untraditional Lover by Leslie North

Belle Reynolds could feel her cheeks warming. How did she get herself into these things?

It was obvious that Sheik Zafar hadn’t been told that she was to be the lead architect. It was equally obvious Zafar wasn’t happy about it, but his dad seemed more than pleased.

Sheik Ahmadi looked a lot like his son—both tall men, lean and handsome. Zafar was a touch taller than his father with dark hair that curled slightly on the ends and golden eyes that reminded her of a lion. A little too much like a lion since he left her feeling like a fat zebra he was watching with a mixture of animosity and calculation. He was watching her with a mixture of animosity and calculation. Well, if he thought she could be intimidated, he was wrong. She wasn’t going to be a zebra, she’d turn herself into one of those ugly wildebeests who could best a lion. She had to stifle a snort at the idea.

Zafar shot her a narrow-eyed glance, as if he disapproved of levity, but he turned to the sheik. “Father, it is good to see you so early in the day. You don’t often take breakfast.”

“We don’t often have such a charming guest in residence.” The sheik seated himself. Zafar filled a glass with coffee from a carafe, and Belle sat down again, too. She was still trying to figure out the dynamic here.

Zafar Tadros was one of the most gorgeous men she’d ever met. He had a classic profile—straight nose, strong jaw and high cheekbones. Hollywood would love him and those dark, brooding good looks. One glance at him and her heart had started pounding like she was a high school girl gazing at her first crush. She’d told herself to get it together, get over it and get to work. Work was what mattered—she had a chance to prove herself here and she wasn’t going to blow it.

She took a short breath now, smiled, and ate another date even thought she didn’t really like them—too sweet and sticky. She also gave Sheik Ahmadi a long, assessing glance—he was going to be her supporter, even if Zafar looked like he wanted to pack her bags and ship her home on the next flight out. “I’m ready to get to work right after breakfast,” she offered, hoping that would get her mind back where it was supposed to be. On work. Not on Zafar and the muscles she could see under that tight T-shirt of his.

Sheik Ahmadi rubbed his hands together. “Excellent. We should talk about some preliminary ideas and schedules. I think a week is good for you two to come up with initial sketches. Old and new. That is what I want to see. We want a complex that is so compelling even movie firms want to film there—it must become an icon of all that is good in Scaran. Our traditions and our future!”

Belle watched Zafar’s face go from suppressed anger to calculating. When she met his gaze again, she saw a look in his eyes that sent a shiver down her spine. He was plotting something—and he’d just dismissed her as any kind of problem.

Well, this problem would not be easy to solve.



Leslie North

Read FIVE full-length, highly rated Leslie North novellas for FREE! Sign up for free books here:

Leslie North is the pen name for a critically-acclaimed author of women's contemporary romance and fiction. The anonymity gives her the perfect opportunity to paint with her full artistic palette, especially in the romance and erotic fantasy genres.

The truth of the matter is she loves her fictional persona, Leslie North, more than her normal, day-to-day persona! Her bestselling books focus on strong characters and particularly women who aren't afraid to challenge an alpha male. Inspired after years of travel, her stories are set all over the world, from the tough streets of Russia to the beautiful beaches of the middle east.

Leslie fell in love with romance when she first picked up a scrappy, dog-eared romance book from her local library. She began writing soon after and the rest, as they say, was history. She now lives in a cozy cottage on the British coast and enjoys taking long walks with her two Dalmatians, George and Fergie.

She LOVES reader feedback, and if you have any comments, don't hesitate to contact her via e-mail:

I'm Social Too:
Twitter: @leslienorthbook

Elizabeth Lennox

USA Today (c) bestselling author Elizabeth Lennox writes contemporary romance novels featuring sheiks, business tycoons, royalty, and other sexy rich men. Her male lead characters are smart, driven and determined, but can still be sensitive and vulnerable. Elizabeth's female lead characters come from a variety of backgrounds. They are strong, intelligent and independent, while still feminine and caring.

Although Elizabeth wanted to be a romance novelist since the eighth grade, that dream only became a (paid) reality for her in 2009 and a full time job in 2012. Along the way, she received a BS in History and held different jobs in the real estate, government consulting, and financial industries. All during that time, though, she was always writing, using her personal experiences, dreams, and travels throughout the United States, Europe and the Caribbean as backdrops for her stories. To date, she has written over 80 books and sold over 1.7 million copies. Her free novellas have been downloaded over 2.9 million times since 2013.

Elizabeth lives in Virginia with her husband and two children. Their home is just outside of Washington, D.C., and many of her novels are set in this area.





The authors will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The sponsor is solely responsible for the contest prize.


  1. Sunday blessings to all and thanks so much for the opportunity to win

  2. looks like a great read to add to my collection!

    1. Hi Brenda! I hope you like these short stories. Leslie and I loved writing them - always a good time with my yummy men!

  3. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win, I appreciate it
