
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Plant a FREE Tree with Paul Mitchell #GreenTakeover

Green never goes out of style!!

Want to help make a huge difference?

Want to plant a tree without having to do the physical labor of actually planting that tree?

Paul Mitchell is on a mission to plant 500,000 trees by the end of 2016!  They have teamed up with Reforest Action and need your help!  Paul Mitchell is offering everyone a chance to plant a FREE tree to help them reach this goal!  All you have to do is go HERE, choose a country, and click select to plant the tree.  Then you must validate your entry either via Facebook or by creating a FREE account.  Basically it just wants to make sure you are a new user that hasn’t already planted a tree.  There are no fees or charges to participate.  All that is asked is to create a user name and provide your email address.  There are two options at the bottom to select to receive updates from Reforest Action and/or Paul Mitchell.  Neither is required or necessary to plant the FREE tree.  A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provide, but nothing needs to be clicked on to validate plant.

Right now 113,000 trees have been planted in the United States and 23,000 trees have been planted in Guatemala – both countries have reached their goal and are now closed.  But your help is still needed!  Haiti and Peru have not reached their goal.

Here's how your participation makes a difference:

• Rainforest conservation
• Better health and nutrition
• Soil protection
• 0.3 tons of CO2 sequestered over 30 years per tree
• Additional revenues from year 7 of approximately $3,000/ha. In year 15, revenues will be approximately $7,000/ha and will be more than $15,000/ha 5 years later

Currently Paul Mitchell has planted 340,995 trees.  Please help them reach their 500,000 tree goal!

Click below to plant your FREE tree:

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